what happened to the jesus is a terrorist thread?


merely a shadow...
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what happened to the jesus is a terrorist thread on the christian forum. i am sorry if this was posted somewhere and overlooked it. i just don't see it anywhere. hope to hear from ya'll soon! thanks.
A spade has condemned the wheat with the tare? The reaper has come? A moment of silence for the fallen thread...

... anyone care to speak an eulogy for the slain thread? ... and Silas?
It sounded like somebody called him a terrorist and that was the last anyone ever heard from him. He might be in Cuba.
It was removed because the Code of Conduct is pretty cut and dry, on condemning any particular faith or religion.

And attacks and/or insults on other members' beliefs or faith is prohibited.


A person does not condemn faith or religion with any combination of words... faith and religion are condemned when words from a person will not be heard.

Word for word, eye for eye... but instead eyes have been blinded from a word and from the person who made them.

The thread that was condemned (deleted) was on topic in the Christian forum. Anyone who gets offended and filters to hear only nice words has deluded and blinded themselves. If this website is to have people produce only words in a forum that are nice words for that religion, then call it Q's Christianity or the Coc's Christianity... because I submit that it is not Christ's.
A person does not condemn faith or religion with any combination of words... faith and religion are condemned when words from a person will not be heard.

Word for word, eye for eye... but instead eyes have been blinded from a word and from the person who made them.

The thread that was condemned (deleted) was on topic in the Christian forum. Anyone who gets offended and filters to hear only nice words has deluded and blinded themselves. If this website is to have people produce only words in a forum of that are nice words for that religion, then call it Q's Christianity or the Coc's Christianity... because it is not Christ's.

No, it's called violation of the Code of Conduct...and I didn't invent the rules.

The topic was out of bounds. It went after the fundemental figure that represents the very core of that particular faith. Were it an attack on Muhhamad in Islam, the same thing would have happened.


Neither is it Islam to censor... but to respond with clean argument. Carry whatever CoC you want, I am simply pointing out its opposition with religion.
Why, was Shadow rioting over cartoons? Were even .0001% of the followers of Islam there? Are you using that for justification?

Just remember that Shadow was the person who you personally called a 'jerk' and an 'ass' in the forums. I did not see him doing that. I did not condone his words anymore than I condoned yours. I see a lesson in double standards to learn from.
Why, was Shadow rioting over cartoons? Were even .0001% of the followers of Islam there? Are you using that for justification?

Just remember that Shadow was the person who you personally called a 'jerk' and an 'ass' in the forums. I did not see him doing that. I did not condone his words anymore than I condoned yours. I see a lesson in double standards to learn from.

Shadow wasn't (nice try). He was, a jerk and an ass. But then, you don't have to "keep the peace", do you...how incongruent.

This place isn't your personal play ground Cyberpi. (isn't mine either). Isn't shadow's either. And I don't worry about whether you condone my words.

Follow the rules or don't (there are rewards and consequences to every action). But what you don't do is challenge the Code of Conduct.

You can try...but I'd advise against it...then again I'm not you...



All things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them.
Backwards: Try to keep your own counsel... then you might see the light.

My my, we play with stakes we don't have...

personally, whatever. Since this thread has degraded to a less than civil dialogue, I think it might be best to be removed...

I'll ask those that are part of the moderating counsel if they agree. They might say yes, or they might say no. In any event, it isn't your say...

However, your attitude is at such a point that I do have a say...

Thread is closed.


Sorry about that - there were concerns raised both about the title, the motivations of the poster, and the potential for offence for Christians on the Christianity section.

For that reason the moderators decided to play safe and remove the thread, and my apologies for not being here to help guide the situation.

However, the thread has been returned and this thread unlocked, and I'm going to have a general word with the other mods about such issues so we can try to prevent such issues happening in future.
What, are we going to talk about the "jesus/terrorist" thread being closed or are we resurrecting the original thread?

Anyone for equine sandwiches?