Let's talk about Indigo Children

Hey, maybe if you had a different opinion I would pay you too.

Are you sure you "represent" that remark. You are calling yourself old!
Hey, maybe if you had a different opinion I would pay you too.

I could send you the scale list of my charges, ranging from Mild Interest ($1) through to Life Changing Wonderment ($750).

Are you sure you "represent" that remark. You are calling yourself old!

dang! you noticed!
Sorrym, other people are posting now. I don't need you Life Changing Wonderment...

I am a teacher... nothing gets past me except my own incorrect grammar
I only talk to people who think the same as me, talk the same as me, believe the same as me, listen to me, let me boss them around and generally not challenge me in any manner. So you'rrrrreeee oouutttaaaa theeeerrreeee!
I only talk to people who think the same as me, talk the same as me, believe the same as me, listen to me, let me boss them around and generally not challenge me in any manner. So you'rrrrreeee oouutttaaaa theeeerrreeee!

Thanks, but I'm already aware of the standard psychological profile of a teacher.;)

Now now.

I would just like to state for the record that I did not recieve a Pre-Menstrual from Miss Amy.

By the way, Miss Amy, PM stands for Pre-Menstrual.

:p ;)
Now there's a topic too scary for men to seriously contemplate, Miss Amy.
{Oh, btw, I've heard rumors that Indigos are like they are permanently suffering from PMS...} ;)
Well, I guess that would be the perception since they are apparently more emotional and we all know that in the male opinion that instantly means PMS;)
I have a question. What happens to these Indigo children when they grow up? Are their special abilities lost or denegrated in any way?
I don't know I am not really, really familiar with the outcomes.

I guess, like with anyone, it depends on a variety of factors... not just this alone.

Example, if a highly emotional Indigo child were to grow up in an environment where they were not valued they would be just as screwed up as anyone.

That's what I was talking about originally. It is becasue we as a society may not know how to deal with these children they are getting more damaged and hurt and acting out accordingly.

If they are in an environment where they have been nurtured to thrive than likely they end up being productive happy people.

That is if you believe in this. They are still children who need to be taught and nurtured....

Does that make any sense? It is the age old Nature vs. Nurture story I guess
Hmmmm...sorry Snoop...I know New Age and all that hype, but I believe that they (we) began showing up during WWII. In fact this is why, IMHO, both World Wars were fought. Traditionalists don't like or tolerate any of it very well, even Christians. But I believe it's a fact of our lives.

I'm an old fart like you and I've done lots of research on this phenomenon. It's something that crosses all racial and geographical boundaries and it is growing. IMHO Indigos are the third variety of human beings predicted 2,000 years ago by a certain seer in Galilee. It can't be stopped, other than through destruction of the planet, and it seems that some humans are dedicated to doing just that. Other than that, it's an inconsequential blip on the screen depicting human life so you might as well conveniently ignore it all.

HINT...the story I'm presenting on the fictionalize yourself thread in the Lounge is about this stuff.

cheers...flow.... *chuff, chuff...scratches himself under his arm and looks about for a chicken to eat*.... ;)
well Flow, I don't know much re the "Indigo thing" other than something re more psychically or spiritually aware kids coming into the world as a boon to human kind. Obviously little that passes for research re this assumption given it's only in recent years that anybody has been publishing re psychic abilities in kids and no mainstream researchers-or they wouldn't be mainstream.;) Obviously I believe that young children in general are better equipped by nature to see and reveal many things we oldsters literally don't see. What wonders might a toddler reveal if we truly could understand toddler-ease? Now as to whether there is a spike in # of kids coming into the world with sharp psychic senses? How could anyone know that? Maybe some intrepid researcher will someday find a way to identify reliably psychic abilities in the young and then baseline it for longitudinal study. But as someone who's also had to spend many years professionally attempting to help parents civilize their kids, I don't care what color their auras are, it's not a get-out-of-social-responsibility card.:D earl
Hi Earl...I totally agree with you on the responsibility thing, but the prevalence of abuse of children and the sharp rise in the prescribing of anti-psychotic and anti-depression drugs for teens and younger these recent years must mean that something rather large of this sort is going on. Any Meta studies going on that you are aware of ?

Oh...and add to that the growing trends of youngsters to alter their brains through the taking of mind altering substances over the past 40 years ( I'll include myself in that one). Is it self-medication do you think... to cope with environmental stresses, or just the never ending quest of humans to seek better living through creative chemistry ? I'm not trying to be facetious here, but as a professional in the trenches, you must have an idea or two on the general picture.

I think that it is a little bit of everything. I worked in an inner city school for five years and I saw a lot of children, already very damaged at the age of four or five. And to get attention, deal with problems, express themselves they were "labelled" and put on a variety of drugs. and that is where the interventions stopped. The families did not get involved past medicating, not much changed for these children and they were continually passed along through the grades.

The thing that I have also found is that in all families with all educational backgrounds not a lot of people are "teaching" their kids anymore. They are allowing them to do whatever they want, sticking them in front of videos, and games and movies and feeding them horrible food. I think that this stimulation is setting them up for expecting life to be that exciting.

What profession are you in Earl?
Well my ha'penny bit worth goes something like this:

There have always been gifted children and as long as we have them there always will be. These kids should continue to recieve mainstream education and encouragement to socialise with kids their own age and not be closeted away or 'hothoused' in one direction.

The other type you refer to I would suggest a subheading for...say....Indigo Brat? These kids that so often end up on dubious medications, achieve little at school and socialy are a sad reflection of our times. They are the product of tv saturation, fast food and parents (a) to tired to love because they are too busy working to buy the next peice of crap that must have. (b) are divorced, overworked and overstressed by the extra costs involved in that situation.

I said 'sad reflection of our times' not because I think kids that behave badly are anything new but because we have so many disfunctional kids today. These kids are usually pretty bright and know exactly how far they can push, and know they can push without consequences. And they dont know what to push for because there are few real role models for kids today. Society idolises celebrity and wealth and these 2 seldom make a recipe for a good role model. Without decent real life role models kids grow undirected and ultimately insecure.

So I think even the term Indigo Child to be a crass perversion of something that is wrong in society into something 'special'. It is a New Age idea, and one that is dangerous to children as those that 'believe' in them try to seek what they believe in, and failing to find it they try to create them. Its really rather sick.
