What Bible versions have you read from?

You know something?

This thread has been irritating me for awhile now and Ive decided to post why.

How presumptious.. It stinks of arrogance and "Im a better Christian than you are because Ive read more versions etc... "


Give me a break.

Reminds me of Jesus scolding the pharisees and sadducees for their hypocrisy.

I thought maybe I was reading something into it but Im pretty sure it was started with the bad intentions whether realized or not..

Up to now, I haven't even thought this as an issue. In fact, prior to your post, there hasn't even been a hint of what you are suggesting in all the responses so far. Nobody is trying to ante up here. So who is being presumptious here?

So far the only negative post I see is yours, FS. Show me where anyone here is implying scriptural superiority. I see none, yet you come barging in here with unfounded accusations. It is your perspective that is making it an issue.

By the way, what version do you read, FS?
My post was directed towards a select few.

I love my NKJV If you havent noticed thats also the version I post all my scriptures from..

My issue is that the Spirit can speak through anything from the NLT to the Latin vulgate.. it doesnt matter what you read the Lord just wants you to read it.. Psalm 119 is an awesome Psalm about this very subject. I didnt want young people in Christ reading this and thinking they are less of a Christian because they havent graduated past the Living translation.. thats why it bothered me.

Someone can read every version available and if they dont have the Spirit of God translating it..they might as well be reading a World History text book for as much bread of life it will impart.
My post was directed towards a select few.

I love my NKJV If you havent noticed thats also the version I post all my scriptures from..

My issue is that the Spirit can speak through anything from the NLT to the Latin vulgate.. it doesnt matter what you read the Lord just wants you to read it.. Psalm 119 is an awesome Psalm about this very subject. I didnt want young people in Christ reading this and thinking they are less of a Christian because they havent graduated past the Living translation.. thats why it bothered me.

Someone can read every version available and if they dont have the Spirit of God translating it..they might as well be reading a World History text book for as much bread of life it will impart.

Which select few?

No one is suggesting that the Spirit cannot speak through certain versions. I learned quite a lot with my Children's Living Bible growing up, my first bible, you know the one with a picture of Jesus surrounding by children and baby lambs on the cover.

I don't know where you are getting the idea that young impressionable minds are going to be diverted from the Word of God simply by reading some post in a comparative religion forum. Frankly, there are more dire places on the Internet that we ought to be concerned that prying minds would stray to. Besides, I don't think there are too many youngsters that interested in some of the deep dialog here. My kids, for example, make it a point to type in the Disney and Nicklodeon addresses whenever they log online. Topics such as "Refutation of the Pauline Conspiracy" and "lectro divina and biblical interpretation" don't have much appeal to them.

As to not understanding the Word of God because some do not have the Spirit of God (I assuming you are appealing to I Corinthians 2:10-16), all I can say is that the scriptures are repleat with promises to those who read the Word of God:

"So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ." - Romans 10:17

“I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life." - John 5:24
I agree but one can google. "Is Jesus God?" searching for truth. Dont discount the powerful ministry that is this very forum. I did and I now no longer do..

We also know that satan reads the scriptures and twists them around trying to condemn us and he once tried to condemn Jesus Christ.

You are trying to rebuke me and Im not to be rebuked on this. The Lord has not rebuked me after prayer so you and I are just going to have to disagree.
I agree but one can google. "Is Jesus God?" searching for truth. Dont discount the powerful ministry that is this very forum. I did and I now no longer do..

We also know that satan reads the scriptures and twists them around trying to condemn us and he once tried to condemn Jesus Christ.

You are trying to rebuke me and Im not to be rebuked on this. The Lord has not rebuked me after prayer so you and I are just going to have to disagree.


I am not rebuking you, FS. Just stating my opinion concerning your accusation about the intent of this thread. So far, you are offering me nothing much in return to validate it. Why are you getting into such a complex mode? You are the one who started it and now you think I'm rebuking you? Then you resort to confirmation in prayer that the Lord is not rebuking you for it. All very well, for you. But it also has the connotation that the Lord is instead rebuking me for trying to rebuke you. But I prayed also, and I don't feel rebuked any from the Lord. Which one of us is right?

BTW, I googled "Is Jesus God?" and the first website I got was this:

"Is Jesus God?"

Seems to pretty much scripturally support the idea that Jesus is God to me.

There is a word that describes a method in seeking the truth. It's called discernment.

I am not rebuking you, FS. Just stating my opinion concerning your accusation about the intent of this thread. So far, you are offering me nothing much in return to validate it. Why are you getting into such a complex mode? You are the one who started it and now you think I'm rebuking you? Then you resort to confirmation in prayer that the Lord is not rebuking you for it. All very well, for you. But it also has the connotation that the Lord is instead rebuking me for trying to rebuke you. But I prayed also, and I don't feel rebuked any from the Lord. Which one of us is right?

BTW, I googled "Is Jesus God?" and the first website I got was this:

"Is Jesus God?"

Seems to pretty much scripturally support the idea that Jesus is God to me.

There is a word that describes a method in seeking the truth. It's called discernment.

lol ;)

Do you not realize how huge this forum is and how far-reaching? Do you know how I found this forum? By searching for the apocrypha.. if someone searching for truth and finds this forum its because God led them here and I want to make sure I do my job and make sure they get a Christian and biblical view on which version should you read because THAT truth will bear witness with them.


btw thanks for helping me with this because my initial post was sorely lacking...

Glory to God in the highest.
I agree but one can google. "Is Jesus God?" searching for truth. Dont discount the powerful ministry that is this very forum. I did and I now no longer do..

What a compliment! I think (if you don't mind), I'll have I, Brian read what you said FS.

Every body needs to be stroked once in awhile. This would be a good one.



Be my guest but I suspect Brian knows ;)

I want to thank you for a compliment you gave me.. took me awhile to figure it out but I got it
if someone searching for truth and finds this forum its because God led them here and I want to make sure I do my job and make sure they get a Christian and biblical view on which version should you read because THAT truth will bear witness with them.

btw thanks for helping me with this because my initial post was sorely lacking...
Well now I can agree and it seems that your first statement here was exactly what this thread was about...until we got sidetracked today...
You know something?

This thread has been irritating me for awhile now and Ive decided to post why.

How presumptious.. It stinks of arrogance and "Im a better Christian than you are because Ive read more versions etc... "


Give me a break.

Reminds me of Jesus scolding the pharisees and sadducees for their hypocrisy.

I thought maybe I was reading something into it but Im pretty sure it was started with the bad intentions whether realized or not..

How about this? I've lived only one life, and so far, God hasn't said that I screwed up, too bad...:eek:

The question was what have you read from, not what is better...let's stay on track here eh, all?


i cant remember if i have already posted on this thread , but the bible that i find is really good THE NEW WORLD TRANSLATION and its on line as well , which makes it nice and easy .
Bible Online
I happen to agree to an extent with the Holy Spirit present you can get everything you need from most any decent translation.

Without the Holy Spirit present it does not matter how many 1 or 2000 different translations you use in fact without the Spirit there are plenty of translations that are quite worthless cause they deny Christ divinity.
Its prophecies arouse bright hope for the future. so all bibles are good to read. and the theme of all bibles is this ,
And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite; Daniel 2;44 from Genesis to revelation this is what it is all about . and bible prophecy is now well along in this time of the end . thrilling times to be reading the bible.
And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant."
The closer the Bible is examined, the more astonishing is its remarkable accuracy.
Im sorry mee I need to ask this..

if this is so then why did the NWT change so much of it?
getting back to the original word of God ,is what all translators of truth are after , with no traditions of man to cloud the thought. and no taking away of the most highs name . but i think you already know the answer to that ;) for me i like the NWT the best . but everyone to their own.
Bible Online
I am currently -listening- to;

The Bible - Old Testament (audio book)
The Bible - New Testament (audio book)

But I have no idea who is reading it or what version it is lol.

The only Bible (physical book) I have read is the JW version. OH! Apart from when I was like a kid in nursery school I read a really cool version with many excellent pictures :D

When a new Bible translation is published in English many people wonder why, because a great many English versions already exist.

Some may even argue that the King James Version gives us the Bible in English; so why produce new translations?

The principal reason is to give the public a translation of God’s Word that accurately expresses the fine shades of meaning contained in the Hebrew and Greek of Bible manuscripts and that at the same time is understandable to the average person living today.

The King James Version itself was actually a new translation in its day, really a revision of previous English versions. It met the need for a clearer translation of God’s Word then, and now new versions again meet our need for an easily understood version