Jesus Christ has completed the work for us.

1 timothy 2: 3-4 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

no.. its your choice.

Luke 9:23 Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.
I dont buy that. ITs his game and his rules remember? people are and will go to hell and thats part of his gameplan. he is omnipotent right? meaning he could make a different gameplan or let people out of hell if they realize they made a mistake. he could but he doesnt. so he must be fine with people in hell.
he made us. we wouldnt be here if it were not for him, and our default position thanks to him, the creator, the alpha and omega, is hell....

sounds like someone needs to turn in their "creator licence"

he even lets the devil try and tempt people into rejecting him. and he is totally fine with this. or powerless to change it...

all of this

I dont buy it. ITs his game and his rules remember? people are and will go to hell and thats part of his gameplan. he is omnipotent right? meaning he could make a different gameplan or let people out of hell if they realize they made a mistake. he could but he doesnt. so he must be fine with people in hell.

Naw, just wants to keep 'em from going there...
I dont buy that. ITs his game and his rules remember? people are and will go to hell and thats part of his gameplan. he is omnipotent right? meaning he could make a different gameplan or let people out of hell if they realize they made a mistake. he could but he doesnt. so he must be fine with people in hell.

The "game" is called eternal life. And if one doesn't play by the rules (according to Christianity), then one can't be part of the game. Pretty simple. You want to be part of it, then there are rules to follow, or you can't play.

Again, the choice is left to us.

edit: What is hell? I think hell would be anywhere other than with God. So if rules are to be followed in order to be with God and one refuses to follow the rules, they can't be with God; then they choose hell over God.