Jesus Christ has completed the work for us.

Fine. Good point. Point made. Your non-rerailment is appreciated.

... I encounter people that have never had a personal intro to Jesus, but they are so ready with society inflicted, prefab opinions that they never make the effort to get to know him. Quietly praying for someone is the thing to do, but the introduction is not a one-time event.
What are difficult things that you encounter when trying to tell people they don’t have to struggle?
And what's your solution?

They don't believe you, because they are looking at their life at the moment, and it isn't going easy. The other objection is they think they deserve what they are suffering (in a self pity sort of way). Finally, they are very angry.
Don't you deal with math? It is an undefined variable.

What's it got to do with maths? Is Christ undefined? Is Christ a variable? (assuming we know X = Christ)

It seems the insult may not be in assigning the value "Christ" to X but the other way round. We assign the properties of X to Christ making Christ unknown and variable. We can then form Christ into whatever we like.

We can even sell Christ to people as a Christmas present. Merry Christmas. What did you get? Unwrap the present. Open the box and Christ is inside. And it cost only $5, sold at the $5 shop. Everyone is going to that shop to buy Christ and get their fill of Christ. Christ has never been such a hit before. What did they do this year to make him so popular? I never knew there was such a big market for Christ. Christ is also getting cheaper and cheaper every day. One day he may even be free.

Btw, has anyone tasted a Christoburger before? (Or should I say, Xoburger?) It tastes better than anything from McDonalds.
What's it got to do with maths? Is Christ undefined? Is Christ a variable? (assuming we know X = Christ)

It seems the insult may not be in assigning the value "Christ" to X but the other way round. We assign the properties of X to Christ making Christ unknown and variable. We can then form Christ into whatever we like.

We can even sell Christ to people as a Christmas present. Merry Christmas. What did you get? Unwrap the present. Open the box and Christ is inside. And it cost only $5, sold at the $5 shop. Everyone is going to that shop to buy Christ and get their fill of Christ. Christ has never been such a hit before. What did they do this year to make him so popular? I never knew there was such a big market for Christ. Christ is also getting cheaper and cheaper every day. One day he may even be free.

Btw, has anyone tasted a Christoburger before? (Or should I say, Xoburger?) It tastes better than anything from McDonalds.

Ironic that you would consider "smacking" someone upside the head, after they that is not like you at all. :eek:
What are difficult things that you encounter when trying to tell people they don’t have to struggle? And what's your solution?
What do you mean by struggle... can you provide some examples? What is it that people do that you don't think they have to do? What is, "the work"? Do you think everyone should stop working?
What do you mean by struggle... can you provide some examples? What is it that people do that you don't think they have to do? What is, "the work"? Do you think everyone should stop working?
I may be wrong (I doubt it), but I believe pattimax means the struggle inside. The worry, the heartache, the frustration and the feeling alone against life. I also think you are quite aware of what Pattimax meant...

Christ stated give Him our burdens, and the ones He gave us would be light.
I think that is the same thing. (i just don't express it as well):eek:

I re-read your reply and think you are right! Usually we do have to get to the very end of our rope, one way or another, to finally depend on God. Those of us who have not hit that place have a bigger struggle, I think, because the illusion that we are doing fine on our own is pretty convincing. :)
I re-read your reply and think you are right! Usually we do have to get to the very end of our rope, one way or another, to finally depend on God. Those of us who have not hit that place have a bigger struggle, I think, because the illusion that we are doing fine on our own is pretty convincing. :)

Yeah, kinda like a child with a broken toy. Take to dad and ask "Fix it?" Dad says, "Ok". Normally dad would fix the toy completely, but the child get's impatient at takes the half fixed toy back, then wonders why it doesn't work the way it is supposed to, so goes back to dad and says, "fix it".

Can't keep pulling our lives out of God's hands, after He begins to "fix" it. Gotta leave the "broken toy" with Him until it is completely "fixed". :eek:
I may be wrong (I doubt it), but I believe pattimax means the struggle inside. The worry, the heartache, the frustration and the feeling alone against life. I also think you are quite aware of what Pattimax meant...

Christ stated give Him our burdens, and the ones He gave us would be light.
The title says what the title says: Work completed for us. I read it as raising the heel to the servant... a bit of the 'he died so our sins are covered'. Maybe some hidden anti-'Jihad' spirit there. I frankly don't know.
Ironic that you would consider "smacking" someone upside the head, after they that is not like you at all. :eek:

Smacking? Capitulation?

That was supposed to be me poking and prodding the topic with a sense of humour. I wasn't at war with anyone.

I am generally impersonal in my posts. I comment on what I read. They're not directed at anyone in particular, even if I quote them. Even if I reply to those quotes. I say what I think. That's as far as I go.

If smacking was part of my thinking, I was subtly unaware of it. If someone was perceived as being a victim, I was unaware of that too. There may be some things that happen in my mind that escape the notice of my mind. In this case I don't recall expressing a smacking mentality, nor do I recall a smacking attitude or intention to smack.

Since the topic was X being a variable, I saw that as an invitation to . . . have a bit of a laugh . . . (not at a person, just the topic that arose)

X was seen as offensive to Christians. Not disputing that. It somehow became a topic of discussion. I'm not a serious person all the time, and this is one of those times when I am not mindful of the topic of a thread.

I'm not sure how my post was interpreted. Hopefully the hint was taken that I was just playing.
(Sure, I want everyone to quit everything...:p )
Well, I would say that people necessarily struggles with all of their heart, all of their mind, and all of their soul. The issue is who or what a person struggles for.
Saltmeister--I understood the humor in your post. Gave me a smile. But then again, maybe you shouldn't take that as a good, I have a pretty strange sense of humor sometimes. :eek: :D

Well, I would say that people necessarily struggles with all of their heart, all of their mind, and all of their soul. The issue is who or what a person struggles for.

I don't think I used the right word, but when it comes to following Christ, you don't need to struggle. When he said on the cross, "It is finished," that is what he meant.
if its finished what are humans on earth doing. I mean, why does it matter what we do at all? this life is pointless, death is not even a real thing since we are all immortal.

how do you guys know what god wants and what you are doing with him and this and that. How do you know you arent just talking to yourselves and putting too much thought into mere coincidences?
What was finished is the condemnation for being created with a sin nature and the rationale that we can somehow do something to be worthy without his Son, Jesus Christ. That is THE only way you will become immortal.:)