Gospel inconsistencies

Ah Thomas, you've piqued my interest with the idea that the hypothetical Q material is pre-matthean. Hmmm...I'm going to have to think about that.
I agree. I don't think that the message is damaged in the process of textual analysis. I do think that a lot of detail and color emerges when careful textual and historical analysis are combined. For example, one can see the evolution of the sociological effects of the destruction of the temple in 70 CE on the emerging Christian sect by comparing the Gospel texts.

A story told my my father, the same story told by me, and again told by my son...will they be the same? I doubt it. Similar, but not exact. Will they carry the same message? To varying degrees, I think so. But the perspective will be different based on what is considered important to each of the story tellers.

In that light, I agree with you.


Hey Joshua, do you remember the Led Zeppelin In Through the Out Door album art? There were four different covers with four different perspectives on a brown and white photographed scene.

Hey Joshua, do you remember the Led Zeppelin In Through the Out Door album art? There were four different covers with four different perspectives on a brown and white photographed scene.


Hmmm, I do recall...1974 wasn't it? About the same time Alice Cooper published his "Welcome to my nightmare" album?

Nope, my bad, it was 1978. I Was thinking of Houses of the Holy or Physical Graffiti.

Oh, six covers

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Did that have Only Women Bleed or was that on Billion Dollar Babies?

Only women Bleed, Cold cold Ethel, Welcome to my nightmare (with Vincent Price), Black Widow, Escape, the Awakening...interesting songs...for a "minister's" son...
Vince Furnier, AKA Alice Cooper- preacher's son! Have you seen him lately? He's old as the hills and plays golf!
Vince Furnier, AKA Alice Cooper- preacher's son! Have you seen him lately? He's old as the hills and plays golf!

Yeah, his "partner" in golf is James Osterberg (aka "Iggy Pop"), who owns the golf course in South Carolina...:eek: :D
This one might be considered out of Gospel....how do we reconcile whether Judas hanged himself or his guts spilled out on the land he bought? Gospels vs. Acts.
There is a line of thought that suggests Judas had a little help hanging himself. ;)

His guts were spilled just to make sure the job was completed.
Yeah, his "partner" in golf is James Osterberg (aka "Iggy Pop"), who owns the golf course in South Carolina...:eek: :D

That makes sense since both of those characters are like specters. They both should have died young and left a legend, but here they are getting all stringy haired and old, and playing golf! That's sweet!
There is a line of thought that suggests Judas had a little help hanging himself. ;)

His guts were spilled just to make sure the job was completed.

OK, but did Judas throw the money down in front of the Sanhedrin, or did he buy a piece of land? How many demoniacs were healed? How come there are different geneologies for Jesus? Was Jesus born during the reign of Tiberius or Herod? When exactly did that census take place, anyway? Questions...

OK, but did Judas throw the money down in front of the Sanhedrin, or did he buy a piece of land? How many demoniacs were healed? How come there are different geneologies for Jesus? Was Jesus born during the reign of Tiberius or Herod? When exactly did that census take place, anyway? Questions...


Old Testament (Zechariah 11:13) says:
And the Lord said to me, "Throw it to the potter"--the handsome price at which they priced me! So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the Lord to the potter.

New Testament (Matthew 27:5-7) says:
So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself. The chief priests picked up the coins and said, "It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money." So they decided to use the money to buy the potter's field as a burial place for foreigners.

Two different parents, two different genealogies. They diverge at David forward. Can't have two genealogies for Joseph and none for Mary...

There were also two trains of thought concerning genealogy at the time of Jesus. One followed the male of the offspring, while the other traced lineage back through the female of the off spring.

Jesus was born during the reign of Herod. He began His ministry during the reign of Tiberius (Herod was long dead).

The census would have taken place in the fall of 6 BCE. Herod died two and 1/3rd years later. That's when the butchering of baby boys ceased, as well, and when Joseph brought his family back.

How many demoniacs were healed will not be known in our life time. For certain there were those healed that were never recorded. The ones that were recorded, were for the purpose of teaching us lessons about God.


Kindest Regards, Sunny!

Have we met? Welcome to CR!
OK, but did Judas throw the money down in front of the Sanhedrin, or did he buy a piece of land? How many demoniacs were healed? How come there are different geneologies for Jesus? Was Jesus born during the reign of Tiberius or Herod? When exactly did that census take place, anyway? Questions...
I didn't say I had answers to everything.

How come there are different geneologies for Jesus?
Been awhile since I looked...between Matthew and Luke the geneologies of both Mary and Joseph are traced. In other words, one is the maternal line, one is the paternal line. It is suggested that this is to establish continuity with the house of Levi (through Mary) and the house of Judah (through Joseph), ostensibly to bind the priesthood with the throne.

Was Jesus born during the reign of Tiberius or Herod?
I hesitate, but Herod was a puppet governor. While Tiberius was a Roman Emperor, I don't recall off hand if he was Emperor at the time of Jesus' birth.

Believe me, I've got plenty of my own questions.
Believe me, I've got plenty of my own questions.
Well...? What kind of questions? I certainly don't have the answers but we could explore together if you want. In fact, what I'm most convinced of is that I don't have the answers. But beyond settling the issue, which we won't anyway, it's interesting how different kinds of believers respond. I've always been interested more in people than obtuse rhetorical manuevering anyway.

It's hard to see how one of the geneologies is matrilinear when both list a patriarchal geneology. IOW, it would be easier if one list gave Dads and Grandpas and the other Moms and Grandmas. Since the lists talk only of men, and they diverge just one generation back with Jesus' paternal Grandfather, I have a hard time accepting that one is Joseph's lineage and the other Mary's.
...It's hard to see how one of the geneologies is matrilinear when both list a patriarchal geneology. IOW, it would be easier if one list gave Dads and Grandpas and the other Moms and Grandmas. Since the lists talk only of men, and they diverge just one generation back with Jesus' paternal Grandfather, I have a hard time accepting that one is Joseph's lineage and the other Mary's.

Why hard to see? Mary and Joseph both descend from the house of David...
Y'all got to remember something. The bible is an instrument of man's construct. It's writings are God inspired, not God authored. Man's "dabbling" is still very much part of the good set of "short stories", that make up the Bible.

I think that has something to do with....oh yea, "free will"...:eek:
Kindest Regards, Sunny!
It's hard to see how one of the geneologies is matrilinear when both list a patriarchal geneology. IOW, it would be easier if one list gave Dads and Grandpas and the other Moms and Grandmas. Since the lists talk only of men, and they diverge just one generation back with Jesus' paternal Grandfather, I have a hard time accepting that one is Joseph's lineage and the other Mary's.

The best I know to offer is that it is a cultural thing. One might consider asking BB or Dauer about Jewish geneologies.
It's really a moot point isn't it? The Gospel writers allow that since Jesus' Pop was the Holy Spirit he was only "supposed" to be the son of Joseph. But both start with Joseph, and then his father, and his father. Neither go to Mary, her father or mother...and so on. The importance of the geneology is clear, it's so that the story conforms to OT prophecy. Since we've acknowleged that Luke is probably working from matthean by way of marcan material, why would he propose a significantly different geneology without explanation? That's question one. And two is: why doesn't that bother anyone (historically)? If it's a glaring discrepancy why hasn't it been redacted? From my point of view there has to be some deeper element to the whole thing. The Mary solution seems untenably simplistic. But so does the idea that Matt and Luke were in conflict over the geneology. If there had been a real problem with it someone, a Church father with influence perhaps, would have redacted the texts so that they synchronize. So I think there has to be another explanation.