Somewhat returning
Gospel Inconsistencies:
Could someone please point these out, chapter and verse?
Could someone please point these out, chapter and verse?
I think it's important to point out that the author is engaged in literary critique in order to demonstrate that Mark precedes Matthew chronologically. He's not trying to destroy anyone's faith, he's engaged in an intellectual analysis of the text.
He's showing that Matthew worked from Mark's material, not vice versa. Now, those with a vested interest in sticking a dirty thumb in the eye of believers might well seize on this material to suite their aims, but if we can't believe that somehow, somewhere there are people with genuine scholarly intent from whom we can obtain objective, up to date facts which are worth at least pondering, then we may as well believe in some global conspiracy theory. And some do! That doesn't seem like a reasonable stance to me.
Chronologically, Mark was the first gospel written. It was written for a Christian audience. Matthew’s was written for a Jewish audience. All four of the gospels had a different perspective on the life of Jesus. Matthews's focus was on the fulfillment of OT prophecy. Mark's was that glory comes through life as a suffering servant. I was only curious about the different take on events.
A global conspiracy theory? No, I am not quite sure what you are what you’re asking... (wil, is this what you were talking about?)
I don't suppose it would be prudent to point out that the early Christian audience were primarily Jews. There seems to be a recurring theme in Mark in that many of the teachings, parables, and revelations are shrouded in secrecy, which does not suggest that it is open to every Jew, much less Gentiles. Besides tradition has Mark as a disciple of Peter, whom Paul states was sent to the Jews, and therefore Mark's audience would Jewish.
Namaste all...and kudos for everyone being willing to bad for thinking we weren't upto that task!
This one might be considered out of do we reconcile whether Judas hanged himself or his guts spilled out on the land he bought? Gospels vs. Acts. do we reconcile whether Judas hanged himself or his guts spilled out on the land he bought? Gospels vs. Acts.
Please remember that I am fairly new to this, so please cut me slack when I say something out of ignorance. I thought Mark was written for the Greeks.
Four Gospels (as accepted by the counsel), and the six degrees of Kevin Bacon.
Same story, seen and heard through different eyes, meant to reach specific groups, but all linked by an inalianable truth. None counter the message and sacrifice of Jesus, they only spell out the details in a slightly different manner.
If the Apocryphal Gospels are studied, we find the same story, with the same message.
To me, the similarities far outway any differences, or inconsitencies.
v/r Joshua