BBC Panorama on Scientology

I wouldn't have.... I do not tend to take others words as gospel.... I have to do it myself to find out... No for -me- it wasn't hard... For some I am sure it could be very, very... hard for some... They try to lay the guilt trip on you... If my conscience was that sharp lol I would had doubts about leaving. So yeah need to beware....

Those JW's concerned I would say then go there... They maybe able to help and offer support for you to leave..... But again I wouldn't rant and scream and say ALL JW's!! LEAVE NOW!!! Because that is your choice, you're happy with being a JW fair enough... You want to be a Scientologist.... Fine, that is your choice who am I to tell you who or what to be.... If I did, I wouldn't be better than the JW's that told me who I was and what I had to do......


It just upsets me sometimes to see people... Fading. You know...

Now I see why you ride mee so much.
gosh, 17th, C18 and a JW too? whatever next? a revolutionary socialist? an animal rights nutter? an ecological survivalist? a jihadi rent-a-beard?

you're like a one-man exercise in ideological extremism - i am sure CR must seem quite tame by comparison, but it is quite instructive to have you about the place.



It just upsets me sometimes to see people... Fading. You know...

Yes. There can be few things in life so terrible to watch as watch someone you love 'fade' as you put it. The saddness it evokes is unique.
It just upsets me sometimes to see people... Fading. You know...
That only proves you are human, and that to be human you have that spark within, that compassion for care, despite efforts to hide it.

But it reminds me of the one who sliced open the chrysalis to help the butterfly get out..and the butterfly came out easily, but did not expand its wings and soon died...The effort of the metamorphosis of squeezin out builds the strength and squeezes the juice into the wings...

There is some other quote about the assitance of fire to temper steel...but I can't find it..not exactly the one I was looking for, I'll settle for Rumi's...

~If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?
gosh, 17th, C18 and a JW too? whatever next? a revolutionary socialist? an animal rights nutter? an ecological survivalist? a jihadi rent-a-beard?
you're like a one-man exercise in ideological extremism - i am sure CR must seem quite tame by comparison, but it is quite instructive to have you about the place.



Had to try things to see things.... Never been truly happy in any of these groups...... Sometimes I might have thought so, but looking back... No. I love animals! Maybe I should become an animal extremist... Maybe that will work for me.... (I jest.)

Yup C18 member and webmaster....
JW for over two years.
Satanist for a loooong time.
Then Satanist/Humanist....

Then many other little phases ;)

Writer (Which I still want to get somewhere with to this day...)
And many other things... lol

Yes. There can be few things in life so terrible to watch as watch someone you love 'fade' as you put it. The saddness it evokes is unique.

Most of these are people I don't love... I don't know them, but it hurts to see that "part" of them taken away....

~If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?

By buffing?

Interesting quote about the butterfly....

I am not 100% sure but if Scientology exactly like JW's then I would say that they are also told what they think..... Oh the power of subliminal suggestion...

LOL que the ironic music! Queen - I wan't to break free! Has just come on the radio..... Serious lol.
Combat 18... (18 standing for Adolph Hitler) Young Neo Nazi Organisation responsible for killings, attacks bombings (nail bomb most popular choice.) and other stupid violent acts..... All in the name of "divine" white power... :)
Combat 18... (18 standing for Adolph Hitler) Young Neo Nazi Organisation responsible for killings, attacks bombings (nail bomb most popular choice.) and other stupid violent acts..... All in the name of "divine" white power... :)

Ah, yes. A mainstream denomination.

How does 18 figure into Adolph Hitler? Isn't he dead? I'd have trouble following a corpse. Unless, or course, he was resurrected.
It isn't following him, it is following his ideology and dream.... For a great nation of Aryans...

A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 and so on....

A = 1
H = 8

I might make my own... Combat-17 ;) We'll combat, violence!$£"!$!£" With an iron fist! GRR lol..... Yeah anyway... Sooo scientology...
Just looking at the "readings" Scientologists take......... One of the scores out of them....

40.0 Serenity of Beingness
30.0 Postulates
22.0 Games
20.0 Action
8.0 Exhilaration
6.0 Aesthetics
4.0 Enthusiasm
3.5 Cheerfulness
3.3 Strong Interest
3.0 Conservatism
2.9 Mild Interest
2.8 Contented
2.6 Disinterested
2.5 Boredom
2.4 Monotony
2.0 Antagonism
1.9 Hostility
1.8 Pain
1.5 Anger
1.4 Hate
1.3 Resentment
1.2 No Sympathy
1.15 Unexpressed Resentment
1.1 Covert Hostility
1.02 Anxiety
1.0 Fear
0.98 Despair
0.96 Terror
0.94 Numb
0.9 Sympathy
0.8 Propitiation
0.5 Grief
0.375 Making Amends
0.3 Undeserving
0.2 Self-Abasement
0.1 Victim
0.07 Hopeless
0.05 Apathy
0.03 Useless
0.01 Dying
0.0 Body Death

Underserving of what? Also I like that they will also label you useless.... Nice... Just break that persons confidence down, tear them to bits... The "build" them back up with 'special' scientologist support... At a fee though, of course.

Also I noticed they have one major holiday... March 13th.... OH! L Ron Hubbards birth date..... Why? Is he a god?
"Man suspects all offers of help. He has often been betrayed, his confidence shattered. Too frequently he has given his trust and been betrayed. We may err, for we build a world with broken straws. But we will never betray your faith in us so long as you are one of us."

L Ron Hubbard's quote that is given to new recruits.......

But, if you ain't one of us! We'll chop off your arms!