Chinese Medicine

not sure what you mean here wil...?

Lacto-vegetarian if you insist!:) So I don't take supplements of the kind you mention. Why stop at oceans? Planet earth is being depleted, courtesy of man IMHO.
Well not depleted, matter is never destroyed...converted surely, our continued population growth will insure does any population, until it reaches a density to which it can no longer survive, fairly natural actually.

What I was getting at is we all have our've drawn yours it appears as that you don't eat dead animal flesh, but are a member of the only species that drinks milk (cheese, dairy) cross species, and continues drinking it after its weaned and a product that is designed to increase the weight of its species to 300 pounds in six months. I'm not being judgemental here...I've been known to consume cheese and yogurt to my mucous creating detriment.

Now most lactos also consume chicken embryos and honey....again not judgemental just identifying the line, that somehow we feel it not right to eat the flesh of the chicken...but we've got sort of a prochoice attitude goin....and many of us also don't like mistreatment of animals but don't seem to have issues stealing the nutrients required for healthy growth of bees (honey) and replacing it with sugar water....the substance many veggies refer to as white death and wouldn't wish on our enemies....

We all have our justifications....even Jaines don't wait for the fruit to fall in their hands...

Bottom line though is we are all part of the animal kingdom....we live on this planet and we consume to live...some of us just live a little better and with less conscience...
[FONT=arial, helvetica][SIZE=-1]A Visit to a Chinese Pharmacy - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=-1][FONT=arial, helvetica]The Chinese pharmacy and its doctor of traditional medicine continue to be an integral part of life in Asia..........................[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1][FONT=arial, helvetica]interesting read[/FONT][/SIZE]

Mee, would be most interesting if you were to post your own thoughts in your own words too.
Well not depleted, matter is never destroyed...converted surely, our continued population growth will insure does any population, until it reaches a density to which it can no longer survive, fairly natural actually.

Well I meant depleted as in, for example, rain forest. But yes it is all conversion, converting lovely planet earth into a toxic toilet it seems to me at present.

What I was getting at is we all have our've drawn yours it appears as that you don't eat dead animal flesh, but are a member of the only species that drinks milk (cheese, dairy) cross species, and continues drinking it after its weaned and a product that is designed to increase the weight of its species to 300 pounds in six months. I'm not being judgemental here...I've been known to consume cheese and yogurt to my mucous creating detriment.

Now most lactos also consume chicken embryos and honey....again not judgemental just identifying the line, that somehow we feel it not right to eat the flesh of the chicken...but we've got sort of a prochoice attitude goin....and many of us also don't like mistreatment of animals but don't seem to have issues stealing the nutrients required for healthy growth of bees (honey) and replacing it with sugar water....the substance many veggies refer to as white death and wouldn't wish on our enemies....

We all have our justifications....even Jaines don't wait for the fruit to fall in their hands...

Bottom line though is we are all part of the animal kingdom....we live on this planet and we consume to live...some of us just live a little better and with less conscience..

It’s OK wil, I realise you’re not being judgmental (but even if you were, that’s OK too!). For me, what I eat and what I don’t eat does require that I have thought about the “product” beyond whether or not I like the taste. The issues you raise highlight what I said earlier that, basically, to live is to kill (or as you say, we consume to live). You have pointed out good reasons not to eat some of the things that I do eat. But there are “good reasons” for me to reduce what I eat down to a range in which I am malnourished I believe, at which point I am harming myself. I understand it if people criticise me for my dietary choices saying that I am hypocritical, inconsistent or whatever (as happens), but I am not claiming to be “perfect” or trying to persuade others to change their eating habits. I would rather be the person I am, who occasionally has internal battles over whether or not I should eat a particular food stuff (together with the criticism from people with perfect diets!) than someone who eats anything and everything without thinking or caring where it came from (which used to be me).

One final point; after I go to see the film Fast Food Nation I’ll probably stop eating all together!

hello, yes it is a tricky subject to be consistent on. you could also argue that using any deodorants, hairsprays, perfumes, chemical cleaning products, toxic paints, varnishes etc etc is also harmful to your own creature and also the enviroment. obviously pesticide use is very destructive to the whole food chain; apparently 25% of the worlds pesticide use goes on cotton production so just wearing non organic clothing or eating non organic food is to inadvertently harm animals including ourselves. i believe all conventional medicine is tested on animals before human trials.

i do disagree with the chinese use of animals in the herbal side of chinese med., but i assume you don't include acupuncture in this snoop? i am a big advocate of acupuncture as a healing art and have used it personally many times with astounding success in some cases; i cured my chronic asthma with it, helped my ma have a painfree recovery after dislocating her knee, returned my son from post viral fatgue and also inadvertently removed his speach difficulties.

i think your right to carry on eating eggs etc. i believe as a species we may be evolving out of the need for meat and eventually we will be able to exist healthily as vegans and then who knows..breatharians? best not rush this process to the point of ill health.

this acupuncture device, in case anyones interested, is the most incredible device i have ever come accross and imo better than a needle treatment from a practitioner:
HealthPoint acupuncture point finder and electro acupuncture treatment
cheaper on ebay also available in the states.

also worthy of investigation as a source of comp. therp. treatment in your own home:
Kadance International – Eliminate Mind Chatter

these modes of healing, for me, beautifully illustrate the harmonious marriage of of eastern healing practises with western science.

i feel that the sympton suppression of western medicine is actually part of the cause of many illnesses and the prolonging of animal and human suffering. hope you're all well, jase...
i think chinese medicine has a great power to recover anyone. i don't know is it herbal or not. But, i read in a journal it really can cure very hard disease properly.
i think chinese medicine has a great power to recover anyone. i don't know is it herbal or not. But, i read in a journal it really can cure very hard disease properly.

:D! Oh really? Oh how awesome!! wow... Cool... :D

.... I heard it encourages poaching and risk of ENDANGERED FREAKING ANIMALS!!!! Just to make some bullshit potion...:mad:

I got an awesome potion... you take many lil chinesemen... Grind them up put them in a bottle... Awesome cure... it cures endangereed animals from ending up as some whacko potion..... Solves their over population too :D
Here here! You've gone a bit Picasso/Dali with your avatar now then 17th, interesting.
Here here! You've gone a bit Picasso/Dali with your avatar now then 17th, interesting.

:D I knew you'd have me back their mr Penguin.... OH I got to take a photo of a dual carriage way near me... Somone has put a cut out of a penguin on the side of the road lol, very random, very insane, very juicy.....

Interesting avartar eh? Yeah.... I went for divine, righteous with a pinch of darkness..... ;)
I know the type of plant and root remedies that Shaolin Monks use and this sort of approach is fine. Anything that involves animals to die or suffer for whatever requirement is totally unacceptable to me.

P.S Glad you associate penguins with being insane and juicy! I think the avatar is the most confrontational one so far :)
Yeah I guess some plants indeed have medical property but using Tiger eyeballs or Ape bones or squid legs or whatever lol.... Freaking wrong and freaking nuts....

Guin: Confrontational?! I could do alot worse!!! So this is a good one! Also many christians I be talking to don't seem to have issues with it... Which is how it should be, I ain't got a problem with their avartars and I would like that to be vice versa.
I know the type of plant and root remedies that Shaolin Monks use and this sort of approach is fine. Anything that involves animals to die or suffer for whatever requirement is totally unacceptable to me.
Yeah I guess some plants indeed have medical property but using Tiger eyeballs or Ape bones or squid legs or whatever lol.... Freaking wrong and freaking nuts....
Are both of you vegans? In regards to health omnivores and carnivores around the world believe that meat eating cures hunger. And shark cartilage has been sold for a number of years all over for arthritis. Now the craze of shark fin soup, I have issues with that, and rhino horn, etc.

If one is not vegan, refraining from all animal use...I've always wondered how one draws the line. Egg and milk production are fairly sickening when you go to the farm. But with the speed we are wiping out our bees with pesticides and replacing their honey with sugar water....could be vegans will be meat eaters again...
Are both of you vegans? In regards to health omnivores and carnivores around the world believe that meat eating cures hunger. And shark cartilage has been sold for a number of years all over for arthritis. Now the craze of shark fin soup, I have issues with that, and rhino horn, etc.

If one is not vegan, refraining from all animal use...I've always wondered how one draws the line. Egg and milk production are fairly sickening when you go to the farm. But with the speed we are wiping out our bees with pesticides and replacing their honey with sugar water....could be vegans will be meat eaters again...

You already know the answer to that, No I am not a vegan... I do however cringe more and more when cooking animals... So who knows I might, but I don't know what else to eat.... That is going to sound quite strange I'm sure.... Vegtables are evil, I dislike them the majority of the time... And I can't keep them as they go off...... |: But with meat, I freeze it and there a month supply of food... :\ I am eating it, it sustains me... TRUE I can sustain myself on other things, BUT it does sustain me and feed me... It is of REAL freaking use.... Eyeballs of the tiger and **** isn't that is just primitive mumbo jumbo.
.. BUT it does sustain me and feed me... It is of REAL freaking use.... Eyeballs of the tiger and **** isn't that is just primitive mumbo jumbo.
How do you know that? Many of todays synthetic remedies came from indigenous peoples mumbo jumbo. Accupuncture described meridians and points thousands of years ago...western science just in the past few decades has started recognizing it as agonizingly correct after putting it under the guise of mumbo jumbo for ever!

Many of our synthetic allopathic drugs are modeled after active ingredients in plants that were used for centuries before science discovered their qualities. Since the shaman's and medicine men and tribal lore have so many on target hits with plants, herbs, muds, poultices, methods and means....I sure wouldn't discount that they also have some validity when it comes to utilizing organs, features, parts of animals.
Why is it banned in China then? Why punishable by death? IF it does something amazing? Such as the stupid fools that eat a tigers penis.... Thinking it is an aphrodisiac lol come on... It's all in the head... All in the loopy loopy head.....

Sorry missed a small bit of information there didn't I... Easy to forget, that there is NO scientific freaking evidence..... That prooves this bs works lol...
Why is it banned in China then? Why punishable by death? IF it does something amazing? Such as the stupid fools that eat a tigers penis.... Thinking it is an aphrodisiac lol come on... It's all in the head... All in the loopy loopy head.....
Sorry missed a small bit of information there didn't I... Easy to forget, that there is NO scientific freaking evidence..... That prooves this bs works lol...
Seriously 17th. My question is, if the ancients were correct about many herbs and plants why do you think they would be 100% wrong over every animal use?

Now I am not saying they were 100% correct about all plants and I am not saying in this particular case they are correct about tiger eyeballs, penis or whatever you are referring to. But I am saying the odds are that many remedies that are animal sourced will also be found to have validity.

Now no scientific evidence isn't proof of anything if science isn't studying it is it? And because some country passed a law doesn't simply make it right and valid does it....otherwise folks would be paying their TV tax for the BBC ...right? After all, they passed the law it must be right and valid! You and I both know laws are generally passed for political, economic, and safety considerations amongst others, but not due to any certain sanity or science.

Now I personally don't eat tiger anything..or beef...or pig...or lamb...or chicken....or duck...or anything with feet... I do still eat things with eyes (fish and potato) But just because I choose not to eat this, and understand that some species are endangered and the slaughter is so selective and the waste of the rest of the animal is disgusting....all that does not imply that there is no validity to the treatment or the use of same.

I am not supporting or claiming it should be done....I'm just not willing to make blanket statements saying that all of the traditional uses are mumbo jumbo.
Seriously 17th. My question is, if the ancients were correct about many herbs and plants why do you think they would be 100% wrong over every animal use?

I am not supporting or claiming it should be done....I'm just not willing to make blanket statements saying that all of the traditional uses are mumbo jumbo.

Because what they have done with SOME plants has been prooven to have some sort of effect or whatever, alot didn't do jack, but indeed some pot luck shots have worked...... With animals however.... Sweet pluck all has been prooven... It's just their opinion that it works nothing to back that up, nothing.

I didn't make a blanket statement, did I? *looks back* No I didn't... I said their animal treatments where a bunch of bull.... :D Which I stand by. I didn't say eeeevury thang is bull somethings sure they got lucky... That's all.
yeah, that white willow, digitalis, squaw tea, alfalfa, cramp bark, echinecea, golden seal, noni, tea tree oil, aqai, ...... and pot....yes all with medicinal value...

the ancient used to watch nature...they'd watch what the animals ate when they were sick...they watched the animals eat organs first...

you'll have to copy me on the science that science and laws in the US disproved Stevia due to the aspartame and sugar lobbies...they were overturned as common sense sort of prevailed (stevia still cannot be labeled as a sweetener in the US) Tryptophan was banned as dangerous when science (synthetic gentically modified organism created tryptophan) killed people...the sleeping pill lobbies rejoiced....common sense eventually prevailed.

Science even proved that beta carotene the antioxidant found in orange veggies...actually increased the risk of cancer in made headlines but then you had to read the actual journal article to find out what was tested wasn't natural beta carotene but some synthetic that phizer was trying to have approved.

So yeah, we'll outlaw whatever but as soon as they can create synthetic tiger penis it'll be touted around the world....
Science even proved that beta carotene the antioxidant found in orange veggies...actually increased the risk of cancer in smokers

:rolleyes: What doesn't lol.... I fart in the general direction of cancer..... ;) That is why It will never knock at my door.... Never... Promise ya :D

A: Oh man..... I had to wait 15mins yesterday for the freaking bus...
B: For shizzles? Be careful dude, you can get cancer doing that.......

C: See you later going to bed...
D: WOAH MAN!!! Don't you know sleeping gives you cancer!!!

I could go on with many more very, VERY common conversations that are happening around the world right now.....

It's all the range everything is cancer! I think it will turn out like harry potter? THE NAME YOU DO NOT SPEAK!! You know like volvomart or whatever.