
human tampering with ecology has weakened the globe’s immune system, fostering conditions favorable for microbes.:(

i agree, but i would add that human tampering with the ecology of the body, i.e. antibiotics etc, has also fostered an enviroment favourable to microbes. point being that mollycoddling the immune system with vaccines and chemical warfare has had the opposite affect to the one intended. instead of strengthening it has weakened us. not forgetting that the cells of the human body are very similar to microbes and so it would seem obvious that the conventional medicine approach of killing by use of toxic chemicals is harmful. the antifungal nystatin is now associated with tissue and organ damage because of this fact.

Far from being defeated, well-known killer microbes returned with a vengeance! In addition, other deadly microbes surfaced—microbes previously unknown to doctors. Thus, microbes both old and new are on the rampage, threatening, afflicting, or killing countless millions of people worldwide.

hi mee,
look at the words they use :eek: enough to strike the intended fear into you. the war is in there heads fuelled by the trillion dollar lies fear packaged by the pharmaceutical industry. everyone knows that using drugs to "combat" microbes leads to stronger microbes, but its the only thing they know so they will just make stronger more toxic chemicals that like their predecessors won't work and only make the situation worse. they are creating the very problem they are setting out to "conquer" because the emphasis is "war" and not understanding.

i'm of the feeling that to understand a topic like this, or any other come to think of it, you have love it and care for it :) so that it reveals its whys and wherefores, if there is a hate or war mentality then that itself will prevent understanding. microbes are cooooooool man :cool::cool::cool:, even the so called "germs", atb jase...

i had a quick look at the jw site, a few interesting opinions on health like avoiding household chemical cleaners etc, i thought was well said.
whyAre New Diseases Emerging?

With all the knowledge and assets possessed by modern medical science, why are killer microbes proving so difficult to defeat?

One reason is the increased mobility of today’s society.

Modern transportation can quickly make a local epidemic global.

Jet travel makes it easy for a deadly disease to move, harbored inside an infected person, from one part of the world to any other part of the world within hours.
whyAre New Diseases Emerging?

With all the knowledge and assets possessed by modern medical science, why are killer microbes proving so difficult to defeat?

One reason is the increased mobility of today’s society.

Modern transportation can quickly make a local epidemic global.

Jet travel makes it easy for a deadly disease to move, harbored inside an infected person, from one part of the world to any other part of the world within hours.

so much fear=no understanding...

also surely once you have antibodies to a disease it can't harm you and your immune system is stronger. what you... correction, they who know best, postulate as bad will actually strengthen mankind imo, j...
Namaste mee,

I know you are the king of the cut and paste, but that is becoming the king of copywright violations, an infraction that could cause legal problems for both you and this site. Please be careful to recognize your sources.

Chakraman asked you a direct question, even complimented the JW site and you responded with a cut and paste I believe from Revenge of the Microbes??
Why Are New Diseases Emerging?
With all the knowledge and assets possessed by modern medical science, why are killer microbes proving so difficult to defeat? One reason is the increased mobility of today's society. Modern transportation can quickly make a local epidemic global. Jet travel makes it easy for a deadly disease to move, harbored inside an infected person, from one part of the world to any other part of the world within hours.
The addition of some enter key clicks does not make it your own. If you insist in not providing a minute of your time to answer in your own words, please identify the sources of your cut and pastes.
legal problems for both you and this site.

That is the key part... Sure it is a shame we don't get to meet Mee. We cannot welcome him as a human, a brother... We simply have to sit here and just watch whatever stuff he decideds to copy off their site and paste here... But he could cause major issues for Brian... Think about it he has been here how many years? He must have pasted the entire site to this site by now... And If something was to happen he wouldn't be the only one held accountable sadly... But, hey I've been trying to get him to meet us and become a human not just wt.org...
so much fear=no understanding...

also surely once you have antibodies to a disease it can't harm you and your immune system is stronger. what you... correction, they who know best, postulate as bad will actually strengthen mankind imo, j...
the problem is that people do die from microbes :( it is a fact of life at the momment

some of the insects and the microbes they carry have developed resistance to the insecticides and medicines used to control them.

This natural process of adaptation has been given a boost, not only by overuse of insecticides but also by misuse of medicines.

"In too many poor households," states the book Mosquito, "people obtain the medicine, use just enough to ease their symptoms, and then hoard the remainder for the next wave of illness." With such an incomplete cure, the stronger microbes may survive in a person’s body to produce a new generation of drug-resistant offspring.
;) *snickers*
it will be good when this following verse in the bible is happening in the earth ISAIAH 33;24 .
And no resident will say: "I am sick." :)

And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away."REVELATION 21;4 :)

down the middle of its broad way. And on this side of the river and on that side [there were] trees of life producing twelve crops of fruit, yielding their fruits each month. And the leaves of the trees [were] for the curing of the nations.REVELATION 22;3:)