
"Do not throw me away in the time of old age; just when my power is failing, do not leave me."—PSALM 71:9.
There is a touching story from the Middle East about a young girl’s compassion for the elderly. A grandmother was helping in the kitchen and accidentally dropped and broke a china plate. She was upset by her own clumsiness; her daughter was even more irritated. She then called her own little girl and sent her to the local store to buy an unbreakable wooden plate for the grandmother. The girl came back with two wooden plates. Her mother demanded: "Why did you buy two plates?" The granddaughter, hesitating, answered: "One for grandma and the other for you when you are old." Yes, in this world all of us face the prospect of aging. Would we not appreciate being treated with patience and kindness?—Psalm 71:9.
Ive invited them in (JWs) that is and we have shared a cup of coffee or two. I have stated that I dont want to convert or study the bible with them, but just want to pik their brains. And why do we mistreat the elderly??? Speak for yourself, I dont. But yes society in general should realise that your smelly old grandparents can be quite useful around the house. Seriously, my olds will come to live with us when the time is right for them . Families just dont seem to be as important these days to some. My grandmother lived to be 93, smoked a packet of menthol cigarettes a day and drank a bottle of whiskey weekly. Maybe she died when she was 70 but was too pickled to realise.lol
Ive invited them in (JWs) that is and we have shared a cup of coffee or two. I have stated that I dont want to convert or study the bible with them, but just want to pik their brains. And why do we mistreat the elderly??? Speak for yourself, I dont. But yes society in general should realise that your smelly old grandparents can be quite useful around the house. Seriously, my olds will come to live with us when the time is right for them . Families just dont seem to be as important these days to some. My grandmother lived to be 93, smoked a packet of menthol cigarettes a day and drank a bottle of whiskey weekly. Maybe she died when she was 70 but was too pickled to realise.lol

There is quite a strong case to argue that your lifespan is actually pretty much determined by your nutritional intake in the first 3 or 4 years of life. The better it is the longer you will live. And the bigger and healthier you will be.
Of course it is ugly to see old people forgotten and neglected, especially when they have family but that dont make it right to go and target them for 'salvation' and maybe a re-written will. The aged have contributed to a society where we enjoy great prosperity relative to historical norms and we thus owe them a great debt. So it is up to society and government to insure they have the best of care and to always respect their dignity.
Ive invited them in (JWs) that is and we have shared a cup of coffee or two. I have stated that I dont want to convert or study the bible with them, but just want to pik their brains. And why do we mistreat the elderly??? Speak for yourself, I dont. But yes society in general should realise that your smelly old grandparents can be quite useful around the house. Seriously, my olds will come to live with us when the time is right for them . Families just dont seem to be as important these days to some. My grandmother lived to be 93, smoked a packet of menthol cigarettes a day and drank a bottle of whiskey weekly. Maybe she died when she was 70 but was too pickled to realise.lol
good to see that you are caring for your elderly ones , as you mentioned the world in general seem to cast them off .
There is quite a strong case to argue that your lifespan is actually pretty much determined by your nutritional intake in the first 3 or 4 years of life. The better it is the longer you will live. And the bigger and healthier you will be.
my mom lived to 85 and i dont think she had much food as a young one , so i also think it is in the genes, but if we have a certain weakness in our bodies and we do things in our lives to make that weakness worse, we then can make ourselves prone to certain sicknesses. some people have cancer in the family genes ,and smoking would increase the risk factor , but then someone else could smoke all day every day and live to a ripe old age, because the same risk factor was different in them , as you mentioned about food intake in our childhood , they do say that brittle bone problems in later life can come about because we have not built up a good strong bone in our childhood , i think after about the age of 25 or something like that ,we start to lose bone density , so the better our bones have been built up in our childhood the better our bones will be in later life. but our inherited weaknesses have also got some thing to do with it as well .2 people could have the same amounts of food in childhood but if one had a inherited weakness for brittle bone problems , they could fall down and break a bone and the other person may have a stonger bone and not break a bone