
Tao as I do not like having to jump to the aid of the JW's many of the "sexual accounts" you mention are not real.... Indeed their have been a few... But Companies you work for, there is sexual harrassment..... In the clubs you join in the bars you visit in the parks you walk in.... In the town you dwell in... In the churches you all have faith in also..... So yeah... You cannot hold a few's mistakes agaisn't a who group, to generalise I think shouldn't be so.

OH, also you do have free will..... I am no longer a JW.... :) So free will is there.
Tao as I do not like having to jump to the aid of the JW's many of the "sexual accounts" you mention are not real.... Indeed their have been a few... But Companies you work for, there is sexual harrassment..... In the clubs you join in the bars you visit in the parks you walk in.... In the town you dwell in... In the churches you all have faith in also..... So yeah... You cannot hold a few's mistakes agaisn't a who group, to generalise I think shouldn't be so.

OH, also you do have free will..... I am no longer a JW.... :) So free will is there.

I agree that there are preditors in every walk of life. My argument is tho that the 'closed community' of the watchtower acts as a magnet to devious preditors.

As to the authenticity of the claims made on the site i linked to i cannot be 100% certain. But such claims are extremely libelous, especially in the US, and i suspect the site creator would be in jail by now if they were untrue.

Free will is not afforded the children of these families and is suspended on the blanket acceptance of watchtower philosophy. There were several JW children at my highschool. they were never allowed to socialise with us outside of school, denying them a normal childhood, and they rarely interracted within school.

I do not hold the mistakes, ( I would have used the word depravations), of the few against the many. I stressed at the outset and again further in that I believe the majority go into it for all the right reasons. But it is a closed cult community and those that seek power within such groups have in many instances over the years turned out to be of dubious intent. Where the potential for malign to gain control is there they will seek it. Thus such groups should have a system of vigilant self-protection from these types. They rarely do. Further, I personaly find the whole prosletysing propoganda machine of this group to be fundamentaly malign and geared toward suspension of 'self' for the profit of the organisation. Maybe I'm just a paranoid tho :)

I see where you are coming from and indeed I agree with most.

I know what you mean about the not letting the children mingle with "those of the other world." I have seen children of the age of two and so on forced to sit in and watch this bs.... :) You know how much that made me cringe? Watching a grown adult force it's belife on a child.... It is very ugly.... So uncomfortable thinking of it now I can see memories.... Not nice. One child was smacked/punished for wanting to go outside and play.... This is a three year old girl.... Punished? For wanting to freaking play??? I am not 100% agaisnt discipline for children.... But this was pathetic... It is a child it's nature is to play enjoy it's freaking life... Not be forced to listen to this... It had done none wrong.

Sorry I'll shut up now, or I never will, that topic isn't one of my favourites....

because JW is a cult of mind control all too ready to exploit those it proffesses to offer sanctuary.

I am glad to say that the bible has washed my mind very clean and it is now inline with Jehovahs purpose for the earth . but not all are willing to be controlled by the bible .......... and they do their best to be in opposition to the bible matthew 24;45-47
I am glad to say that the bible has washed my mind very clean and it is now inline with Jehovahs purpose for the earth . but not all are willing to be controlled by the bible .......... and they do their best to be in opposition to the bible matthew 24;45-47

I rest my case yr'honour. :p
.............. nice, just what we need in this disunited world. but Jehovah is making all things new in more ways than one . remember those pictures go all over the world . and they are for ALL people , and from all nations. and a great crowd they are too who respond to the unity of Jehovah . revelation 7;9-10

OOOOH I SEE, so for a black community it -has- to have a black person in the photo? And in a white community it -has- to have a white person.... But, also it has to show the two "mixing" race, sex and gender..... I don't know it is still bothering me..... What's wrong with having two black males in a photo.... or two white females.... Or two yellow, brown, green, purple, orange, blue people together.... There has to be more to this, or my mind wouldn't find an issue with this lol... Just cannot put my finger on it.
I rest my case yr'honour. :p
yes the bible always comes true , Jesus really is feeding his faithful ones with lots of good bible based spiritual food ......... nice matthew 24; 45-47 and looking after elderly ones is the way to go . being fed by Jesus himself is good food indeed, and it is always for good.:) the bible teachings and the princibles laid down in the bible if applied are always for our benefit. and Jesus sheep always listens to Jesus voice.
But it is a closed cult community
taste and see that Jehovah is good . maybe listening to opposers puts the wrong knowledge in peoples minds . but when we listen to those who are willing to go along with Jesus and the channel that Jesus is using and feeding , it can work wonders to our accurate knowledge matthew 24;45-47 make no mistake about it , the whole world is in the power of the wicked one satan the devil 1 JOHN 5;19 and the world in general is in great opposition to Gods purpose ,that is why there is always opposition to his followers . but Jesus sheep listen to his voice nice :)
I see where you are coming from and indeed I agree with most.

I know what you mean about the not letting the children mingle with "those of the other world." I have seen children of the age of two and so on forced to sit in and watch this bs.... :) You know how much that made me cringe? Watching a grown adult force it's belife on a child.... It is very ugly.... So uncomfortable thinking of it now I can see memories.... Not nice. One child was smacked/punished for wanting to go outside and play.... This is a three year old girl.... Punished? For wanting to freaking play??? I am not 100% agaisnt discipline for children.... But this was pathetic... It is a child it's nature is to play enjoy it's freaking life... Not be forced to listen to this... It had done none wrong.

Sorry I'll shut up now, or I never will, that topic isn't one of my favourites....
time and a place for everything i would say ,
our young ones attend meetings with their parents primarily to listen and to learn. and yes they do have a time to play , brings to mind this verse in the bible ,
Moses taught the Israelites to assemble together adults and "little ones." He said: "Congregate the people . . . in order that they may listen and in order that they may learn, as they must fear Jehovah your God and take care to carry out all the words of this law.
And their sons who have not known should listen, and they must learn to fear Jehovah."—Deuteronomy 31:12, 13. yes time and a place for all things , but nowadays to many children are allowed to run riot with no direction at all .

Children, in particular, need to be taught that a place of worship is not a playground . and the bible and its teachings are not rubbish , they have sayings of everlasting life , and children who are taught by godfearing parents are a pleasure to behold . nice

Children NEED to be taught they are just children.... :) They also NEED to think what they want to think, not what you want them to think... Because you have someone above you making you think what you think, oh such a terrible cycle..... You preach about free will and how wonderful it is to choose out of love... Forcing a child to your stuffy uncomfotable halls isn't free will... SMACKING a child for not listening isn't free feaking will is it?

Does your god come storming down from the heavens above and smack you in the ass for not paying attention? And drag everyone to the kingdom halls?
Children NEED to be taught they are just children.... :) They also NEED to think what they want to think, not what you want them to think... Because you have someone above you making you think what you think, oh such a terrible cycle.....
yes Gods word is the way to go , and our head Jesus is the one to look to.
SUCCESSFUL gardening requires much more than scattering some seed on the ground and then returning a few months later for the harvest. Much hard work is involved in preparing the soil, sowing the seeds, and watering and nurturing the plants so that they can grow to maturity.
This process could well illustrate the truthfulness of Proverbs 22:6, which says: "Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it." Indeed, parental training is a major factor in successful child rearing.
In today’s permissive world, however, many parents fail to heed this counsel. When they follow conventional wisdom that children must learn to handle problems on their own, their children are often left to fend for themselves. Such a course leaves young ones vulnerable to the harmful influence of unprincipled and unscrupulous individuals.—Proverbs 13:20.
How much better it is for parents to instill Christian principles in their children through godly training at an early age! How early? "From infancy," says the apostle Paul. That was the case with the young man Timothy. His mother, Eunice, and his grandmother Lois inculcated "the holy writings" in Timothy so that he "learned" and was "persuaded to believe." The result? Such training played a vital role in making him "wise for salvation."—2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14, 15.​
Likewise today, parents who do "not give up in doing what is fine" will reap rich rewards if they "do not tire out." (Galatians 6:9) Says wise King Solomon: "The father of a righteous one will without fail be joyful."—Proverbs 23:24.
yes Gods word is the way to go , and our head Jesus is the one to look to.
SUCCESSFUL gardening requires much more than scattering some seed on the ground and then returning a few months later for the harvest. Much hard work is involved in preparing the soil, sowing the seeds, and watering and nurturing the plants so that they can grow to maturity.
This process could well illustrate the truthfulness of Proverbs 22:6, which says: "Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it." Indeed, parental training is a major factor in successful child rearing.
In today’s permissive world, however, many parents fail to heed this counsel. When they follow conventional wisdom that children must learn to handle problems on their own, their children are often left to fend for themselves. Such a course leaves young ones vulnerable to the harmful influence of unprincipled and unscrupulous individuals.—Proverbs 13:20.
How much better it is for parents to instill Christian principles in their children through godly training at an early age! How early? "From infancy," says the apostle Paul. That was the case with the young man Timothy. His mother, Eunice, and his grandmother Lois inculcated "the holy writings" in Timothy so that he "learned" and was "persuaded to believe." The result? Such training played a vital role in making him "wise for salvation."—2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14, 15.​
Likewise today, parents who do "not give up in doing what is fine" will reap rich rewards if they "do not tire out." (Galatians 6:9) Says wise King Solomon: "The father of a righteous one will without fail be joyful."—Proverbs 23:24.

You can reliquish your own thoughts for Quotes. That is up to you, whatever floats your boat as they say. For me that will never be an option, a few quotes will never substitute for rational and logic and intuitive sense these bring of whats real and what is illusion.
You can reliquish your own thoughts for Quotes. That is up to you, whatever floats your boat as they say. For me that will never be an option, a few quotes will never substitute for rational and logic and intuitive sense these bring of whats real and what is illusion.
I am glad to say that my thoughts are nothing in compare to Gods thoughts in the bible . and it is my belief as one of Jehovahs witnesses that the bible is inspired of God . and i do my best to base my life on the inspired word of God , and i do find that it is always most beneficial
I am glad to say that my thoughts are nothing in compare to Gods thoughts in the bible . and it is my belief as one of Jehovahs witnesses that the bible is inspired of God . and i do my best to base my life on the inspired word of God , and i do find that it is always most beneficial

I believe that is delusion. The bible is the work of men. A percentage of it is genuine attempt to understand a higher thought. A percentage is for good social governance. And a percentage deliberate political mechinations put there to give the powerful church leader a position of higher authority. Maybe to you it is beneficial. I have now 'witnessed' you proseltysing at someone with clear psychotic problems. At no time did you urge him to see a doctor. That is truly truly shameful. To me you are as sick as he appears to be. Your mantra's are your programing. I think you need a de-programing treatment.
I believe that is delusion. The bible is the work of men. A percentage of it is genuine attempt to understand a higher thought. A percentage is for good social governance. And a percentage deliberate political mechinations put there to give the powerful church leader a position of higher authority. Maybe to you it is beneficial. I have now 'witnessed' you proseltysing at someone with clear psychotic problems. At no time did you urge him to see a doctor. That is truly truly shameful. To me you are as sick as he appears to be. Your mantra's are your programing. I think you need a de-programing treatment.
he didnt come across as psychotic to me , just mislead by false religious teachings about hellfire. i wouldnt say we need to go to a doctor for that, even though others thought he did .
he didnt come across as psychotic to me , just mislead by false religious teachings about hellfire. i wouldnt say we need to go to a doctor for that, even though others thought he did .

If you do not recognise someone claiming to hear voices in their head as psychotic then you are in no position to offer advice.
If you do not recognise someone claiming to hear voices in their head as psychotic then you are in no position to offer advice.
accurate knowledge works wonders . it washes our minds clean of all the rubbish that has been put in there by false religious teachers. and hellfire is rubbish . false religious leaders have a lot to answer for.
accurate knowledge works wonders . it washes our minds clean of all the rubbish that has been put in there by false religious teachers. and hellfire is rubbish . false religious leaders have a lot to answer for.

You mean like Charles taze(er them) Russell. Tell me this....just how many dates have the JW's stated to be the end of days since 1874 and 1914?