The Temple of St. John is Open to Every Man

Can you give an attribution for that?

It seems to be applying the old neo-gnostic duality, creating two where there are one, and I didn't think Tomberg was subject to that. I am a great fan of Tonberg, but if we're talking about 'cognitive Christianity', then he stands in the shade of Bernard Lonergan.


Hi Br. Thomas,
I got the term "cognitive Christianity" from Tomberg- but I can't remember waht book it was in. It was probably in one of Robert Powell's....

Can you clue us in as to what "Cognitive Christianity" is exactly?

Hi Br. Dondi ( I assume you are of the masculine flavour),

CC is the doctrine that we can have direct knowledge of the Christian Mysteries- Initiate knowledge if you like.

Best Regards,
Br. Bruce

Hi Br. Dondi ( I assume you are of the masculine flavour),

CC is the doctrine that we can have direct knowledge of the Christian Mysteries- Initiate knowledge if you like.

Best Regards,
Br. Bruce

From whence does this knowledge come from and how does one obtain it?
From whence does this knowledge come from and how does one obtain it?

For myself, I would say the exercises given by Rudolf Steiner for instance are a good start.
I mean people like Emil Bock, Valentin Tomberg, Owen Barfield and many others followed his system.

Max Heindel merely "borrowed" from it.

I mean, what we are talking about here is firsthand knowledge...

Good Luck,
Br. Bruce
For myself, I would say the exercises given by Rudolf Steiner for instance are a good start.
I mean people like Emil Bock, Valentin Tomberg, Owen Barfield and many others followed his system.

Max Heindel merely "borrowed" from it.

I mean, what we are talking about here is firsthand knowledge...

Good Luck,
Br. Bruce

And where did they get it?
From whence does this knowledge come from and how does one obtain it?

Firsthand as I said. But also from other higher Teachers. There are some things you cannot discover unless you go to the first person who discovered it. That is an occult mystery.