Is Money "Energy"?

Bruce Michael

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I'm not aware of any economic theory that defines money as energy- someone may correct me on this. Yes, I know this a New Age idea- a fairly recent one I think (80s ?).

The "energy" idea has been useful for some groups when explaining their charges for "spiritual services". (You'll probably think I'm too cynical here.)

I suppose the energy idea came from the definition in physics that energy is " the capacity of a body or system to do work." Money actually doesn't do work, it is an intermediary dependent on the economy of the State or country concerned. Times were, when you needed a wheelbarrow full of notes to buy a loaf of bread.

A political party here, suggested that the Mint produce more money so that we'd all be better off. Of course it doesn't work that way. Again, if it was truly "energy" then we could print more, make higher denominations, and we'd all have lots more "energy".

Many instinctively feel the problems associated with the money system and set up bartering systems. Sometimes these bartering systems end up as just another form of money system but using gumnuts, for example (an abstract representation). The gumnut systems work well because they avoid tax; though some feel they are not getting a fair trade.

The perception of the spiritual entity (Mammon-Ahriman, R.Steiner) that lies behind money has prompted many holy individuals opt out of this realm. Much relief was felt by them when this was accomplished. St.Francis has been a model for this. I don't have the exact quote here, but he said that by wedding Sister Poverty he in fact gained all.

Remember, Christ said money is not of God: "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."

It goes without saying that God or those of the Angelic hierarchies have no use for money- "You can't take it with you".

In the past, Christians were forbidden to charge interest on loans (usury), some folk in Muslim countries still uphold this. Through this the Jews ended up as the money lenders and were hated for it (Shylock).

Nevertheless, money is a subject which affects us all.

BTW "Energies" is a popular word in New Age parlance. The Brothers on occasion, prefer to define it as "vital fluid"- that which is imparted alongside our intentions.

"Energies may be summoned wherever, 'energies' (to wit, there are more than may be open to interpretation) are not as the vital fluid which is imparted alongside the intentions - marked intentions - that are ours."
Hello Bruce,

According to Quantum physics all that exists is energy, thus money is energy. However money doesn't have enough energy holding capacity to self realize, as is the case with most if not all inanimate objects.
In order to stay healthy, both physically and mentally we need an equal exchange of energy. If we expend more energy than we receive, we can become sick and even die. If we take in more energy than we have given out we also risk becoming sick. This energy is the breath of God that feeds our life currents keeping us healthy in this 3D world. Think of a balloon full of air, (which represents us at birth, with a certain quantum of energy). If we take air out of the balloon it starts to deflate, (which represents the beginning of illness in the physical body or even death). Death is not a natural process!!! It is caused by molecular compaction. If you keep adding air to the balloon it will burst and if we keep taking more and more energy into our bodies without giving energy back to the universe we will become sick.
Love and Light, Midge
Greetings Midge,

>According to Quantum physics all that exists is energy, thus money is >energy.

I did give the definition in physics that energy is " the capacity of a body or system to do work."

Now if you put your plastic or paper money in the fireplace, yes you will get some heat energy out of it. But notes and coins are just the representatives of money. Money itself is an abstract; its worth depends on the what the State or economic conditions dictate. It is not energy.

You could quite conceivably buy a house with fifty cents. Or it may take a million dollars to buy a loaf of bread. Look at the conditions in Zimbabwe today.

What if you go to the toilet in Zimbabwe? How much energy will you expend?
Whether you are a scruncher or folder it will take a lot of "energy". Toilet paper according to this April report is $417- no not per roll but sheet!
And that was in April.

As I said, you won't find an economist that conceives of money in that way. It just wouldn't help any economic system to treat money in that way.

God Bless,
Hello Bruce,
In Physics E=MC 2. This equation states that 'E' energy, equals 'M' mass or how much matter there is in an object 'C' at the speed of light, two times squared.
Everything is energy and energy is conscious. We live in a hologram that in reality is merely a projection of thought/energy.
Not sure where you are going with this. What does an economist have to do with what we are discussing? The economist didn't invent energy/consciousness, consciousness invented Economists.
I'm not sure what point you are trying to make?
Love and Light, Marietta
Hi Marietta,
>In Physics E=MC 2. This equation states that 'E' energy, equals 'M' mass or >how much matter there is in an object 'C' at the speed of light, two times >squared.

Money has no mass- it is a made up concept.

>Everything is energy and energy is conscious.

Energy is not intelligent.

> We live in a hologram that in reality is merely a projection of >thought/energy.

Who is projecting it?

> What does an economist have to do with what we are discussing?

Economists spend a lot of time studying the effects of money.

all things have the energy that god gave it. until we lend it our own energy to it. if money has no energy that means it is in a neutral state of neutral energy that is what it was at the beginning. passing from hand to hand though becuse money is a coveted possession we unconsciously lend it energy as a whole (the whole monatary system) or as a singular (adding energy to the object). considering how much time we spend thinking about money it has enough energy to be a very powerful force in this world. what an object can do with energy or if it can do any thing at all without consciousness interference. this would require more research.
Surley all wich exist is purely energy vibrating at different pases. But the natuer of Give and Reccive have existed since the forthcomming of humans. An exampel is the shaman who expects to reccive a handfull of tobaco for his preformance. Not onley is money its self energy, but we put alot of energy into getting ouer hands on them. So it signefies personal sacrifies when we freely give it in exchange for a service. It show´s that we genuinaly are interested in what is exchanged for.

But for all means give frealy. But remember it wount feed hungry mouths.


Rune S.
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On a related tangent, check out this interesting news article about a surfer dude (who happens to have a PhD) who has come up with a surprisingly simple "theory of everything" that is wowing the physicist crowd. And to make it more interesting, the new theory comes down to the following little diagram which was dreamed up in 1887 and only recently fully understood by mathematicians.

Surley all wich exist is purely energy vibrating at different pases. But the natuer of Give and Reccive have existed since the forthcomming of humans. An exampel is the shaman who expects to reccive a handfull of tobaco for his preformance. Not onley is money its self energy, but we put alot of energy into getting ouer hands on them. So it signefies personal sacrifies when we freely give it in exchange for a service. It show´s that we genuinaly are interested in what is exchanged for.

But for all means give frealy. But remember it wount feed hungry mouths.


Rune S.

Hi Rune S.
It's about value and apparent value. Money has an apparent value- given it by the State. It is not energy.

You could say all is energy but it takes the same amount of energy to conceive of two cents as it does to conceive of a billion or a trillion dollars.

When material things are requested, you are probably receiving nothing spiritual in return.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be converted. So paper money is potential energy, and if you burn it, transformed to heat energy.

On the subject of money, have you heard of "The Venus project", some people are dreaming up ideas of a future where money will become obsolete, and we will all just work for the betterment of humanity. Can you imagine that?

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be converted. So paper money is potential energy, and if you burn it, transformed to heat energy.

On the subject of money, have you heard of "The Venus project", some people are dreaming up ideas of a future where money will become obsolete, and we will all just work for the betterment of humanity. Can you imagine that?

Another alternative currency was described by Cory Doctorow in his sci-fi book "Down and Out In the Magic Kingdom". In his story, money was replaced by a reputation-based currency system he called Wuffie.

There's an explanation of it at Whuffie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Didn't Einstein prove that everything is energy?
I'm not aware of any economic theory that defines money as energy- someone may correct me on this. Yes, I know this a New Age idea- a fairly recent one I think (80s ?).

The "energy" idea has been useful for some groups when explaining their charges for "spiritual services". (You'll probably think I'm too cynical here.)

I suppose the energy idea came from the definition in physics that energy is " the capacity of a body or system to do work." Money actually doesn't do work, it is an intermediary dependent on the economy of the State or country concerned. Times were, when you needed a wheelbarrow full of notes to buy a loaf of bread.

A political party here, suggested that the Mint produce more money so that we'd all be better off. Of course it doesn't work that way. Again, if it was truly "energy" then we could print more, make higher denominations, and we'd all have lots more "energy".

Many instinctively feel the problems associated with the money system and set up bartering systems. Sometimes these bartering systems end up as just another form of money system but using gumnuts, for example (an abstract representation). The gumnut systems work well because they avoid tax; though some feel they are not getting a fair trade.

The perception of the spiritual entity (Mammon-Ahriman, R.Steiner) that lies behind money has prompted many holy individuals opt out of this realm. Much relief was felt by them when this was accomplished. St.Francis has been a model for this. I don't have the exact quote here, but he said that by wedding Sister Poverty he in fact gained all.

Remember, Christ said money is not of God: "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."

It goes without saying that God or those of the Angelic hierarchies have no use for money- "You can't take it with you".

In the past, Christians were forbidden to charge interest on loans (usury), some folk in Muslim countries still uphold this. Through this the Jews ended up as the money lenders and were hated for it (Shylock).

Nevertheless, money is a subject which affects us all.

BTW "Energies" is a popular word in New Age parlance. The Brothers on occasion, prefer to define it as "vital fluid"- that which is imparted alongside our intentions.

"Energies may be summoned wherever, 'energies' (to wit, there are more than may be open to interpretation) are not as the vital fluid which is imparted alongside the intentions - marked intentions - that are ours."