Creation Museum causes stir in scientific circles

Kindest Regards, Tao!
When are we all gona learn that he who bangs a drum the loudest still does not have to be taken seriously?
Probably when we learn to still our "monkey mind" enough to close our ears with discernment. I sense that those that shout the loudest are trying to be heard above the din inside the average mind...(not least their own, :D )
Apologies if my welcome was redundant, I get forgetful...old timers disease and all. :)

Quite alright, I appreciate the thought! Congratulations on your impending nuptuals which I read of on another thread. Marriage is a wonderful thing (if it doesn't kill you.):)
Kindest Regards, Sunny!
Quite alright, I appreciate the thought! Congratulations on your impending nuptuals which I read of on another thread. Marriage is a wonderful thing (if it doesn't kill you.):)
Actually, we are fast approaching our first anniversary. Thank you just the same! I waited a very long time, I have watched as far too many friends messed up their lives (some repeatedly). So I have been quite skittish regarding matrimony, and I have been doing everything I can to try to make sure this one works for us. I realize it takes two, and I haven't mastered mind reading yet, but I think she feels pretty much the same.

Kindest Regards, Sunny!

Actually, we are fast approaching our first anniversary. Thank you just the same! I waited a very long time, I have watched as far too many friends messed up their lives (some repeatedly). So I have been quite skittish regarding matrimony, and I have been doing everything I can to try to make sure this one works for us. I realize it takes two, and I haven't mastered mind reading yet, but I think she feels pretty much the same.


I waited 'till I was 33 to get married. Had my first child at 37 (well, my wife did). People like to say that kids keep you young. That's a bunch of B.S.
I waited 'till I was 33 to get married. Had my first child at 37 (well, my wife did). People like to say that kids keep you young. That's a bunch of B.S.

Eh, go take a look at my mug in the introduction forum...I'm 46, and just gettin' started (lol) :D

Bunch of BS? I raised three (half the time on my own). They didn't age me a second. In fact, they kept me playing ball, singin' in the rain, dancin' in the streets, running up and down Michigan sand dunes, Hollerin' at the football games and wrestling matches...then, they up and married, and now their children are about to do it to me all over again...gettin' old? Who has time for gettin' old?

Bet you can whip a diaper off and a new one on a kid in seconds flat...(couldn't do that before, and neither can most childless men). Bet you know more nursery rhymes than Carter has pills...

It's all perspective. What a treasure to have...;)


Kindest Regards, Sunny!

Actually, we are fast approaching our first anniversary. Thank you just the same! I waited a very long time, I have watched as far too many friends messed up their lives (some repeatedly). So I have been quite skittish regarding matrimony, and I have been doing everything I can to try to make sure this one works for us. I realize it takes two, and I haven't mastered mind reading yet, but I think she feels pretty much the same.


My only (only) advice is this: In everything you do (you personally), do it with love for the other, on your mind.

Arguments aren't so angry, dissappointments aren't so dissapointing. Talking is softer, murmurs are sweeter, foot touching in the middle of the night while sleeping, is tenderer. Love is a wonderful balm, and a great approdisiac. It (love) is a perfect judge or mediator, as long as it is invited to intervene.

That requires one to step back for a moment.

Here is one place that I (Juan), have a bit more experience than you (marriage # 3), and I would spare you the mistakes I made in the past, if I can.

Love is not an emotion. It is a conscious decision to do what is best for another, despite personal feelings. It is the calm that is always there, in the middle of a storm, should we choose to step into it.

In the discipline of Aikido, center is the place to be. Everything else is off balance, but the center is perfect balance. Love is like that. It is perfect balance. He who loves, can handle all non love issues, because he stays in balance.

Took me 25 years to figure that out. May you take less than one...:eek:


My only (only) advice is this: In everything you do (you personally), do it with love for the other, on your mind.

Arguments aren't so angry, dissappointments aren't so dissapointing. Talking is softer, murmurs are sweeter, foot touching in the middle of the night while sleeping, is tenderer. Love is a wonderful balm, and a great approdisiac. It (love) is a perfect judge or mediator, as long as it is invited to intervene.

That requires one to step back for a moment.

Here is one place that I (Juan), have a bit more experience than you (marriage # 3), and I would spare you the mistakes I made in the past, if I can.

Love is not an emotion. It is a conscious decision to do what is best for another, despite personal feelings. It is the calm that is always there, in the middle of a storm, should we choose to step into it.

In the discipline of Aikido, center is the place to be. Everything else is off balance, but the center is perfect balance. Love is like that. It is perfect balance. He who loves, can handle all non love issues, because he stays in balance.

Took me 25 years to figure that out. May you take less than one...:eek:



Thanks, Josh!
(2c) Learned to wait a second with the boys before whippin it off, if you know what I mean.:D

The real standard of expertise is how many wipies it takes you to clean a gooey one up. My wife could do it with one! I was so jealous.
I just realized that I'm entitled to give the newlywed some sagely advice. Hmmm (rubbing hands together)... Make sure your wife has her own friends and her own hobbies and activities. Co-dependancy breeds discontent. If, through your own stupidity, you find yourself in a situation where you start to wonder what your own bed feels like, and you need to make a sacrificial gesture toward she who must be obeyed, I suggest sending your wife away somehow while you either knock out some major home repair project, or accomplish some large household task that you know your wife hates. Make sure the results are spectacular- this has to have a lot of symbolic punch. Then, when you get your nuptual green card back, you'd better be that sensitive stud that you know she likes in the sack.
Kindest Regards, Sunny!
I just realized that I'm entitled to give the newlywed some sagely advice. Hmmm (rubbing hands together)... Make sure your wife has her own friends and her own hobbies and activities. Co-dependancy breeds discontent. If, through your own stupidity, you find yourself in a situation where you start to wonder what your own bed feels like, and you need to make a sacrificial gesture toward she who must be obeyed, I suggest sending your wife away somehow while you either knock out some major home repair project, or accomplish some large household task that you know your wife hates. Make sure the results are spectacular- this has to have a lot of symbolic punch. Then, when you get your nuptual green card back, you'd better be that sensitive stud that you know she likes in the sack.
Point taken! Thanks. Boy have we derailed this thread....

Actually the wife and I are in the middle of negotiations to purchase a house. Something I cannot afford on my own. I have stressed her involvement, down to her picking which house (of the two we were considering). Because of the language barrier, I must conduct the negotiations, but I have had the terms interpreted to her as we go. The housekeeping will come in due time!
I wonder if they have an exibit at the creation museum about the talking, flying snakes that inhabited the Eden garden.
Kindest Regards, Sunny!

Boy have we derailed this thread....
Yeah, but as soon as we quit talking this thread will slowly slide of the first page, never to be seen again.

My girls came in with their broomstick horses. We fed them imaginary apples and gave them a drink. I did the sound effects.:)
I wonder if they have an exibit at the creation museum about the talking, flying snakes that inhabited the Eden garden.
Shouldn't be too hard about flying or walking...I've seen examples of flying snakes (like flying squirrels, actually more like glide down from trees), lizards that stand on two hind legs and run, and so on. I continue to be fascinated with the anatomical fact that snakes have hips and residual arms and legs.

As for talking though, that might be hard to pull off. I don't think snakes have voice boxes. Then again, since so much of Genesis, particularly in the Garden, seems to be metaphor and allegory, the question arises if we are truly discussing snakes with the term "serpent." Seems to me the serpent in the Garden, since he was fully capable of seducing Eve (and everything that entails), may have been human (or angelic in the sense of Nephilim). There are traditions that hold that Cain is the product of the union of Eve with the serpent, hence why he is not included in the geneology oif Adam. ;)

Yeah, but as soon as we quit talking this thread will slowly slide of the first page, never to be seen again.
Well, a lot hinges on the interest it draws. Similar discussions on other boards have drawn pages after pages of response. But they usually become a discussion of science attempting to dominate religion (with me as referee, to show how many people who argue by "scientific logic" are not as "scientific" and "logical" as they lead themselves to think they are).

I think because this thread is where it is, effectively putting the dominance on Christianity, most science types would prefer to avoid the hassle of arguing what to them seems a given. Besides, it serves as another excuse for simple amusement, and little more. "Oh, look what those crazy fools are doing again..."

My girls came in with their broomstick horses. We fed them imaginary apples and gave them a drink. I did the sound effects.:)
THAT sounds like fun!
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