The Oil

With freedom comes responsibility.
Come on!! I'm a Scot... you know we are slaves to the baser instincts!! :p

Just in case its not universal in english, 'well oiled' is an expression here for getting drunk.

Well, I've got both of you beat--I'm Irish/Cherokee and married to a Scot. :D Now if I can behave myself, anyone can! ;)

Seriously, though, I really do have some more questions. There have been some interesting notions mentioned to me elsewhere regarding this subject. I have to figure out how to begin discussing some concepts with which I am not all that familiar. And the news we received here in CR today kind of threw me for a loop. But I am planning to make an earnest attempt in the next day or two to get back on track.:)

Hi Everyone :)

So now that this thread is in Comparative Studies, I thought we might speculate on some comparisons, keeping in mind that “to compare” does not mean we must conclude that one idea is necessarily the same as another. But maybe we can examine any possible relations. We can look for similarities if we like, or we can talk about differences. Or both. (Maybe I need to get out more, but I think it might be fun.)

I started out looking at “The Oil” in the context of a passage from New Testament Scripture. But I wonder if anyone might like to compare the discussion so far with the Buddhist concepts of “fuel without remainder” or perhaps even the description of the five wise virgins in the Christian parable and the five Buddha wisdom families? Anyone interested?

This also might go along with what some here have already suggested--that the oil might be related to the idea of conciousness.

I’ll see if this discussion takes off, and if not, then I will try to provide more information that might help. Please keep in mind that I am a bit out of my comfort zone, so I may be a little clumsy with my language. But I’ve come to realize that most of the time, people interested in Comparative Studies are a pretty understanding bunch.:cool:

Hi Everyone :)

So now that this thread is in Comparative Studies, I thought we might speculate on some comparisons, keeping in mind that “to compare” does not mean we must conclude that one idea is necessarily the same as another. But maybe we can examine any possible relations. We can look for similarities if we like, or we can talk about differences. Or both. (Maybe I need to get out more, but I think it might be fun.)

I started out looking at “The Oil” in the context of a passage from New Testament Scripture. But I wonder if anyone might like to compare the discussion so far with the Buddhist concepts of “fuel without remainder” or perhaps even the description of the five wise virgins in the Christian parable and the five Buddha wisdom families? Anyone interested?

This also might go along with what some here have already suggested--that the oil might be related to the idea of conciousness.

I’ll see if this discussion takes off, and if not, then I will try to provide more information that might help. Please keep in mind that I am a bit out of my comfort zone, so I may be a little clumsy with my language. But I’ve come to realize that most of the time, people interested in Comparative Studies are a pretty understanding bunch.:cool:

Recent thread discussing 'without remaining fuel'
Five Buddha Wisdom Families and Eight Consciousnesses (pdf)
Thanks for the links, seattlegal! Yes, those are the ones....

(Did you see me there listening in? I was the quiet one in the back, wearing the big hat and dark shades.) :D

Now, I'm all giddy. Some of it does seem to tie into what we were talking about regarding what separates us and what brings us together. And maybe the fruits of the Spirit, even.
