On a serious note, if they have shown it is possible for a shark to have a virgin birth... Would this be the same for the human being a 100% different type of animal? If yes, then also wouldn't this go to show, that maybe infact jesus wasn't some divine blessing.... He was just born from a freak situation.....
It's the sharks Messiah!!! They've been waiting for this for so long now!!
On a serious note, if they have shown it is possible for a shark to have a virgin birth... Would this be the same for the human being a 100% different type of animal? If yes, then also wouldn't this go to show, that maybe infact jesus wasn't some divine blessing.... He was just born from a freak situation..... ?
I've always had a problem with the virgin birth idea...
Well no, man is merely an animal with too much intelligence for it's own good....
hmmmm, lol, and I guess the same question could be turned around. What proves that animals don't have souls? Interestingly the early christians identified the soul as the psyche. Ours obvioulsy more complex then the animal kingdom, creatures like dolphins and humpback whales however with their brilliant communication systems and gorillas etc make me think twice, and maybe three times : O )