I think im going to hell

Excuse me, sir. shadowman is the one coming here for help. We, that is the Christians on this Christian board are trying to help him out. He already has a belief in Christ. We are only trying to strengthen and encourage the faith he already has. I don't see this as prostelyzing. We're trying to correct misconceptions he might have regarding the Christian faith. For instance, the idea that you can sell you soul to the devil is simply unbiblical. Is it wrong to clear up and alleviate his fears? I don't think anyone on this board doesn't think shadowman shouldn't get some professional help. If he has a physical or mental condition that warrants a doctor, then he should all means seek one.

Amen! I second this down to the last word.

Thanks Dondi.

Yes, after he has sought medical advice. As I stated...I did not ask him to give it up, just suspend thinking about it for a couple of weeks while he gets medical help.

I would advise continued prayer to The Great Physician in addition to anything else.

I took offense when I read your post of 9:04 last night and posted before reading the rest of your posts. I actually got upset and I'm sorry. I understand now what you were trying to say and I hope I haven't been unkind to you in any way. I guess I get carried away (overly zealous?) sometimes but that's no excuse.

Please forgive me.

Best Regards,

If in any way, I have been a poor witness of G-d's love or have not taken you seriously, I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

I trust completely that G-d can make everything come out right.:)

All the best,
Tao's right. Take a break from God and Satan for a bit. Think about something else, like, oh I don't know...the black helicopters.
my friend , just the thoughts of wondering while searching says you are drawing closer to God,... the deciever is attacking you,causing doubt... stand fast for your blessing from above and latch hold of God as jacob...
Give him a break...

Hey, just because someone is schizo doesn't mean they don't have a sense of humor. You guys can treat Shadowman like a child if you want, I've read his stuff and I know he's smart. I'm gonna give him som sh** just like I'd give my brother if he was talking all goofy.

Plattitudes suck. People screaming at you about excepting Jesus NOW in 32 point font sucks.
Hey, just because someone is schizo doesn't mean they don't have a sense of humor. You guys can treat Shadowman like a child if you want, I've read his stuff and I know he's smart. I'm gonna give him som sh** just like I'd give my brother if he was talking all goofy.

Plattitudes suck. People screaming at you about excepting Jesus NOW in 32 point font sucks.

...and your point is.
(btw, this is the Christianity page.) Yes, he is very smart. You know smart people hurt too.
Shadowman, never forget to think for yourself. No one else can think for you and you should not rely on any outside influence to "save" you. If you do good things, and treat all people with kindness, I dont think anyone would argue that you are in danger of going to "hell".
Hey, just because someone is schizo doesn't mean they don't have a sense of humor. You guys can treat Shadowman like a child if you want, I've read his stuff and I know he's smart. I'm gonna give him som sh** just like I'd give my brother if he was talking all goofy.

Plattitudes suck. People screaming at you about excepting Jesus NOW in 32 point font sucks.

Throwing salt into an open wound doesn't feel too good either...

It may or may not promote healing, but it definitely leaves a visible scar after.


Throwing salt into an open wound doesn't feel too good either...

It may or may not promote healing, but it definitely leaves a visible scar after.



Yes, you are right. Must be my turn to apologize. Sorry, my bad.
why would god let there be a such thing as schizophrenia. in a world where angels and gods and demons speak to people and give them visions why would there also be a mental condition that produces similar results.

Have you ever watched Barney? In Barney the big purple dinosaur's world all you have to do is use your imagination. Barney himself only appears when all the kids imagine him.

We all have the ability to divide our thinking process and assign one part to, say, argue with another part. I can carry on a conversation or argument in my head between the part I assign to be me and the part I assign to play you. I can switch and take your part, argue back at me. And I have a cloakroom of "me's" that I use for different things. Each of them I've assigned a slightly different voice. Then there is the naughty me, and the guilty me, and the obsessive me. All the grungy stuff the gets me beating on myself like I'm not good enough, I'm a failure, I can't win so why try...kind of stuff.

But then there is inspiration. My original thoughts don't seem to entirely originate from inside my brain. They're not a product of all the noises and processes in my head. They're not coming from the inner dialog at all. But I've got to process that information. So down into processor it goes. All the players grab their parts and start talking. Barney pops up and starts singing and dancing. And whoever has observer duty plops down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and the remote.