Nick the Pilot
Well-Known Member
Hi everybody!
Leo has a thread in the Christian Section about why God neeeded to rest on Day 7 of Genesis.
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I thought I would give another interpretation of what happened. I do not think "God" rested. If there is a "God", I do not think "He" would rest, nor would "He" need to rest. No, I see another version, where we rest, not "God".
There is a theory that Genesis refers to the appearence of our universe, which is only one universe in a cycle of universes. According to this theory, Genesis only tells part of the story, only the part of the story that pertains to the beginning of this universe. The theory continues that there is a rest period for everyone (not for "God") between universes. I believe the original story (that Genesis refers to) tells about this rest period, and somehow that got turned around in the story, to where "God" rested instead of us.
In the theory, a universe's rest period is of the same length of time as the active part of our universe. So, if Genesis were written according to this idea, we would have a story of seven days of Creation, followed by seven days of rest. Think about it; if this idea had been followed by the writers of Genesis, we would have seven day work-weeks, followed by weekends that are seven days long!
Leo has a thread in the Christian Section about why God neeeded to rest on Day 7 of Genesis.
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I thought I would give another interpretation of what happened. I do not think "God" rested. If there is a "God", I do not think "He" would rest, nor would "He" need to rest. No, I see another version, where we rest, not "God".
There is a theory that Genesis refers to the appearence of our universe, which is only one universe in a cycle of universes. According to this theory, Genesis only tells part of the story, only the part of the story that pertains to the beginning of this universe. The theory continues that there is a rest period for everyone (not for "God") between universes. I believe the original story (that Genesis refers to) tells about this rest period, and somehow that got turned around in the story, to where "God" rested instead of us.
In the theory, a universe's rest period is of the same length of time as the active part of our universe. So, if Genesis were written according to this idea, we would have a story of seven days of Creation, followed by seven days of rest. Think about it; if this idea had been followed by the writers of Genesis, we would have seven day work-weeks, followed by weekends that are seven days long!