Kindest Regards, bananabrain, and thank you once again for the thoughtful response!
bananabrain said:
well, don't be surprised. this is not a simple issue!
the suspension of sacrifice is just that; a suspension, rather than a change. from our perspective, G!D does not change objectives. what was required by the Divine is still required now - we are just fulfilling this requirement in a different way, but still staying within the brief.
Very well, I had thought Judaism to be more static. I guess that shows what I get for thinking.
that's how it started, as a jewish sect.
Alright. I hadn't ever considered the matter in such a light before, but it does make a kind of sense.
this is really a point about the *elasticity of labels*. how far can you stretch the label "judaism" until it is no longer recognisable? consensus within judaism varies - but all are agreed that recognising jesus as fulfilling messianic prophecies as well as dropping the observance of the Law puts you well outside the "fence", or snaps the elastic if you like. for some within orthodox judaism, changing one's attitude to the binding nature of halacha, or the dynamic of revelation, as the reform and conservative movements have done, does the same thing.
I can see how both recognizing Jesus and dropping observance of the Law could escape the "fence" of Judaism, would recognizing Jesus as Messiah and observing the Law bring one closer to the fence then?
i can't answer questions as technical as that. i use a jewish calendar. you'd have to consult a competent rabbi to understand the technique. sorry.
I guess we can't know everything. Thank you for trying.
ah, this one's easier. the omer (the name for this period) lasts 49 days, starting from the second "day" of Pesach, which is effectively the second night.
Thank you most sincerely for the clarification. How is Pentacost traditionally observed?
... on the relationship of commentators to each other, which i don't believe is the case with christian commentators, as they are all coming from different theological positions.
Perhaps I am biased, but it seems to me Christian commentators generally are approaching the same theology, merely picking and choosing which arguments are most relevent in their personal views. Generally speaking, Christian denominations hold to certain basics, but differ (vehemently) on specifics and application. I understand Judaism to be similarly fragmented, and if I read you correctly, this seems not an unfair assessment. Judaism seems to me not as vehement in expressing those differences towards each other, and at least since the dispersion not so inclined towards genuine (read: force of arms) internal warfare to settle such differences.
i'm sorry if this is complicated and confusing but you're kind of asking me to summarise 2500 years of our interpretative tradition!
I do appreciate the effort, but frankly it went right over my head. I did take away that the role of commentators in Judaism have a long and respected tradition. I can appreciate that. Some among Christians are similarly inclined. In my personal view, there is enough internal conflict within Christianity with the Bible alone, that pitting commentators against each other only serves to muddy the water even more. Some of us lay people are more concerned with the nuts and bolts, nevermind what particular brand of axle grease is recommended. Just grease the darn thing and let's get on with it!
that's what it says in the NT, but obviously we don't actually know. there was a family of whom several "rabban gamaliels" are known, who were senior members of the sanhedrin, but which one paul is supposed to have been a disciple of is uncertain.
Thank you. While it does not clarify my question, it does give me something to go by.
the 613 commandments can be deduced and expounded from the ten, but this means that they are a good summary rather than anything else. they are not "more important" because they need to be expanded before their detail can be understood. they were originally read out on Shabbat, but this practice was stopped precisely because of heretical sects (christians included) who tried to reduce the Law to a mere observance of the ten.
OK. I think I understand what it is you are saying. Not casting any form of judgement, could this be said to be making a mountain out of a molehill? I believe you earlier commented that Hillel made a statement that coincided with the golden rule, followed by "all the rest is commentary, so now go and study." Or something to that effect. I recall hearing the same thing elsewhere. And even Jesus summarized the Ten into the two: Love your Father with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. I realize that expounding and exploring in depth the implications of these things is necessary for full application, and I expect this is the position commentators and teachers in general serve in guiding those who have no inclination toward such deep thought. One of my longstanding concerns with Christianity is that subordinating such thoughts into the hands of commentators has produced rituals, traditions and customs that are conflicting, extra-Biblical, and in some cases directly opposed to the gist of what I read in the texts. I am not making that assumption in a wholesale manner towards Judaism, but could it be said to exist to some degree? At least to those matters that are extra-Biblical? Is it not the spirit of the matter, rather than the express letter, especially when the letter is not directly in the texts?
oh, absolutely. this is precisely the purpose of a HoQ, to teach us our own limitations.
You lost me here. HoQ? Is this a rabbinical teacher or commentator?
i guess what i'm saying is that i see the gospels as historical documents and thus they are qualitatively different from Torah. i have no problem with using christian perspectives on them to understand christianity, but my interest them is not to contextualise my own religious outlook.
I believe I understand, and even agree. I even have some minor concerns about verification of some of the claims, considering the oldest extant texts are post-Catholic establishment, and subject to the Catholic cannonization process and what that entails. Even so, there is wisdom in the words. What I see exhibited within the pages of the New Testament is practical application of the Law (in spirit if not in letter), although I can see how from your point of view that may not seem to be the case. Ultimately, I hold to Christianity because that is the point of view I was born into and raised with. In my mind, this is where God placed me, so this is what I have become and what I believe. I suppose if I had been born a Jew, I would be an unapologetic Jew. Likewise, if I had been born Buddhist or otherwise. I look deeply into the path I have been set upon for wisdom and guidance, and I occasionally glean other bits of wisdom from other sources. That is my way of dealing with the matter of spirit and faith. If I am mistaken, I hope my sincerity will account for something.
well, i dare say, but i don't need to spend 20 years in prison to learn from nelson mandela.
Understood, but how is prison time to be equated with wisdom? Observing the example that my Messiah set in everyday life for dealing with my brothers and sisters is that which I implied. I have no desire to be crucified, nor could I expect that such an act on my part would serve any distinct purpose such as that he submitted to. I might be executed for my faith, and by doing so demonstrate my resolve to my Father, but I cannot begin to think I could take on the sin of any others, other than my own. Nor could I act as a surrogate sacrifice for that purpose.
oh, absolutely. this is being discussed in another thread i think.
Thank you for this clarification. I sometimes wondered, but not with any serious depth. I am beginning to think we share more than we differ. I suspected as much, but it is nice to find confirmation.
Thank you very much for your insights, I greatly value our discussion. I look forward to "hearing" from you again. Until then, Kindest Regards, and Shalom.