Thomas said:
It is my contention that every tradition accesses this abstract, or the Absolute, in its own, unique way. But all agree ... it cannot be seen, it is beyond forms.
Careful, though, here ... or soon you'll have us all living in
our own little, bubble worlds, water-tight, air-tight - with God living in the
greatest bubble world of His own, again water-tight, air-tight. Except that what you're saying is that God's worlds are
Wisdom-tight and
At best, we can think ABOUT them, or perhaps
IMAGINE them ... is that it?
These aren't your words, Thomas, so show me how I've misinterpreted!
I will affirm
precisely the opposite. I will say, and I do say, that
there is NOTHING, NO THING, which you or I can set our eyes upon ... which IS NOT GOD'S. And I mean that
most literally.
every single atom of substance belongs to God,
including those which compose our bodies, emotional bodies, minds and Souls ... then quite literally, there is NO THING which
"is not God." God cannot be
defined (as you will be
so quick and keen to point out - LEAPING like a frog out of a box to make the assertion) simply by
imagining or conceiving ALL SUBSTANCE, because "the Whole is greater than the sum of its parts." True, quite true.
And all this is equally true of
energy, of Spirit, or of LIFE Itself. But this is where,
if you insist that somehow, the
Christian Revelation is unique, and quite different than say,
the Hindu one ... then just between you and me, I will be forced to
make the admission. That which
means much more to me, however, will in the last analysis be
the Hindu ... or the doctrine of
Hylozoism, panpsychism.
I simply cannot accept as
ultimately meaningful, significant or relevant, the notion of
the clockmaker god, standing above and
aloof from His Creation. I will affirm an ABSOLUTE,
about which there can be NO profitable speculation whatsoever ... and use the METAPHOR of
sleep (Mahapralaya) for the period of NON-manifestation of said Absolute (from OUR point of view, of course!). I can then find it completely acceptable that DURING (Duration being a key aspect of the Ageless Wisdom teachings) the
period of manifestation of a Kosmos or Universe (Mahamanvantara), there exists a
Godhead, a Trinity - Three in One. And the terminology, from there, matters not.
I say tomato,
you say tomahto. It's a red, juicy fruit, often found in salads, varying in texture, size, appearance and taste. But
for the tomato, an
archetype exists. And THAT'S what Plato was onto (okay, "onto" being an understatement!) ...
What is the Soul?
It is Augeiodes:The most substantial difference consisted in the location of the immortal or divine spirit of man. While the ancient Neoplatonists held that the Augoeides never descends hypostatically into the living man, but only more or less sheds its radiance on the inner man – the astral soul – the Kabalists of the Middle Ages maintained that the spirit, detaching itself from the ocean of light and spirit, entered into man's soul, where it remained through life imprisoned in the astral capsule. This difference was the result of the belief of Christian Kabalists, more or less, in the dead letter of the allegory of the fall of man. (H.P. Blavatsky)
And it can be defined in plenty of
other ways. But you see, here I will feel more at home to agree with the Neoplatonists, while you will perhaps side with the Kabalists. Your experiences
may tell you that your interpretation is "the correct one," yet I can contest your belief - and will gladly do so,
from my own experiences, understanding and insights.
Who is right, at the end of the day? I may not be
certain, yet if I do not feel that my own understanding is more likely the correct one,
I will not find it profitable or prudent to (philosophically) argue the point. The Soul of the esoteric teachings
which I have studied, is literally
incarnate, yet NOT in the man of the flesh, nor in the man
of the astral-emotional plane, or even within the realm of lower mind.
The Soul, though having taken what
equates, for us, to A PHYSICAL FORM ... has done so from the point of view of
Atma, Buddhi and Manas, these being ITS Triadal Self (
as ours likewise exists, on a lower turn of the material and spiritual spiral), and it uses the `Causal envelope' (
Karana-upadhi, Karana Sarira ...
Augoeides) for its vehicle of manifestation in the world of
Higher Mind.
All of this seems, and is, a divergence, but it provides the
framework for my assertion that,
Thomas, man literally MEETS with God ... not so much in the
outer, material worlds of body, emotion and mortal mind - but in the
Interior Worlds of Higher Mind, Spiritual Intuition (Buddhi), and
Power, Peace or Spirit (Atma).
It is not that we
cannot experience the Divine,
here and now, within the physical world ...
as we witness the wind, blowing in the trees ... see a flock of birds, flying over a lake ... or stroll through a well-tended garden, and witness a myriad variety of beautiful, blooming flowers. Nor can we assume that that very fullness of the Majest of Godhead is not
present, right before our very eyes.
I am saying -
that it is so!
But I will also be willing to be, that neither you, nor I, can
necessarily and AT WILL experience it ... in the
wink of an eye, as it were.
The Master of the Wisdom,
because he has united his lesser self with the Greater,
can do this ... and as easily as you or I can redirect our attention from a flower in the foreground to a mighty oak off in the distance,
the Master can turn his consciousness inward, and access the world of Higher Mind (wherein all thought, all ideas, and Ideation Itself, are as an OPEN BOOK). Plato's World of Forms, to him, is as objective as your stamp collection, or butterfly collection would be, spread out upon a
well-illumined table.
More than that, his natural state of consciousness,
even while walking about, within the
apparent body of flesh and blood, resides
within or beyond the world of Buddhi, of Spiritual Intuition. There, he
knows the Unity which transcends the
"you and I, us and them" - ego consciousness, and he is also aware of the Divine Life which pulses throughout
all of Creation as the blood which animates
our entire body, yet moves freely throughout ... vitalizing and energizing it. The Master
IS this Unity; it is (a part of) his very
A Master, above all this,
abides eternally within the
Peace which Passseth Understanding, and there is NOUGHT which can disturb his calm. He knows, quite well, that
His Spirit is one with YOUR Spirit, and with My Spirit, and with ALL Spirit ... because He
is Spirit. And if you think - because you have not understood -
that somehow this attainment has caused him to LOSE something (that he needs) ... then I encourage you to ASK Him. ASK him -
what it was, He had to be MORE than willing to lay down. Ask him what he found it necessary to forever part with, ere he became Master. What was it, which he gladly - though with great difficulty - SET ASIDE ... in order to attain to the Oneness, which is Eternally His.
The word
Kumara ... is from the Sanskrit [from
ku with difficulty +
mara mortal], meaning `Mortal with difficulty.' They are defined philosophically as:
One group, a lesser of these,
are our Souls ... or so I have learned. Does this Soul
lose a part of itself, does it
forget? Or does it not
lend a hand, incarnate - just we do - in the worlds "in between" (
Higher Mind, the `anchor' for
Atma, Buddhi, Manas) ... and from there, gently fan into flame the
Higher Spiritual Principles which are the true, Inner Man?
And, when once
Transfigured, a man has become able to
stand on the Mountaintop alone, unaided ... and
see the
even-as-yet DISTANT Spiritual Goal which shines the Light for us all, calling to us
with Love Eternal ... does the Soul not, finally and at long last,
Itself depart - and continue on It's own Way of Higher (much Higher) evolution? Having left the man
to stand, is he not asked
"to lay down his very LIFE for his friends?" If only it were understood what this entails ... for no words can convey the nature of this sacrifice,
the yielding up of the `pearl of great price.'
Such is the Wisdom Teaching, in
plain-english terminology, borrowing
only where we as yet lack an English equivalent! SOUL is the term now used by most students,
rather than Agnishvatta, Manasaputra, Pitri, Kumara, Amesha-spenta, Dhyani, Elohim, and so forth.
You complain, Thomas (as did Francis, and BananaBrain), when some of us
borrow the Sanskrit, or ancient Greek terminology, or dare to suggest that
`Elohim' has the meaning I have provided (as
one of its
many, valid definitions). Yet you issue the
challenge to SHOW that there actually
existed a
single Wisdom Tradition, present within EVERY exoteric religious system
alike. But this is EXACTLY what I attempt to do,
treading lightly in the footsteps of students who have gone before me ... and well aware that I have not always their adeptness or adroitness.
I can but TRY ... and so, to return to my point:
middle ground, so to speak, is what I have been describing. One does not need to be a Master, or an Arhat, to
experience something of, or
within, these Interior worlds ... where
Spirit dominates the form, and where Inspiration, Illumination, are the normal operating `modes' of our Higher Consciousness. This is where the
Soul is at home, yet not sitting around, rapping its proverbial fingers on the table, waiting for us to
turn our attention inward, and Heavenward. The Soul lives a life of which we know
nothing, and is also pursuing
its own evolution ... even while it has voluntarily accepted the
AGELONG post of overshadowing us, thorughout or series of incarnations - almost as a loving master sees to the needs of a beloved pet.
This is a poor comparison, but if we could envision the
most Ideal of owners, then
this ... is what our Soul is like, for we shall never be abandoned, and there is NO crime, no error, no sin
so grievous that the Soul would forsake us, and leave its post. Christ came and spoke
as the Soul of all Humanity (embodied in one Man), and it is no surprise that
only a truly select few could understand Him - because only these few were anywhere
near the point in their evolution where His teachings could make sense.
Does that mean all the rest of us were dolts, and that He had nothing to say to us? DEAR GOD NO!
PLEASE stop stuffing these words down my throat ...
Torah, the exoteric presentation, EVEN THAT WHICH WOULD SAVE OUR PLANET, and advance us
light years toward the Divine Purpose ... THIS we have not even heeded, as G.K. Chesterton, Gandhiji, and others, have so aptly spoken. But what of
the Mysteries of Being, even the Lesser or
least of these? I could just cry, to hear someone say,
"These do not exist, save what Christ spoke to the masses." This does not just show ignorance, it shows hopelessness. It shows a kind of despair which has sapped away our very
knowledge of
WHO WE ALL ARE. And it cannot be objected that
this is a knowledge we have never truly possessed. We DO have this awareness, even now, and
we HAVE been told how to access it ... and many people
are doing just that.
If the Celestine Prophecy does not float your boat, then
enquire within and find out about Freemasonry ...
Ask one to be one. There are Rosicrucians, Baha'is, Unitarian Universalists, Theosophists, Unity Churches, Mormons, Tantric Buddhists, Tibetan Buddhists, Mandaeans, Zoroastrians, Valentinians, Anthroposophists, Ophites, Kabbalists, Pythagoreans, modern-day Gnostics of every flock and flavor ...
... and what we're finding, more and more, is that
most of the people belonging to these traditions are quite willing to come together, sit down at the table, and look at what's shared in common between their various spiritualities. Obviously, if the Freemasons wanted to be
they'd just go up and convert! And if the Zoroastrians felt more comfortable as Mormons,
they wouldn't bother to be Zoroastrians!!!
If a given person's
chosen tradition, or belief system, is
meeting the need for them, at this time ... and
especially if it's also helping other people in their life
via the ripple effect ... then
we ought not knock that person's religion, or spiritual path, or way of believing.
If it's the Pope, and he's making a general fool of himself,
and worse still - infuriating non-Catholics worldwide (and probably a good number of Catholics, too!) ... then he deserves the criticism he gets - and I sure WISH he could be
impeached, though we see how effective that idea works in American politics
I think time will tell on us,
what idiots we were, for allowing all this nonsense to take place ... and while we look, today, on the
Dark ages as just that - a blot on the collective human consciousness and
otherwise spirit of Progress - a brighter day is yet to come when,
if we survive this crisis, our future progeny will wonder,
How did they EVER put up with such crap (much less believe it)?
Oh Dark Aaaaages ...