cool...looks like an earthworm with a skull head.
Personally I like the art that focuses on the "life to the full" theme.
I see the skull and bones theme everywhere these days and am rather disgusted with the whole "cult of death" aura which has spewed across the face of the earth.
I don't fathom why so many people find it
Like the goths and the punks and the excessive body piercings and the extreme tattoos, the whole fetid maggot infested enchilada.
Why isn't LIFE cool???????
Why is death (which is fraggin inevitable and unavoidable) so god-d@mn popular as a theme.
Yes...this is a bee in my bonnet.
And it is bugging the h3ll out of me.
10 or so yrs ago it was just a thing, now I even see babies wearing the death-head.
I just realized that this is the lounge, so I will shut up now.