How is it unacceptable and disrespectful??[SIZE=-1]This use of the phrase is unacceptable as it is disrespectful to Hindus and should, and I believe soon shall be, outlawed as politically uncorrect. [/SIZE]
We all have our sacred cows...for some it might be Jesus, for others the Trinity, for others Krishna or Bhudda....
Of course for me, labeling something as politically incorrect makes it all so much not so sacred bulls**t.
My favorite was eating lunch with Vishnu (pastrami on rye), Devanand (roast beef and au jus), Madhaver (meatball sub), me the veggie ordering eggplant parmesan, the only white guy, the only christian, the only american, amongst a bunch of Hindus...I ask what is up....I thought you guys were the following with your politically incorrect Indian accent (no disrespect, you will just sound more like my lunch table)
Vishnu - This is not the sacred cow, this is american cow.
Devanand - We are vegetarian in India, but this is America
Madhaver - When in Rome, we eat the Roman Cow.
Wil - But when I'm at your house there is no meat.
Vishnu - When at home we eat what is prepared for us.
Madhaver - Here we have a menu
It is my Indian Hindu friends whose taught me how and why the Sacred Cow became sacred...and also taught me according to their religion they are not to cross they laughed as they have crossed the water so many times... All Brahman....they were sure they were coming back as untouchoubles...or fleas...or bacteria...