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Two videos from Molly Burke's feed (both featuring Christine Ha, the winner from Master Chef who just happens to be visually impaired as well.)

The first video was the one that linked to the video above where she reunited with the gamer dude...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Another Bob Newhart skit:

In case it's taken down, the title is The Driving Instructor. It's a product of the times that it originally aired.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Y'all might appreciate this prank:

In case it's taken down, the prank is/was Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow shows up at Disneyland Canada on the Pirates of the Carrabean ride

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
This might make y'all tear up:

It's apolitical, just a man having one last dance with his mother at his wedding (she succumbed to ALS ten days later, which is why she didn't really move during the mother-son dance shown here...)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
My grandchildren still said 'choo-choo' when playing with trains, and yet they'd never seen nor heard a 'choo-choo', and diesels don't make a different noise ... So I took it upon myself to crank up YouTube and introduce the kids to British Steam.

We have since travelled on preservation society steam trains.

I was taken as a kid to see the last steam trains leave Paddington, a London terminus. As my childhood home looked out over the main line between London Euston and Scotland, I used to see the Royal Scot steam by. (Not the more famous Flying Scotsman, that ran out of London Kings Cross.)

The line was electrified in 1966.

Hey-ho ...
My grandchildren still said 'choo-choo' when playing with trains, and yet they'd never seen nor heard a 'choo-choo', and diesels don't make a different noise ... So I took it upon myself to crank up YouTube and introduce the kids to British Steam.

We have since travelled on preservation society steam trains.

I was taken as a kid to see the last steam trains leave Paddington, a London terminus. As my childhood home looked out over the main line between London Euston and Scotland, I used to see the Royal Scot steam by. (Not the more famous Flying Scotsman, that ran out of London Kings Cross.)

The line was electrified in 1966.

Hey-ho ...
Yes, I too am old enough to remember the real thing. I once went for a ride on the Bluebell Railway in Sussex. Absolutely marvellous.

At the other end of the spectrum, we rode the Wells and Walshingham Light Railway:

We sat in an open yellow car like the one above, immediately behind the engine, and were treated to a light dusting of steam, ash and grit as we trundled along from one end to the other ...


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A pair of ads, one from Sainsbury's and the other from the New York Lottery (the second involves a bodega :kitty: [my favourite subject])

The first one is based on an historical event (The 1914 Christmas Truce, which isn't taught in schools AFAIK.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Another video tour from where I am:

In case it's taken down, the video is a tour of the Milwaukee Public Museum. The current building's going to be replaced by a new one sometime this year (I don't know when or where.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
A clip from the movie, Tap:

In case it's taken down, the clip is Tap: Challenge.

None of the dancers shown are still alive now, including Gregory Hines. Listing the dancers in order, Arthur Duncan, Bunny Briggs, Jimmy Slyde, Steve Condos, Harold Nicholas, Sandman Sims and of course, Sammy Davis Jr. These men were in their 60s or 70s in the film.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
A Korean video of a bakery making Rainbow Cakes w/ White Chocolate Whipped Cream (no "receipt"):

There's no talking, but y'all might want to turn on the subtitles anyway to "keep up"...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
A bird's eye view of this depiction of Nebuchadnezzar's statue (Daniel 2) along with some aerie space music.
