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Another :kitty:, this time at an emergency veterinary clinic. He was found at a construction site, temperature and glucose levels critically low:

It was nice that Dwight (the man who brought the :kitty: in) literally took out his credit card, slapped it on the counter, and paid for everything (albeit off-camera.) He also adopted the :kitty:.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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The 43rd president's eulogy of his late father, the 41st:

eta: The Oak Ridge Boys sang Amazing Grace at the funeral, too.

I apologize for the quality. :oops:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Some :kitty:s are all business (poor Robin found out the hard way!)

The white one actually drew a bit of blood when s/he showed displeasure in the attempt at play by Robin.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Something that the UK delegation might've seen on the television (I saw it on LiveJournal courtesy of one of my fanfic "contacts" whom I follow in other aspects):

We need that here in the US imho.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Two videos, one a compilation of Queen songs from the 1970s, the other an interview with the (in)famous Kennedy Steve.

First, the Queen video (for the OFs who might remember the songs):

Now, Kennedy Steve in person!:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine