What Are You Watching on Youtube?

This might be too gory so I don't reccomend clicking it or seeing it. I haven't seen it yet myself, but this is what has been coming up recently very strongly and from which I intend to parse spiritual insights potentially and which I take as some sort of divine message even though it looks hideous and ugly, it has been pushing itself repeatedly in the weirdest ways and so I'll try to make some use of it as some kind of empowering message.

I watched the series on CrunchyRoll (I subscribe to their site.) I've seen snippets of far worse stuff via animeamericapodcast (they sometimes review stuff that they encounter either online or the discount bin.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
My Roommate Is A Cat, Episode 9, subbed. I recommend watching the entire series from the beginning (it'll be a lot easier to watch since you will see the relationships begin/grow from the first episode imho.) The main human character has an almost extreme social anxiety and the :kitty: character is a former stray

You can find the series on both YouTube and Crunchyroll if interested before watching the following:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The latest Maru and Hana video (aka :kitty:s!)

Cole and Marmalade "explaining" :kitty: anatomy/physiology:

Enjoy! *evilgrin*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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This might interest some members (it talks about "old" cable channels that strayed from their original programming "message"/content):

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Season 2 of the OA starts in the UK this week ... Netflix, not YouTube ... soz, as they say :D
Centerfield by John Fogerty (it's opening day for baseball, and Milwaukee is one of the cities {I dread going past Miller Park for my doctor's appointment}.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Interesting, I always heard there were other flood stories. In the past heard they were evidence to support the biblical account, this seems to be evidence the biblical account is a copy. I had also heard.there were two Jewish copies as well, the Jerusalem Jews and Bethlehem Jews each insisting their accounts correct and the reason we have gen1 creation and gen2...
An interesting hypothesis on the old Hanna-Barbera studio:

How many here remember some of the shows mentioned?

I also watched the last episode of My Roommate Is A Cat (highly recommended, especially after a rough day out in the "real world"...)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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There's a rather interesting TED talk about intersexuality, presented by someone who is IS (warning: they get rather graphic with their language, so if you are squeamish about sexually graphic language, skip this video.)

To make up for the previous video, :kitty:s!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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