Who would you be?

naaah, from a dude's perspective i would be a cross between bruce lee and brad pitt. man, i would be awesome! oh well, i can dream can't i?:D

How about if I chose to be Mother Teresa and you chose Ghandi, then together we can try to bring some sanity back into the world?
So if you could wake up tomorrow morning and be anyone you wanted to be (a famous character, the guy next door, someone from history or the future (ie discovers a cure for cancer) or even another creature) who or what would you choose to be?

So who would you be and why?

Well guessed MW, I'd be the guy next door and I'd make sure I didn't have the TV on loud when it's late.

Why my neighbour? So that I could get to sleep at night.

For me it would have to be an astronaut. I'd give just about anything to see our planet from space.
For me it would have to be an astronaut. I'd give just about anything to see our planet from space.

Perhaps we will all see everything after this life? I often toy with the idea that perhaps when we die we remember clearly everything we every saw or read or listened to and maybe we will see just how daft we were (a bit like looking at old photo's of what we thought were cool haircuts, just on a bigger scale).

Impqueen. A tree, you should talk to my Mum, she always said if there is a way to communicate after death I will know because I will smell "smelly trees" in the oddest places. She loves the smell of trees and has a tendancy to hug them (yes a real life tree hugger).
I want to be a tree.

*starts skipping around all gay like playing on a jew harp.*

In the woods there grew a tree
And a fine fine tree was he

And on that tree there was a limb
And on that limb there was a branch
And on that branch there was a nest
And in that nest there was an egg
And in that egg there was a bird
And from that bird a feather came
And of that feather was
A bed

And on that bed there was a girl
And on that girl there was a man
And from that man there was a seed
And from that seed there was a boy
And from that boy there was a man
And for that man there was a grave
From that grave there grew
A tree

In the Summerisle,
Summerisle, Summerisle, Summerisle wood
Summerisle wood.... Anyway.... ¬.¬
How about if I chose to be Mother Teresa and you chose Ghandi, then together we can try to bring some sanity back into the world?

i know what you mean, muslim. if it were up to me, i would forsake all of my family and friends to help the poor, orphaned, & widowed. all in the Name of God. but, would God really want me to do that? and if i did, would i be evil? i guess we all have our lot in life, our role to play and we all have our appointed times to fullfill, lets just hope that if God ever wants me to forsake others for His Namesake, that i have the balls to do so. only time will tell. otherwise yes, i would love to join you in restoring sanity to this "f" 'ed up world.
*starts skipping around all gay like playing on a jew harp.*

In the woods there grew a tree
And a fine fine tree was he

And on that tree there was a limb
And on that limb there was a branch
And on that branch there was a nest
And in that nest there was an egg
And in that egg there was a bird
And from that bird a feather came
And of that feather was
A bed

And on that bed there was a girl
And on that girl there was a man
And from that man there was a seed
And from that seed there was a boy
And from that boy there was a man
And for that man there was a grave
From that grave there grew
A tree

In the Summerisle,
Summerisle, Summerisle, Summerisle wood
Summerisle wood.... Anyway.... ¬.¬

man, i hate hippies!:D
whatever, man. you call them pagan, i call them hippies. you say tom-ah-toe and i say tomatoe. same sh** different smell.:Dlol;)
Perhaps we will all see everything after this life? I often toy with the idea that perhaps when we die we remember clearly everything we every saw or read or listened to and maybe we will see just how daft we were (a bit like looking at old photo's of what we thought were cool haircuts, just on a bigger scale).


Perhaps. I'd still rather hedge my bets and strap myself to tons and tons of explosive fuel and feel these G's :)

While I would actually quite like to be a tree ... it was one of those silly impulse posts. There was a series of adverts a while back (can't remember what for) in which a kid said he wanted to be a tree. :eek:

As for species.... a bit predictable maybe, but probably oak. They have a calm motherly feel to me. It would have to be English oak, Quercus robur, though or possibly sessile oak if I was on a Welsh hillside. That would be nice.... *drifts off into green dreams of gentle rustling*

Hmm Wicker Man... an accurate representation of contemporary Pagan practice... oh yes. Fun film though, at least the original was, I haven't seen the remake yet.

I know lots of pagans who aren't hippies (though I might be...sometimes) :D Did you see the Southpark hippy episode? Rofl.....
Perhaps. I'd still rather hedge my bets and strap myself to tons and tons of explosive fuel and feel these G's :)


Well it only takes $20 million to be a space tourist - just start saving LOL