I did one in the service too. Among other things it said I'm a borderline sociopath. I asked the shrink if that was anything like being a psychopath. He said "no, it just means that you don't necessarily think that society's rules and standards apply to you." I said "well, yeah."
About 10 years ago I did a sort of study of palmistry. The main source I used was some 19th century Frenchman who's name now escapes my peanut. He was really a sociologist who was doing a study on palmistry to define criminal types. A very particular hand type was described as that of the 'sociopath'. It is recognisable as being quite a square palm with very few of the lines that mark most peoples hands. I wonder is yours?
The restaurant(s) I worked in then was big, and had a staff of close to 100 and I performed my own experiments based on the information. The manager there, Martin, was a really nice guy but a self-declared 'sociopath' and his hand was spot on perfect according to this Frenchman's idea. I would have to agree with Martins declaration of what he was on what I knew of him. I went on to study another Frenchman, Broca, who did the same kind of study but based on head shapes. Again Martin fitted perfectly.
Do I believe palmistry works? I cannot be sure. I look at everything from the quantum perspective that the observer always influences the results.