Evangelical minister stops believing in hell and gets fired

God may indeed be all there is.

Anyway, hi EM and welcome to CR :)

I can’t see that you’ve done the formal boring intro thing so can I ask: are you a Discordian or do you just like the Sacred Chao symbol?

(I’m not a lionfish, I just like the picture).

Is this to wash the deep-fried Mars bars down?

(just to be naughty):D

Deep fried twinkies. :D
Oops. Scratch that. The thought is there, but the words don't convey it. :eek:

A profound statement- before Christ there were no Christians. All writings were Jewish.

Hi Karen...The atomic halflife principle has to do with radioactive substances. Do radioheads figure into your definition ? Actually I was just going with the FLOW of previous posts. I mostly do veggies, fruits, and grains these days. Can't remember my last Twinkie & Coke, raw or deep fried.

Well the Jews and Hebrews did have the concept of "sheol" which was a very dark place that they didn't want to go to after death. Maybe Dauer or BB could expound a bit on that. And there were other forms of writing around at the first time of Jesus. Aramaic comes to mind here, and much of what he said and did was probably written in Aramaic, since that's what he and the apostles likely spoke.

This stuff was later transcribed into Hebrew, Greek, Coptic Egyptian, etc. And the earliest Christians, except for those in Rome, probably weren't as dualistic in their beliefs as the language in the Bible ended up to be around 400 ad after all of the objectionable stories were banished by the Roman Church.

The Christian group under James in Jerusalem, which was oriented towards the continuation of Jewish beliefs, was all but destroyed in 70 ad by the Romans. Gnostic writings were about the only ones that were based upon a concept of "knowing" a unity of beliefs, and that's the stuff that got banished and excluded from the Christian knowledge base over the first 400 year of Christianity. These are also reasons why early Christianiy also came to depend so much upon the Pauline writings in the earlier years

Hi Karen...The atomic halflife principle has to do with radioactive substances. Do radioheads figure into your definition ? Actually I was just going with the FLOW of previous posts. I mostly do veggies, fruits, and grains these days. Can't remember my last Twinkie & Coke, raw or deep fried.

Gnostic writings were about the only ones that were based upon a concept of "knowing" a unity of beliefs, and that's the stuff that got banished and excluded from the Christian knowledge base over the first 400 year of Christianity. These are also reasons why early Christianiy also came to depend so much upon the Pauline writings in the earlier years


Hey flow,

It is so nice to hear that you are taking care of yourself. A diet regularly consisting of paint remover and lard is definitely a bad health move. Although I do like flavored cream in coffee and those preservatives have saved me more than once. There is probably some sitting on my counter right now that needs to go back in the fridge.

Radio heads can dramatically alter the outcome of the equation. It’s even possible to replace half life with eternal life. :DYou just have to know where to land.

I guess I should have clarified my answer. Actually I was referring to writings concerning the living God. Jews were very good about that.

As for Paul and early Christianity, he was personally chosen by God. Do you think maybe that had something to do with it?

Is “knowing a unity of beliefs” more important than eternal life? Healthy food for thought.

Grace to You, Karen
Hi Karen...

As far as Paul goes, the Biblical stories seem to point to that, but all that I really know is that Paul was transformed, wrote what he wrote, and lay down foundations of belief for early Christianity.

Yes, I even believe that declaring future needs for human unity was the whole point of Jesus' first visit. He showed us through the imagery of His deeds and sometimes confusing linguistic word play... and in no uncertain terms... that a unity of humankind in the future was going to be necessary in order to defeat death and enter into the "kingdom".

Just my two cents.
Better check your counters.

I can’t see that you’ve done the formal boring intro thing so can I ask: are you a Discordian or do you just like the Sacred Chao symbol?


I am what I yam, which includes being a yam (on Tuesdays). On a serious note, being that I am eclectic, I don't think I can answer your question and if I did it would be something along the lines of "no with a 'but' and yes with an 'and.'"
I thought hell meant seperation from God. And I thought God is all there is.

To my understanding yea, hell isn't some magical realm where you burn while you die a thousand deaths and consantly get tortured, it is an abscence of the presence of the divine..... Without god you are "tormented" not in a nipple twisting way..... But in a bottomless pit in your gut way... Something is missing, but as you say it is interesting that god is in everything and is everywhere so how can it be possible? I guess it would be something along the lines of the person not wishing to acknowledge god and removing him from them.... Making it like a self inflicted thing... heh.

Which then I can understand how the word "torment" is used... Someone maybe trying to seek but seeking the wrong way(s) and you are constantly tormenting yourself because it is right there infront of your nose... and such and so on...... Quite, I'm sure.......
Jesus went to hell ................Acts 2:25-27, KJ: "David speaketh concerning him [Jesus Christ], . . . Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell,* neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption." (The fact that God did not "leave" Jesus in hell implies that Jesus was in hell, or Hades, at least for a time, does it not?) (*"Hell," Dy; "death," NE; "the place of death," Kx; "the world of the dead," TEV; "Hades," AS, RS, JB, NW.)