Silly Poll

You must do without one sense: which one?

  • Sight

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hearing

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Speech

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • Taste

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Touch

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Libido

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
Speech. I don't talk much anyway.

Writing, on the other hand...

I'm curious as to who voted for libido. Wouldn't that be in the catagory for touch? Nevertheless, I wouldn't vote that anyway. Too much fun.

You left out a sense: Smell.

And to be honest, I don't think you'd have much sense of taste without smell. Course without a sense of smell, dutch ovens wouldn't affect you.
My bad for using the word 'sense', substitute 'faculty' please people.
Ah If I then had to put up without one then.... I would then... politley disengage from this questionaire... I couldn't even imagine losing a sense..... Terrible makes you feel really thankful for what you have, and makes you feel bad for those without.... *nods*
And to be honest, I don't think you'd have much sense of taste without smell. Course without a sense of smell, dutch ovens wouldn't affect you.

Okay Dondi. I think it is really funny that you actually put a link for dutch ovens here for everyone. :D I liked it so much that I have to post the best definition right here:

dutch oven1192 up, 136 downBlowing hard ass wind under the covers several times and building up stench while your old lady is brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed, then when she gets into bed, pull the covers over her head and yell "Dutch Oven" and let her enjoy the stench of your ass gas for at least 30 seconds.

Jonas nearly crapped his Underoos preparing a Dutch Oven for his special lady!
And as far as my own choice of loss of faculties, this is always a tough decision. Let me narrow it down. Couldn't do without hearing (music!!!) or sight, nope. I ain't givin' up my libido neither (maybe I should... if I did it might come back of its own accord anyway, and thereby I could keep all of my faculties... hmmmm...). Touch, need that for libido and other general sensualities and sense perceptions. Taste, need that for food. Smell, too, and speech. If I lose some of my smell, my taste starts to go. If I can't talk, I have to write everything like Dondi, which would probably be the least of these evils and deprivations. I'd choose that, if I absolutely had to, but mostly I'm with 17th--thankful I have all six af my faculties, empathizing with those who don't--but not feeling sorry for them. Sympathy kills.
