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I'm really excited about this game. I keep drooling on myself thinking about it. It takes evolution from the point of a single-celled organism to having god-like powers and intergalactic travel. This is their website:


It's by the guy who did the sims and has been in production for a long time. It allows you to design your own species. This is a two-part video about it:


If you search there are longer videos but I think they're all from older versions. The creatures created get uploaded to a database where they're used to populate other players' worlds. In the video above one of the things he shows is how global warming can be simulated one at the intergalactic level by pumping co2 into the atmosphere. I'm probably going to have to get a new computer before I buy it but mine's a bit old anyway. I want to make an herbivore evolve to the top on its planet and a carnivore that, instead of attacking, defends itself from predators and kills them, then feasts on their bodies. And I want to make a creature that resembles Mr. Peanut just because.

This is a more extensive video of the game and its features, just about 35 minutes, but it's of an older version. It's very obvious if you look at the graphics.

YouTube - Spore 35min Demonstration from The GDCe

This shows more about the different stages and shows the tribal and civilization stages which the other video skipped over.
hey Dauer ... Im bumping this thread because I think I saw this game at Frys and I thought of you! Have you played it yet? Is it any good?
The game is not out yet but a release date has been set. It's coming out in September. The creature editor will be released for free a month or two in advance. This is a good article on some of the intricacies of gameplay. It focuses on diplomacy more than fighting which is a path I will likely take first.

Preview: Spore - ComputerAndVideoGames.com
Let us know. This is definitely my kindof game. I have developed an above average understanding and interest in mutations because my son is one (he is unique and part of the genome database). I would totally enjoy playing this game.
I have been watching the news updates here: Hooked on Spore - A Spore fansite

And I'm subscribed to the news on the official site. One they release the creature editor I'm going to pre-order a copy. Hey Alex, you might be able to play Spore soon. I forgot about this:

Spore and Dead Space At SCI-FI London | Rock, Paper, Shotgun: Pagans repent! The Endless Bear is your true God

If you scroll down on that page you'll see that there'll be a playable version of Spore in London at the SCI-FI London Film Festival in about a month. Oh and everyone in Europe will get their copies of Spore a few days earlier because pc gaming is bigger there.

gp, the creatures won't quite develop on their own. You'll have to find different limbs etc and then edit your creature. You'll have various points that can be spent in different ways. In that sense imo it's not really a true evolution game but because of the level of customizability and the use of procedural generation and, and, and I think it will still be one of those games that changes gaming. This is the guy who brought us The Sims. I didn't like that but it broke a lot of ground. I think Spore will break even more ground.
Im anxious to try it.. Spore that is..

and I totally love the Sims..

Its like playing house for grown-ups

one of my favorite things to do is drive around and look at houses.. I love architecture and I imagine how people decorate their houses... then I go home and create the house I saw... and make it better!

Sims also has a large creative fan base that create objects and skins for the game you can download them and put them into your game to use... and its free and neverending.

Its kind of dorky but its a great way to get your mind off things.

Sims 3 is coming out in 2009 cant wait for it :)
I used to like to play Sims, too. I like that it's non-violent, and I like that people pee themselves. I like other things about it, too. Swimming, for example. And gay marriage. :D

one of my favorite things to do is drive around and look at houses.. I love architecture and I imagine how people decorate their houses... then I go home and create the house I saw... and make it better!

I like this kind of activity, too. When I'm out walking, if I walk by a house and I can see in the window, I glance in. Not to look for naked people or dogs or anything, but to kind of check out what the inside is like. I like to check out other people's spaces, how they've laid it out and what that might say about what their lives are like. It's kinda creepy, I know. You might want to close your blinds.

I do that in Second Life. I go exploring for different things that people have created. Some of it is really incredible. I found a model someone made of escher's stairs. You could change the rotation of different pieces of it to make it look different. There's a lot of very kinetic artwork too. I walked up to one piece and broke apart into many pieces. I found some mushrooms and when I walked up to them they changed shape. There was an audio exhibit with music created based on the actions of the people who came to see it.
Yeah. One of the developers for the combat:SI melee system no longer has to work outside of Second Life. Two of the others are putting themselves through college. I used to be involved in more serious activities in SL including an intentional community and a Jewish sim. At one time I was holding ecumenical 20 minute silent sits 6 days a week via Second Life. I've been there for about 2 years now. If any of you do sign up, feel free to drop me an IM and I can help you get acclimated. I'm Malachi Rothschild in SL.
I've got a SL account but don't go on much. I haven't been there in months. One thing I could never figure out is how people can actually make real money through the SL economy. It seems like it would be really painful and gruelling, and entail a lot of vegging in front of your computer monitor, tweaking objects or something.

So I decided to stick with my first life job and my first life world.
I used to like to play Sims, too. I like that it's non-violent, and I like that people pee themselves. I like other things about it, too. Swimming, for example. And gay marriage. :D

I like this kind of activity, too. When I'm out walking, if I walk by a house and I can see in the window, I glance in. Not to look for naked people or dogs or anything, but to kind of check out what the inside is like. I like to check out other people's spaces, how they've laid it out and what that might say about what their lives are like. It's kinda creepy, I know. You might want to close your blinds.


I think theres a lot of people like us in the world.. lol

Another fun game for creating or playing with other peoples creations is Morrowind... and Oblivion. I love the Elder Scrolls games but as far as game mods go Morrowind was my favorite to play. Oblivion is a high memory game without adding tons of mods. There are some very very talented people that create mods for these games for free because they love the game... they've essentially changed the whole game.. If you havent tried it you should.
I think theres a lot of people like us in the world.. lol

Another fun game for creating or playing with other peoples creations is Morrowind... and Oblivion. I love the Elder Scrolls games but as far as game mods go Morrowind was my favorite to play. Oblivion is a high memory game without adding tons of mods. There are some very very talented people that create mods for these games for free because they love the game... they've essentially changed the whole game.. If you havent tried it you should.
The major extension of those two is NeverWinter Nights. You might want to check that out if you like those two games and the mods for them.
I've got a SL account but don't go on much. I haven't been there in months. One thing I could never figure out is how people can actually make real money through the SL economy. It seems like it would be really painful and gruelling, and entail a lot of vegging in front of your computer monitor, tweaking objects or something.

So I decided to stick with my first life job and my first life world.
Yeah thats pretty much it. But I recommend it to people who spend alot of time vegging in front of a computer tweaking things for games anyway. Like SIMs addicts who have already spent lots of money buying 12 or more variations of the SIMs game.

The money making thing usually depends on what the person does in the real world. Real estate broker, stock market people, house interior design people, landscapers, etc. One fun one is people who are into tshirt shops like CafePress or PrintFection. On those forums I post a recommend that if someone is addicted to tshirt shops, and addicted to online games, then SL is a worthy blend of both. They can put their tshirt designs from their real shop into a virtual shop for avatars and advertise both shops in each other.
The major extension of those two is NeverWinter Nights. You might want to check that out if you like those two games and the mods for them.

The covers of that series.... They waaaay mislead your expectations on those games lol...... There the ones that use high CGI adverts/banners and covers right? But then it is a real blocky beast of a game.... Eyes weep when gazing upon such graphics :\

Oh and Gandalf! Sims 2 = legend.... Many expansion packs yeah, but just download them.... There are endless amount of options and fun with that game... Just installed the Pets feature can make your pets to look like they really do (If they are a dog or a cat) And you can make some gerbils but not too customised... Oh and parrots and fish!