
The creature editor's being released on the 15th in 2 versions. The free one will have 25% of the game content. The 10 USD one will have 100% of it. The actual game is being released in September. The creatures created between now and then are going to be used to fill the sporepedia and then populate the worlds of the game itself.

Overview vid of Spore: YouTube - Spore: Overview Video

Focus on the tribal phase: YouTube - Spore's Tribal Phase/Stage Trailer
We got all these "phases" within the game Spore... From tide pool phase to space phase. Are these limited does anyone know? Like example... Each phase only last 30mins... Or You have to complete a certain amount and then the next phase begins, or you can move to the next phase when you believe your ready?

OH! I love this creation... Like one part octopus, one part plant and one part gremlin..... (gizmo.)



Nm, found the Spore Wiki.... Spore - GameWiki
If I understand it correctly, you can spend as much or as little time as you'd like in any particular phase. I'm guessing the benefit of staying in one phase longer -- aside from the gameplay if you happen to like that phase -- is finding more unlockables including creature parts and the points that are necessary for beefing up creatures. Even though the above is how I understand it, it may be that there's a minimum you have to accomplish in each phase during your first run. Not entirely sure.

Some of the phases built closely upon each other, like creature to tribal to civ. I'm not sure how much of an effect tide pool has on creature or civ has on space but I know one of the reasons for the long delay was because the levels were a bit too much like enclosed games and they wanted to make them lead more one into the other.
The creature creator is now officially out. There'd been a leaked version available for a few days from a number of sites but now it's available as an official version from their site and the sporepedia is open for business. I won't have the full version for a few days. Right now I'm playing with the trial. All I can say is: zomg.

-- Dauer
I've been messing around with the creature creator a bit a now have 14 creatures uploaded to the sporepedia.

My Spore Page

I was able to do a seraph with three sets of wings. Two cover its face, two its "legs" and two are for flying.

I couldn't pull off a chayah as described in Zeke's vision of the merkavah. The way the editor works the creature is always going to be mostly symmetrical. I would have had to stack the faces and adding all of the mouths was filling up my complexity meter very quickly. I don't think I'll be able to do an ophan either. It's just not possible to get a body shape that's wheel-like. Actually, I might try making a thin body and wind it around itself into a circle.

Most of my creatures don't have mythical inspiration though. Some are legitimate attempts at creating creatures and others are me trying to push the limits of the procedural animation. My favorites that I've made are probably Thrashalot, Starik, Zwogris and Impostizzo.

I've been amazed by the amount of creativity in the Spore community. A quick search in the sporepedia for most of the search words I've tried has brought up incredible results. I've even seen some inanimate objects and robots.

This is a chair creature:


Starman from Earthbound:


I've seen puppeteers from ringworld, beholders, homer simpsons, dr. robotniks, house plants. It's madness!
Downloading the full creature ceation pack thing... I know I said I was put off by the graphics, I am in a bit of a tie... I want to play a game but everytime I go to load one I'm like "meh don't fancy it." So In exactly 2mins I will have the creator thing and I will give it a shot! Shall let ya know what I thinks! (Because I know how valuable my opinions are.) ;)
I played with it for a while but eventually it got old since it's not a game persay, just one of the creation tools that will be available in the full game. Occasionally I'll have an idea and pick it up. The thing that really excites me in the creature creator is how promising the procedural animation looks in test drive mode. I can't wait to see that play out on a much larger scale.