
Interesting that many Christians also condemn Mother Teresa. If Gandhi and Teresa are not examples of practical and spiritual devotion to God; if they were not working according to the teachings of Christ and the will of the Father, then I guess we are just supposed to talk a great deal, but not follow up with our actions. Makes no sense to me.


That is the best thing I have ever read on CR InLove and Amen to it. There is far too much talking about how we should be good humans and worship G-d and by far, not enough shutting up and getting on with the job.

Go girl. xox
That is the best thing I have ever read on CR InLove and Amen to it. There is far too much talking about how we should be good humans and worship G-d and by far, not enough shutting up and getting on with the job.

Lol - Here Here!

... Neemai :)
What I know about Gandhi I first learned through the admiration of hi through Martin Luther King Jr, who happened to be a Baptist minister. King actually traveled to India and met with some of Gandhi's followers. That is where he developed his philosophy for non-violent civil disobedience. One Gandhi quote that particularly struck King was: "Through our pain we will make them see their injustice".

Of Gandhi, King said this,

"Gandhi" he says, "was probably the first person in history to lift the love ethic of Jesus above mere interaction between individuals to a powerful and effective social force..."


"I found " he tells us, "in the nonviolent resistance philosophy of Gandhi... the only morally and practically sound method open to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom."

Perhaps the current administration might learn from this, hmmmm....
Most Christians see Gandhi differently

1. Gandhi, the Hindu, saw Jesus as one god among many gods.
2. Gandhi did not profess Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Gandhi, therefore, is not a Christian nor did he have the Holy Spirit. People that followed him, and claimed that he was the Mahatma, are being deceived because he is the devil!
3. Gandhi is an idolater. His religion is Hinduism and he does not believe in the God of the scriptures, so Gandhi's God was an idol.
4. Did I mention that he was just nice and polite? He was not Holy. Basically he is simply a little care bear.:mad:

These comments about him agitate me. Here are my thoughts. . .

Well, Gandhi did not follow many gods. He just claimed to follow Truth. In Hinduism, self-realization (atma-jnana) is the key to obtaining Moksha. Moksha is the closest word to salvation, I think. It is basically to search for God's face. Also, Christians will say that he did not have the Holy Spirit. Christians do not have a monopoly on the Holy Spirit: "All those who are led by the Spirit of God are daughters and sons of God." [Romans 8:14] How can he be only nice and polite? He went up against the British empire and said that Europe has the Spirit of Satan.

He also read the Gita daily. . .
However, it is worthy of note that the Bhagavad Gitadiscourages the worship of demigods, as it does not lead to Moksha. The concept is essentially of devotional service in love, since the ideal nature of being is seen as that of harmony, euphony, its manifest essence being love. By immersing oneself in the love of God, one's Karmas (good or bad, regardless) slough off, one's illusions about beings decay and 'truth' is soon known and lived

Here is another quote near the end of his autobiography. . .
“. . .Without much ado I presented my difficulties to him. He asked: ‘Do you believe in the doctrine of original sin?’
‘I do,’ said I.
‘Well then, Hinduism offers no absolution therefrom, Christianity does,’ and added: ‘The wages of sin is death, and the Bible says that the only way of deliverance is surrender unto Jesus.’
I put forward Bhakti-marga (the path of devotion) of the Bhagavadgita, but to no avail.”

Yep, lots of people say Gandhi is in hell. This really dissapoints me
I like this quote from the man himself, which I first heard in the movie Gandhi (great film):

(When asked if he was a Hindu) Yes I am, I am also a Muslim, a Christian, a Buddhist, and a Jew.

There are a bunch of good Gandhi quotes here.