I believe so, yes, sag. I'm not sure I really understand ... but I think that this is what Christ meant when He said,
"I am the Alpha and the Omega ... before Abraham, I am."
The only way I really know how to
intepret our arrival here on earth, in the flesh, is to say that
we ARE Spirit, yet that we have
allowed ourselves to take on the willing `forgetfulness' of our Divine heritage, in order to experience what God has ordained.
Our descent includes a gradual progression from
the Spiritual realms, through denser & denser ethers, until finally - we incarnate (for millions of years) in the
mineral kingdom. Gradually we progress, through the vegetable and animal kingdoms, until finally we enter the human ... yet we are headed toward the
Deva, an even higher realm - and eventually all the way back to Godhead.
Our arrival, however, is different than our departure. We arrive, with the
knowledge, the awareness, the experience, and the GROWTH which is only possible through incarnations in the Kingdoms just mentioned. God has ordained it; and thus we experience it!
Another way to say it, is that
God has literally sent HIMSELF forth, in about ~60 billion pieces, or Sparks, to EXPERIENCE the fullness, the breadth, the depth, the richness ... of His own Creation.
To quote the Hindu Scripture, the Upanishad:
"Having permeated this whole universe with one fragment of Myself, I remain."
We cannot,
any of us, rightfully say,
"I am GOD," because this statement really only applies to our Divine
heritage, and not yet our present. It is our
future, but only as we MAKE IT SO (as Jean Luc Picard might say) ...
But to answer the question,
Are we destined to literally BECOME Deity (or even - dare we say it - Deities)?
YOU BET ... and Deity, or Deities, also entails humility, perspective and balance. Let those who cannot dare to imagine their own future - consider this.
Sometimes people still labor under the misconception that God is a
tyrant. No wonder we are afraid to imagine ourselves created in such an image!!!
Love and Light,