Lucid Dreams


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Hello hello.

Lately I've been trying to foster lucid dreams. No luck so far but my dream recall has improved tremendously. I went from 0 to up to three dreams remembered in three days. I'm using the infinity software from this site:

It's under downloads and just a very basic text-based regimen for developing the ability to Lucid Dream. The Jung podcast started covering dream interpretation around the same time I started the infinity program so I've got dreams on the brain. The symbols in my dreams have been very intense. I wonder if it's because I dream so rarely.

My hope with the lucid dreaming is to be able to continue my spiritual practice during sleep (one of the first things I'll attempt when I'm successful is meditation) and to consciously engage in contact with my unconscious. I'm hoping if I gain enough control of my dreams and dreamscapes that I'll be able to bring up an imagic representation of some corner of my unconscious and interact with it directly and with full awareness.

Another nice resource that I found is the Lucid Institute:

Some of the ideas that surround lucid dreaming are a bit out there on one end or a bit ignorant of the experiences of actual lucid dreamers but there also seems to be a lot of strong practical information and scientific investigation into the phenomenon.

Hi Dauer,

I think your devotion to practice is impressive to say the least. Would you be open to sharing your progress in these dream inquiries? I think many people would be inspired by your endeavors.

Hi Paladin.

Thanks. I think my single-minded focus is mostly the way I was born. I tend to get very focused on something, a project or a subject, and want to learn everything I can. Because the way I understand things is so relational the subject can be pretty broad. I haven't found any subject more worthy of my time than the Divine.

I've been applying a basic jungian map for dream interpretation to my nightly dreams and learning a lot I didn't realize. Unfortunately because of how intense the dream symbols are I haven't had anything I can share yet. It's not that what's behind the symbols is too personal, but that the images can be very extreme and jarring, if not completely offensive, before interpreted in the context of the rest of the dream, my personal associations and my conscious attitude. It feels like my unconscious is screaming at me through what's been a very heavy fog, and it doesn't realize yet that it has my attention.

I've been recording quite a bit on my blog here ( V'HeChadash Yitkadesh ) but I can say different things on, with some overlap. Today I tried a WBTB (wake back to bed) technique by getting up about 5 1/2 hours after I went to bed, staying up for 30 minutes (reading about lucidity on the web) to regain conscious awareness, and going back to sleep. Unfortunately I had trouble falling back asleep and stayed up a bit longer. When I finally did go back to bed I was doing really good. I used a WILD (wake induced lucid dream) technique by counting to 100 and doing a reality check. That way I'd maintain awareness while falling asleep and could count over the sleep threshold, then RC in the dream. I kept my hand near my nose so that I could pinch it and see if I could still breathe through it. I could tell I was reaching the threshold of NREM but then my neighbors got up and made a lot of noise, and then music blasted. I think that particular technique will prove helpful because of my previous experience with meditation. I've tried the castaneda technique, looking at one's hands before sleep and repeating something like, "The next time I'm dreaming I'll see my hands and I'll realize I'm dreaming" for about 10 minutes or so while visualizing one's hands within a recent dreamscape. And I tried the MILD (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams) technique by repeating as I fell asleep, while visualizing gaining lucidity and doing a reality check, "The next time I'm dreaming I'll realize I'm dreaming" and it didn't seem quite as effective. But it could also be because of the trouble I've had recalling dream up until recently. And I think there's gotta be a cumulative effect to drilling it into my psyche so regularly.

I was using some hypnotic induction tracks but the guy doing them wasn't very good, and some of his suggestions I strongly disagreed with, which probably made it less effective, like that I'll be the god of my dreams and all rules of morality are off. Granted, I think it's necessary not to harbor any feeling of guilt for what happens in a dream. Even lucidly it's still a way of getting in touch with a lot that's beneath the surface via imagic language, and we can explore parts of ourselves that we for one reason or another we can't in our waking life, but there's a difference between that and intentionally harming representations of people in one's dream for fun. I can only imagine the possible counter-productive effects of establishing that as a long-term exercise. I found a new mp3 that uses post-hypnotic suggestion. It's a little new agey for me but there's nothing on it that offends me so I'll be using that instead.

Last night (really this morning) when I did a search I found a few other helpful sites on lucid dreaming.

This one has a really nice journal feature and a lot of very clear and basic information. The journal feature can keep track of sleep patterns, frequency of lucidity, and other things:


LD4All has another easy guide, more comprehensive an active forum, and what appears to be a chat room filled with idle folks. I like that when the guide loads it says, "Please wait... Loading dream..." It could be used as a reminder to RC for someone who's at the computer a lot. I convinced a friend to do the Infinity program with me and he's using his cellphone for RC. Each time he looks he checks twice to see if the writing has changed, or if the numbers are wrong.

LD4all - your online guide on lucid dreaming, dream control and conscious dreams

There's a type of Tibetan Buddhist practice that uses lucid dreams to help realize the illusory nature of reality. I submitted a blog entry to a blog carnival I regularly send some entries to and the blogger who ran the carnival commented:

"Here is a post about lucid dreaming, very appropriate for the Nine Days because King David writes (Psalms 126:1) that after the Ultimate Redemption, the exile will seem like a mere dream"

Reb Chaim HaQoton: הבל הבלי×￾ #קכ"ו

And I read something else that I had actually recently come across in masechet berachot. The famous part of the little passage is that sleep is 1/60th of death, but it also says that fire is 1/60th of gehenna, honey is 1/60th of manna, shabbos is 1/60th of the world-to-come, and dreams are 1/60th of prophecy. I was going to try and relate all of the comparisons together on my blog, but instead I wrote about the way that Jung's oft misunderstood idea of prospective dreams parallels the Jewish understanding of negative prophecy, and showed how in the Torah, israel can be made a parallel to ego, G!d to Self, and and the biblical nevi'im as the first compensatory action by G!d to alert the Jewish people that something has to change for the health of the psyche. And then I went on to relate the analogy that came up recently on c-r about the blood from the mother and other stuff from the father to the way the contributions of humankind and the individual culture mirror mother and father, the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious, in the creation of sacred literature. And I also somewhat implicitly drew a parallel between the three partners in conception and the passage "you created it, you formed it, you breathed it into me."

Since I've been getting deeper into Jung and really sincerely investigating my dreams a lot has been coming up for me. I read Campbell a long time ago and I think Jung is proving to be a key to that type of approach for me. Campbell, at least when I read him he seemed to be playing down the unique influences of each culture on myth so that he could establish a universal monomyth.

I have very bizarre, disjointed dreams which I usually can't remember. When I'm drifting along in the morning I sometimes have very lucid dreams which I can manipulate somewhat. I have a history of altered states of consciousness during sleep where I'm both awake and asleep at the same time. I'm awake in that my eyes are open and I'm conscious of my surroundings, but still asleep in that the dream state overlays everything. This leads to me doing weird things and sleep walking about in a confused state, all of which I remember upon fully waking, but can't recall why whatever I was doing made sense in the dream state.

...I am facinated by dreams, and have had lucid dreams since I can remember. As a small child I used to visualise a tv in front of me, and would deliberately change the channels and decide what i would watch before i slept, and while dreaming I could also change the channels to have new dreams should the one I was in not be pleasant. I could also go to bed the next night and catch my "dream programmes" where I left off the previous evening.... Nobody taught me this- it was just something I would do.

...When I got to around 9, these dreams became less easy to control and far more frightening, and I began to have a reoccuring dream which everytime I dreamt it i found that although the setting, the characters, the trials were the same, each time I managed to evade my captors or managed to struggle on through the fear it took me a little further down the road, so to speak, and a little more of this dream would appear... when I got to around 12 this reoccuring nightmare stopped, and I again started to lucid dream.

The third eye, by T Lobsang Rampa was what set me off... At this time flying was not so easy, I used to feel I was being blown about, not in control, and so I tried a magic carpet, a chair, a broomstick, to stabilise my flight. In the end I decided these objects were okay, but too slow, or too unstable, and so I then started to fly like superman, on my front with my arms at my sides and use my feet like rudders to steer, but I would still be dragged here and there and blown about and frightened by things and have to wake up.

When I got to about 19 I realised that my horrible childhood dream had great significance to my adult life, and my memory of this time meant that I managed to escape a very real-life nightmare. I cannot explain it properly to u, as it would take many pages, but I will say that at the start of the dream I would meet a man, and I later met this same man in the flesh, many years later, and although he and I had never met in the flesh he acknowledged me, and just like in the dream this man was in possession of information which perhaps if I had not recognised him and he me then the information would not have been disclosed to me and I would have found myself in serious trouble.

After that dreams have become more than just dreams. Yes, dreams give us information about our real psychological state, beyond the face we wear for the public, and yes, they allow us to safely explore themes which we might not otherwise be able to, and yes, they allow the brain to repair itself and proccess the information gathered through the day, but dreams are so much more than that, too, for me.

For me, there is a type of dream which goes beyond lucid dreams, although at first that's what they appear to be, but they are not. These dreams are, precognitive, sometimes, and I will get information about future events- nothing dramatic, and always personal or related to ppl I am close to, friends, associates, etc, and sometimes I dream in a place where dreams are not dreamt by just one person inside one head, but more than just one consciousness is sharing the same space, and interacting with each other. Of course, this could just be fantasy, but again, I have met a fair few of these dream friends in the flesh, in real life, some of them I have helped, some of them have helped me.

I feel now at 30, that I have got to a stage where dreams are no longer just dreams, not just me proccessing info, not just me being conscious and playing in a fantasy land. Now when I am dreaming and I meet baddies, I simply jump into the air and fly away. I find there are lots of ppl out there who cannot fly... wingless, perhaps...? I know that traditionally dreams of flight are supposed to represent the need for the person to escape events in real life, and ppl may poo pooh the idea that there is a fourth dimension, and some ppl consciously play in it, but I happen to believe it's true. I have also practised this with other ppl, via passing on religious symbols in the flesh to enable consciousnesses to meet at rest, with varying results, yet I get more hits than misses...

My theory is, there is an over-arching consciousness, something like the old depiction of Nuit, the goddess of night who was wrapped around the earth, some form of universal energy and frequency, maybe at a push we could call this the collective unconscious, although I dislike that term for the obvious reason- ur far from unconscious, and its far from unconscious, but also because it renders something which i feel has a spiritual dimension to no more than a lukewarm bowl of symbolism and ideology soup, which we all share, rather than be something divine, in it's own right.

It's a holy place, for holy ppl, it's not like town centre of a saturday afternoon- filled with millions of ppl, it's more Although, "outthere", as I call it, I meet christians, pagans, buddhists, I'm-not-sure-ists, and so I know that its something that goes beyond the one faith...

I am going now to check out these sites u mention, dauer... I am always wary of generated programmes though, as i think it's easy for them to plant suggestions when ur in such a susceptible state, and I'm suspicious of ppl's intentions, and things like that worry me, slightly...

I find the simplest way to lucid dream involves taking something unusual to bed, say, a wooden spoon, or a shoe, and programming the self to remember the item while asleep. That, and, meditation- not visualisations, or any kind of activity- just simple bog standard "not thinking" or "samatha" meditation, as this helps u to develop concentration, which enables u to remember more on the way back...

will be "outthere" looking out for earnest young jews chanting niggillims, now... lol...

lolol niggunim. Thanks for sharing so openly Francis. My girlfriend has told me on a few occasions how significant her dreams are in her life. She's had experiences of meeting family who have passed away and has at times told her family not to do certain things that may have prevented serious harm or death. I'm generally more skeptical, and one to look for other explanations, but I never try and devalue what she gets from them. The dream belongs to the dreamer, not to those who hear the dream repeated.

I read about the television thing recently, that within a dream one can pick a channel or a place and then jump inside, almost like teleporting. Or in the same way walk through a mirror like Alice.

I don't really think there's anything uniquely spiritual about dreams either, but I do see them as equally a part of G!d as everything else. But I don't think that collective unconscious in its original sense really has any uniquely spiritual quality. It's not shared, but rather, like DNA is inherited by the individual. And while union with the Self is a goal in Jung's model, it seems like something healing for the whole psyche, not just the ego. I don't think it's a term that fits what you're describing either, but for different reasons. I'm not sure how the term collective unconscious is used in the new age circles that have extended its meaning. I was wondering what jung might have to say about lucid dreams a few days ago and found this very nice article:

LDE - Does the Sailor Control the Sea? by Robert Waggoner

It's about the type of influence a lucid dreamer has on a dream and how an LD doesn't dilute or render impure the content of the dreams but instead results in a more direct, more aware meeting between the conscious and unconscious.

There's a project on one of the websites that's working on shared dreams, and there's some info about it on a few of the sites. There's also quite a bit of lit about the overlap of OBE's and LD's, and I think it said that people who use WILD techniques, maintaining awareness while falling asleep, are more likely to experience something like an OBE than those who find a dreamsign to remind them that they're dreaming.

I know what you mean about being wary. I was too. On the forum for the site that hosts the software they actually suggest not using the mp3s if you're worried and just to do the other stuff, or to otherwise find LD-related mp3 that you're okay with. The mp3s themselves seem to be collected, not original material. After I've gone through the program and found techniques that work best for me, I'd like to try paradiso which is about designing dreamscapes. So far though, I think the must helpful method for me is to do a WILD by counting to 100, doing a reality check, and thus confirming whether I'm dreaming or awake. Hopefully once I've had a few LDs it will be easier for me to have them. Right now it's all unfamiliar territory. Even my ability to recall so much of my dreams is a new experience.

I just transferred all of my dreams over to a private journal at lucipedia. It's really helpful in that it asks for a lot of defining information like genre, rating from frowny face to halo'd happy face, list of characters, lucidity from overcast to sunny, LD induction, purpose acted out (if any) if dream was lucid, technique used to become lucid and time spent if applicable, number of dream signs that are action, that are form, that are context, and that are inner, and notes, as well as bed time and waking time, title, contents, and dream script. It can be private, published publically, or only allowed for research purposes.

Statistics are generated for # of dreams, # of lucid dreams, % lucid dreams, sleep rhythm, time slept, days journalled, degree of lucidity, avg dream recall, recall record, avg rating, percentage of total for each genre, percentage of total for each character, record lucid dreams per night, frequency of each type of dreamsign, frequency of successful techniques, frequency of lucid dream applications.

Then it has a graph for frequency of dreamsigns and degree of lucidity.

It's already helped me to identify my most frequent type of dreamsign. Out of five dreams 18 dreamsigns were contextual and one was related to form. I wonder if that has anything to do with how I relate in waking life. None of my dreamsigns violated the laws of physics. There was only one object whose form was off. At least in these dreams I never had terribly intense emotions. but very frequently impossible situations would happen, like attending a choral event at the beit hamikdash (gone for 2000 years), which happens to be just down the street from my apartment, or wishing I had the opportunity to tell my girlfriend that she should put the glass in her hand into water so that it smooths, when glass smooths due to being sanded down in the ocean.

I wish the dream figures weren't case sensitive. I'm going to have to go back now. but that part helps too. Two of my books in my amazon order today:

Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge who I think is at the Lucidity Institute


Inner Growth: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth by Robert A. Johnson.

Both books are supposed to have very practical advice that I hope I can make use of.

lol, niggunim... tell u what u can tell me more about dauer-

deveikut... I came across it the other day, and will research it, but no doubt u'll put me on the right track..?

no rush... cheerio
Hello hello.

Lately I've been trying to foster lucid dreams. No luck so far but my dream recall has improved tremendously. I went from 0 to up to three dreams remembered in three days.

Hello Dauer, it was interesting to hear of your experiences. I too spent some time focusing on my dreams, and kept a dream diary for about 3-4 years. I found that the more I thought of dreams (or dreaming) while awake, the easier it became to remember them. Also, by writing them down straight away on waking (before getting up etc...) or even in rough scribbles during the night I managed to catch things that I'd have otherwise forgotten.

Lucid dreaming always proved to be very difficult to control - but is suposed to be more likely if you wake up early, then go back to sleep. Some people suggest having some kind of reality test which you can perform when awake or dreaming, but if you just dream that it's real, then it's not always a fool-proof plan either! ;)

Have you had any experiences with Deja-Vu in your dreams at all?

... Neemai :)

devekut means attachment, but the term is used extremely differently than it is in Buddhism. It's almost the complete opposite. It's related to the modern hebrew word for glue. And the general aim of hasidism, which is frequently an acosmic monism (within certain parameters, the different lineages of hasidism can vary very greatly in their emphases and methods,) is devekut. It means attachment to G!d who in hasidism is more parallel to G!d in some forms of Hinduism. He's an Ultimate Reality beyond attributes that we interact with by means of the attributes of the sefirot, which are the pathways by which G!d interacts with the world.

tzimtzum (contraction, one of the important ideas in the kabbalistic myth of creation) then becomes more of a happening to consciousness instead of to all of creation. Instead of creating a space for the world to be, it creates space for the individual ego. Instead of the light clearing away in one space, it's really just dimmed so that the individual can perceive duality. There are different types of devekut in that sometimes it can be an event that happens at one time and it can also refer to a constant awareness.

Another concept in hasidism with some curious similarities to the dharmas is ayin m'yesh. Yesh m'ayin is hebrew for something from nothing. It's creatio ex nihilo. But in hasidism they say G!d made yesh m'ayin so that man could make ayin m'yesh, and the key to decoding that is that sometimes G!d is called Ayin. Anything that we can apply an attribute or label to is called yesh. It's got thingness. But when attributeless G!d lacks that. And humility in the hasidic sense is realizing that oneself is also ayin.

It was a reaction to a lot of things including the asceticism of the day, the fall of Sabbateanism and the stifling of popularist mysticism (consequently, there are some Sabbatean ideas that make their way into hasidism, but the way it handles messianism is radically different) and socio-economic factors (the Jewish communities in Poland at that time were self-governed by a leadership that had become increasingly corrupt and financially comfortable. The Jews in the countryside were being ignored. And there were maggidim, underpaid wandering preachers who became very popular in the countryside because they showed that they cared about the commonpeople there. But that's only a very brief and basic overview.) Originally they were a very radical movement. But over time due to a number of different pressures they became very conservative, and the hasidism of today is most associated with black hats and restorationism. I consider myself a neo-hasid in that I take a lot of hasidic ideas and apply them in a progressive framework, leaving behind some of the oppressive baggage and translating some of the less agreeable concepts into a more compatible language (e.g. annihilation of the self changes to becoming transparent.)

I know that's a lot more information than you asked for, but I thought the context might be helpful, and hasidism is one of the subjects I enjoy discussing the most.


Hey Neemai.

I found that the more I thought of dreams (or dreaming) while awake, the easier it became to remember them. Also, by writing them down straight away on waking (before getting up etc...) or even in rough scribbles during the night I managed to catch things that I'd have otherwise forgotten.

I have heard both of these suggestions. The webmaster of one site, when suggesting thinking and reading about dreaming a lot so that the unconscious will be processing it all that night, pointed out that he has LDs more frequently when working on the site. It's very difficult for me to take notes in bed because my penmanship is so terrible. I've had experiences (when I was fully awake) of writing things which I could read for the next few days, but when I'd put them away for a while and found them again, they were nearly indecipherable. Especially when I have a lot to say. When I first wake up I try to recall all of my dreams before I get out of bed, at least the basics of them, and then after I've done that dream recall I go onto my laptop and type them up. Now I've a few more steps. Sometimes I'll interpret my dream according to the dream interpretation process of analytical psych and I also transfer the dream to my lucidipedia journal and parse all of the characters and make note of each dreamsign.

Lucid dreaming always proved to be very difficult to control - but is suposed to be more likely if you wake up early, then go back to sleep.

That's a technique known as WBTB (wake back to bed.) The idea is to get a good five or six hours of sleep and then get up, stay up (some say for 10 or 15 minutes, some say for 60 to 90 minutes) to allow awareness to restore itself, and then go back to bed. I've been practicing that the past couple of days as part of the infinity software training. Yesterday I only had to get up and browse the web a little to read about lucid dreaming, but today I used a post-hypnotic suggestion mp3 and then went back to bed. While my dream wasn't lucid, the dreams keep getting clearer, and this time it was also a lot longer and more involved. I had a weird experience in a park of seeing the type of radar common to an mmog in the top right of my field of vision, and using it to track down some friends who'd gotten ahead of me.

Some people suggest having some kind of reality test which you can perform when awake or dreaming, but if you just dream that it's real, then it's not always a fool-proof plan either!

I've been applying RC's very regularly, each time I walk through a doorway I'll pinch my nose to see if I can still dream. Before I go to bed I do Carlos Castaneda's hand technique and then use the MILD (mnemonic induction into lucid dreaming) technique. Based on some advice I read last night on an LD forum I didn't repeat it over and over again, because then it can lose its meaning. Instead I said the verbal part of castaneda's and the mild technique three times each, and when I did it I focused very intensely on visualizing myself in the dream, becoming aware, doing a second RC, rubbing my hands together so that I don't wake up (it's a technique discovered by Dr. Laberge. Sometimes when we become lucid we'll disconnect from the dream and wake up, so we have to become involved in the dream through our sense. He suggests rubbing one's hands together, spinning in a circle, or I think also stomping on the ground a few times to concretize lucidity) and then, because I read that a big trick to being able to lucid dream is not making the goal lucid dreaming, but making the goal doing something in a lucid dream, I'll visualize myself meditating and the contents of my mind expanding to swallow up the whole dreamscape. I think I might add another RC that's a bit less easy to be aware of, like every time I see a certain color. And now that I think about it, my girlfriend has appeared in almost half of my dreams so I should rc when I see her or speak with her. And also any time I start playing an mmog because a few aspects of them have appeared in my dreams. One time I think I dreamt in 3d rendered graphics instead of the real world.

I think I'm lucky because my dreams just are so contextually wrong. I never have objective dreams. They're always extremely subjective. And it's never just in a small way. Usually almost every situation in my dream makes little sense at all, sometimes in very bizarre ways (like visiting the beit hamikdash where I'm part of a chorus that's all singing except for me who has been constantly screaming without taking a breath through every scene of the dream (besides the one where for a moment I started throat singing)) and sometimes in very ordinary ways (like I'm visiting my grandmother who's already moved.) Each night I seem to be able to recall more dreamsigns, and they're predominantly contextual. I don't think the laws of physics have ever been violated. Ocasionally the shape of something may be off. And in these recent dreams there haven't been any very intense feelings.

Have you had any experiences with Deja-Vu in your dreams at all?

Not in my dreams. If I did it would be a fantastic way to RC I think. But now that I think about it I've had a lot more synchronicitous waking moments. I'll be typing something and hear something in hte music I'm listening to that says exactly what I was reading or thinking when taken out of the context of the song, or other things like that. So if I make that an RC I can become more aware of moments like that and maybe bring that into my dreaming.

When I was attending a Jewish high school I used to come home very tired. The day was extremely long because of hte dual curriculum (as well as prayer services) and when I was on the soccer team I'd get home even later. I had to get up very early and at some time I got into the habit of staying up to watch conan. I was on medications that also made me a little more tired. When I got home I'm stumble into my parent's bedroom and fall asleep on their bed until dinner, which was no more than 30 to 40 minutes away. I'd have extremely vivid dreams. I wasn't self-aware but they were very very vivid. They'd usually begin with a false awakening. I'd think I woke up just where I was. And then I'd continue the rest of the day. I think they usually ended when I went to bed. And then it was really time for dinner. lol. I'd often get deja vu the days I dreamt like that, not in the dreams but after, from the dreams. I think those dreams were all objective.

There was some advice on one website, that The Matrix actually gives a lot of good information about lucid dreaming if you analyze it. I'm going to be watching it again but, thinking back, there's a lot of good stuff in there. The mirror's not solid. Neo thinks seeing a cat twice is nothing but it turns out that it's an important signal to RC. He tells himself that if he ingests something he'll become more lucid than he already is, and he does. The only thing stopping him from being able to do what he wants in dreams are his own limiting beliefs.

The way they have their operator upload programs into them to teach them things, this is like another technique. You create scripts to tell your mind how to operate in a dream. Like if you have trouble going through a wall at first because you don't believe you can, tell yourself the wall is water, and then walk through it. If you can't fly just by jumping up, fly like an airplane or a bird. You can modify your method of flight as you get used to it.

When he finally breaks through the matrix he realizes some of the fundamental concepts for the novice dreamer to come to terms with in order to controls his/her dreams more effectively: he's no longer afraid of physical harm, and he doesn't think any longer that the agents are really there. he sees them as a part of the dream. He also realizes the limitations of physics don't apply. One thing he doesn't come to terms with is that he can even manipulate the dreamscape without taking physical action within the dream, or maybe he just enjoys being physically involved (makes ofr a better movie anyway.) Iirc he also realizes that there are no social consequences when he kills some innocent people as part of the operation to free morpheus. There's another connection. He freed morpheus, the god of dreams.

No lucid dreams yet, but I picked up a book by LaBerge's on lucid dreaming. I've looked at it a little. After my girlfriend goes home I'll get into it more since it's practical and requires stopping regularly to try techniques.

My dreamsigns have been very weird lately. I thought vacuuming a ferret, then communicating with it and getting it a sub because it was hungry was weird, but today I was supposed to be leading a meditation on one of the sefirot. Everyone was reminding me that this shabbos was related to shechinah, G!ds indwelling presence, as malka, as queen. But I had some type of marker for my turn to lead something on a different sefirah than malchut, more to the top. At first I thought it was tiferet, but it was too close to the top. It was on da'at and keter was absent which is extremely bizarre because I never see an eitz hachayyim with da'at visible and keter not visible. And the color associated with it was brown ? I was very very confused. So then it came to my turn, and this whole placement of the sefirah was tripping me up. First we went around and other people were saying things and then when it came back to me I didn't say anything. I just closed my eyes and was quiet, and hoped everyone would pass over me. I actually think I started to daydream within my dream. It may be closing my eyes tightly that woke me up.

My dreams have been getting more vivid each evening, and I'm remembering them more easily. Instead of waking up thinking I must have imagined my dreams, I wake up thinking, "I've gotta put this into my dream journal."

its never more info than I want from u, dauer... u are my font of judaic wisdom... thank u for ur reply...

I have to laugh at ur daath... my daath is dark brown and my kether is instead of being one of the sefirot here my keter becomes the ayin, the nothingness which is not no-thing... lol...

I came to the kabbalah via the western mystery tradition, and so my spellings and phases r off, granted, but I use a system based on the sefirot in a class I do in another site... I have told everyone about the traditional sort, of course, but mine differs slightly as I use it more as a store for the magician to hang his associations on...

Thanks. As long as I'm not Courier <-- one of my least favorite fonts.

Ah, you're into hermetic kabbalah? The spelling isn't really so weird. Tav is one of the beged kephet letters, each of which can make a hard and a soft sound. In ashkenazic pronunciation a soft tav is pronounced "s" but in some other places it is pronounced "th." In modern hebrew it's been dropped, which is why in most contemporary Jewish texts it's more common to see da'at. Da'ath may actually be closer to the original pronunciation.

You may already know this but kabbalah as magic is often referred to as practical kabbalah. It places more emphasis on rituals performed in particular ways that can effect outcomes. A ba'al shem tov (not to be confused with the founder of hasidism, who became known as the ba'al shem tov) was someone who filled the role of, basically, shaman in the Jewish community, making amulets and performing special rituals. If the intended result didn't occur it was assumed that something had gone wrong with the ritual.

The weirdest thing about that dream for me is I rarely ever look at the sefirot. There are a number of them that are a part of my vernacular (chesed, gevurah, tiferet, yesod, malchut) but it's rare that I'm looking at the eitz hachayyim at all or thinking much about them, let alone one that shows da'at. If I'm using any particular Jewish model it's usually going to be the olamot or the levels of the soul which I'll then psychologize, as I do with all cosmology. And lately I've been much more immersed in Jung and Wilber's models, particularly jung.

I think it may have something to do with forgetting shabbos was my four-year anniversary with my girlfriend. And there I go in my dream, everybody's reminding this shabbos is for shechinah and I'm focusing on tiferet, which I seem to assume is focusing on shechinah. And then... Da'at! And we had a talk later that day about how she feels I focus too much on me and put what I want first, which is absolutely true. Maybe I'm trying to tell myself that I need to be more aware of this stuff and act on her behalf instead of stumbling along blindly.

But then taken in the context of some other dreams I've been having it could also mean I've been neglecting my anima, or maybe that I've inaccurately understood the nature of my anima or how to best acknowledge it. And then, in projecting anima onto my girlfriend I may also have neglected her.

Dreams is crazy. :D
Very vivid dream last night. I was in Israel. When I went out for a walk I could feel the stone underneath my feet. I saw two people I know from 8th and 10th grade and later in the dream when I called my mom to tell her about how Israel was I realized how unlike it would be to bump into them and realized I was dreaming before. But my awareness didn't extend to the present moment. I feel like I'm getting much closer to my goal though. Very vivid dream and I recognized a dreamsign.
I can remember most of my dreams, unfortunately they are seldom nice and mostly horrible one's. Places you have been before, places you are at now and places you will be in the future I have always thought of dreams. I have been killed so many times in dreams I have lost count. I have been executed for cowardice as a roman centurion in biblical times upto being a US Marine in WW2 getting shot by Nazis.
I feel all the pain, emotions and everything in them. Waking up in cold sweats feeling very hot liquid on my chest as if bleeding heavily and there is nothing there, although I had been stabbed to death in the dream. Been shot and had holes blasted through my body and woke up and laid there, building up courage to feel myself to make sure there is nothing there! Being hacked up and shot isn't very nice I assure you. I've had councelling about them and it was suggested that it perhaps was triggered by childhood events etc which is crap as there was no events. I went to see a medium too and she told me all sorts of things and said I had died in a nazi deathcamp (i was a jewish rabbi) been shot as a soldier in the war, executed in roman times and so it went on and on. Whether it's true or not she had the ability to read it from me!
The real nasty dreams have calmed down a bit now though and I only get the odd one, when I was in my teens and early 20's they were the worst. Perhaps still too close to a previous life? and the older I get the attachment gets stretched till it's no more? Who know's. Maybe one day I'll have a dream where I won't want to wake up!

that sounds terrible! I've heard that LD induction has been effectively used to treat nightmares. The nightmare becomes a very effective dreamsign and the dreamer is able to train themselves so that they realize they're dream and are able to stand up to whatever's bothering them. When they've shaken off the fear and confronted what's buggingthem, the whole dream responds in a way that's non-threatening because they're no longer creating all of that terror and fear in themselves.