Furthermore, as the Abrahamic Traditions are indisputably not pantheistic, then it is she who determines what is a 'limitation or humanization' and simply tosses away what doesn't suit her — ther image in Isaiah, in Peter, in Revelations, or in Christian theology ... a combination of them, or perhaps all of them?
But Thomas, this is your
assumption ... and an
incorrect one, I shall EVER point out. Thus, you arrive at conclusions which
suit you.
I prefer to stick to your own recognition of the fact that - "the image of the Day Star in Scripture has at least four possible meanings, depending on context" (!) ...
And I point out, only that
the name, Lucifer, or Light-Bringer, rightly applies to the Kumaras, who are recognized in
Roman Catholic Christianity as a certain order of the Angels ...
the penultimate tier, if I am not mistaken, the Archangels - one of the Highest Sephira of Kabbalism.
Now the term should
still apply to those Kumaras Who have kept Their vow, or Who have
not succumbed to the temptations of
matter. But the Legend is given, the meaning is indicated, and all that remains is for you to do a little research on your own ... in order to see the pieces fall into place.
To do this, however, you must be willing to
take a leap of Faith. And this, I'm afraid, we shall not see, Br. Thomas.
Incidentally, Helena Roerich is but drawing upon the same tradition that
HPB herself helped to elucidate, since Blavatsky cast light on many of the Western Teachings, as well as the Eastern. Or, if you prefer, I would recommend a reading of Geoffrey Hodson's multi-volume
The Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible.
If the text cannot be found online, it can be borrowed from any prominent University library ... via Interlibrary Loan. Or of course, purchased, for a small fee.
Bananabrain asks,
must we sift through many volumes of such material, only to see where our own traditions have erred - and missed the mark, or deviated from the truth, yadda yadda ... and all this, coming from someone
who does not even practice our own tradition!?!
But you know what I think, when it comes to
how we INTERPRET the traditions of yore. I have respect for EVERY single ounce, aspect or
practice which still EVEN VAGUELY resembles what once was ... and for the whole, I like to believe
that the baby amidst the murky bathwater is well worth saving.
Thomas, you - and perhaps Bananabrain, coming from the Jewish tradition - will make NO DISTINCTION between fact, and error, between
what is a worthy, noble & worthwhile practice ... and what has been perpetuated
only for the sake of memory - its true significance long since lost by the wayside. You will
not distinguish between the wheat, and the chaff, as the proverbial metaphor goes - if not actually from the Book of the same name.
And there, I cannot help you. Spit if like, grimace and sneer. You do not intimidate me.
MEMBER of Cinedrion asked Christ:
“Would you come to us if we should ask you?”
Christ answered:
“Better would I go to the cemetery for there is no lie.”
A member of Cinedrion asked Christ, “Why dost thou not acknowledge us if even Thy father was married by one of our members?”
“Wait until your house crumbles; then shall We come.”
“Wherefore shalt thou come—to destroy or to erect?”
“Neither for destruction nor erection but for purification. Because I shall not return to the old hearth.”
“How then, not to respect your forefathers!”
“New cups are given for the feast. Respecting a grandfather, one need not drink out of his cup.”
And once again, Thomas, we see here
how insistent you are, on avoiding the mere
possibility that something from within the Fathers' Holy Doctrines might be capable of receiving
further elucidation from without. Indeed, concerning the connection between Lucifer and Venus -
not simply as a PLANET, but rather as an entire EVOLUTION (of a LOGOS, well ahead of our own) ...Flames Largely interchangeable with fire, both being borrowed from the Fire-philosophers in an attempt to render the ancient teachings. Often the same distinction is made as in ordinary usage: that flame is a portion of fire, or that fire is a more abstract and general term and flame a more concrete and particular. Thus, the intellectual and guiding cosmic spirits, as well as the astrally and physically creative builders, are spoken of as being a hierarchy of flames. The Lords of the Flame are the agnishvatta-pitris, or the intelligent architects cosmically; as the givers of mind to humanity they are alluded to as those whose fire is too pure for the production of physical mortal mankind. The Asiatic Qabbalists or Shemitic initiates meant by Holy Flame what is called the anima mundi or world-soul, and this is why adepts were called sons of the holy flame. Flame is also a projection of fire, as when a flame of the divine fire descends into matter, or flames of fire descend upon one inspired by the Holy Spirit or encircle the head of an initiate.
(from an Online Theosophical Glossary)
Lucifer (Latin) Light-bringer [cf Greek Phosphoros; or Eosphoros dawn-bringer]; the planet Venus, the morning star. Lucifer is light bringer to earth, not only physically as the brightest of the planets, but in a mystical sense also. In mysticism he is the chief of those minor powers or logoi who are said to rebel against high heaven and to be cast down to the bottomless pit -- the so-called war in heaven and the fall of the angels. This allegory is found also in the legend concerning Prometheus, in the Hindu Mahasura who rebels against Brahma and is cast by Siva into patala, and in the Scandinavian Loki. In the cyclic sweep of evolution, spirit has first to descend or become involved in differentiation and in the worlds of matter, so that worlds and beings may be brought forth and evolved. The logoi who thus bring the light may allegorically be said, like Prometheus, to steal the fire, and their assertion of divine free will may be construed into an act of evolutionary rebellion; yet such is their karmic function as well as duty.
Lucifer has been transformed in later Occidental theology into a synonym for the Evil One or the Devil. If the god Jehovah were the highest divinity, which this Jewish tribal deity is not, then any power withstanding him must necessarily be considered to be his adversary; and in the same way the teaching as to the immanent Christ, not only in the world but in each individual person, not being altogether agreeable with the doctrine of salvation by faith in an external savior, became transformed into the Tempter inspiring man to sinful rebellion against God. Lucifer in a very true sense stands for the self-conscious mind in man, which is at once tempter and enlightener -- tempter in its lower aspects and enlightener and inspirer in its higher.
Go on,
argue for argument's sake. And where does it get you?
A wise and humble man
would acknowledge, that
at least those parts in
blue are an indication of exactly his own point ... though uttered by a greater mind, in a different day.
What is not specified in the above, is that
of the Kumaras that arrived from Venus ~18 million years ago, there is a distinction between
the Allegory of the Fall, and the
Rebel Kumara, so to speak - the
Light-Bringer who is no longer entitled to that appellation.
Yet the Church makes no distinction in her doctrine, between the
Divine Injunction, or Decree of the Almighty to GO forth
INTO GENERATION (which HPB refers to, and which we speak of as
the Fall) ... and the kind of sinful, prideful
`fall' which applies to the
rebel kumara - and thus, even the scholars among us, cannot clear up the confusion.
I may not understand the Mystery to its fullest ...
but I will not BLINDLY accept whatever is handed me, just because it is
tradition, and the `sacra doctrina' of one group, religion, or organization.
SHOW ME a religion, or a spiritual philosophy, which does not contain a kernel of this legend, and I'll show you some beachfront property in Arizona. But only one or two amongst us
insist that the legend is not open to further exploration.
Why such determination? Why the
necessity to "be right?"
I will admit my mistaken scholasticism, gladly, but so far all I see is,
as I said, arguing for argument's sake. And that has
nothing whatsoever ... to do with Truth.
Nasti Paro Dharma