About me


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I joined the board because I sat down and read from many of the users' threads that are on here. Actually, there are four or five people on here that I find very interesting! Maybe you can guess who they are:cool:

As for me, I would like to learn more about Christianity and it's similarities with other religions. For instance, I am interested in the life of Gotama, the Buddha, and his similarities and differences with the teachings of Jesus. Also, Islam, or submission to God, is a religion I know nothing about! Besides Christian views of Islam, I would like to know more from people that are actually within that religion. Because I am from the country and, as you know, everybody here usually claims that they are a Christian. Well, I am no theological wiz, but lets just say it is a hobby that I enjoy, which is looking into religions. So, yeah, that is why I am on this board. Also, I hope I can make new friends!

BTW, I love donuts!
Namaste BrownBaptist...

Welcome again to the boards...nice intro...learning about other religions and cultures is beneficial to all....or so I think..
Did somebody mention dougnuts? :)

Welcome thabrownbaptist, uh did you bring any doughnuts with you? :)
Pass me a krueller. Or an apple fritter. Who's got the coffee?? Don't give me none of those jelly donuts. No, I don't want any Sanka. How about a nice Guatemalan roast from a French Press?


And BB, I have no idea who you might have found interesting on here... except maybe MuslimWoman for your interest in Islam. Who else? Do share, please. ;)
as salaam aleykum BrownBaptist

Welcome to CR. Grab a coffee and dougnut and pull up a chair. Am rather partial to brownies myself, particularly if InLove has baked them.

Glad to see you are open minded and have a desire to learn. Have to admit I am learning so much about others faiths on CR and dispelling a number of long held misconceptions. Hope you will remain with us a while and share your thoughts.

What did you mean you are from the country? Do you mean countryside or a particular country?

Pass me a krueller. Or an apple fritter. Who's got the coffee?? Don't give me none of those jelly donuts. No, I don't want any Sanka. How about a nice Guatemalan roast from a French Press?

Here's some coffee, but I don't have any kruellers, only twinkies.
Thanks, Seattle. Hmmmm. Twinkies--why not??

Mmmmmm... coffee-flavored twinkies...

And here are some special brownies that I made. 17th, you'll want to try one of these nuggets of psychotropic deserty joy. ;)

Hey Brownie, welcome aboard! Are you a police officer?



No, but good observation. I love the donut, specifically a chinese donut! They are the bomb diggidy. Actually, I am 20 years old. I am a student at a community college taking up english education, so I hope to become a literature teacher. BTW, I work partime as a carpenter, like you!

And BB, I have no idea who you might have found interesting on here... except maybe MuslimWoman for your interest in Islam. Who else? Do share, please.

lol, I like the nickname BB. Yeah, I was reading a thread from her and thought it was very interesting. Replace Islam with "submission to God." Mostly they are the people I came into contact with my first thread. There are others in this thread, also.

When I post a reply, why is it that it does not show up immediately?! Sometimes it takes a day or 2. . .

I prefer donut holes myself !


When I was a kid and my mom and aunts took me to White Sox games on ladies day at old Comiskey Park on the south side of Chicago, we'd stop to eat at a diner on Garfield Blvd. and they'd give you all the free donut holes you could eat. Of course, cosmologically speaking, the torus is much more significant to reality than the void in its middle. But those voids were delicious !

Welcome to CR and enjoy !



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