How many sparrows?

your image may be murky...mine is not. And I suspect neither is Faithful servant's...

So the only lonely soul here appears to! :eek:

Just because you hate God, doesn't mean the rest of us do Cy...
Interesting perspective you have Q.

I was referring to the setting of the image of God or of the prophets who have walked in the world, but you have focused on your image and on my image. Do you think that a true image of you is going to be projected by me? Do you think that a true image of me is going to be projected by you? Does God rely on you... to know me? As an example of my viewpoint... I submit that I can not tell you what you love or hate. Can I... truthfully? No. I submit that only you can determine and demonstrate what you love or hate, Q. I submit that only you can form the true image of yourself.

Maybe as another example: I don't think anyone has the hair count on someone else's head through their entire life. But by the scripture the hairs are all counted. Someone knows the count. I don't know the true count of everything. So, should I listen to someone who tries to tell me my true count? I will listen and even respond, Q... but do you really think you see clearly what I love or hate of God?
Interesting perspective you have Q.

I was referring to the setting of the image of God or of the prophets who have walked in the world, but you have focused on your image and on my image. Do you think that a true image of you is going to be projected by me? Do you think that a true image of me is going to be projected by you? Does God rely on you... to know me? As an example of my viewpoint... I submit that I can not tell you what you love or hate. Can I... truthfully? No. I submit that only you can determine and demonstrate what you love or hate, Q. I submit that only you can form the true image of yourself.

Maybe as another example: I don't think anyone has the hair count on someone else's head through their entire life. But by the scripture the hairs are all counted. Someone knows the count. I don't know the true count of everything. So, should I listen to someone who tries to tell me my true count? I will listen and even respond, Q... but do you really think you see clearly what I love or hate of God?

No, these are reasonable and good questions. The only picture we have of anyone else is what they present to us, either through word or deed or behavior. Is it a true image? Part of it must be at least, especially if it is consistently expressed.

For example, we both know I tend to "come to the "defense" of others (whether asked of me or not). Right, wrong or indifferent, it seems to be a part of my make up to do so. Some could say I have a "knight" complex, and I submit they are most likely correct in their assesment. It isn't all that I'm made of however, it has significant impact on how I interact with others.

Some admire it, while others disdain such. Yet it is still part of me.

Another is my tendancy to use sarcasm against sarcasm. Now that is, a defense mechanism within me. I am quite aware of it, and for many years worked to develop and refine it. Doesn't make it an admirable quality within my make up (to many), but it is part of who I am.

One more would be my enjoyment of arguing or debating. Sometimes I should walk away, yet too often I will dive right into the thick of it.

Even combining these three apparent elements of my behavior do not express the whole that is me, they are only a small part. But then again, I may just be a small scared little boy inside, and use these qualities as a way of protecting my self, rather than being a conceited and or arrogant know it all. The rest of me would have to be viewed in order for an accurate observation to be made.

So, I see your point, to a point. But if all one shows is let's say the three qualities as noted above, after awhile the observer might be inclined to presume that is the way the one is, all the time, with everyone.


A human is worth one sparrow..... a life is worth a life.... Be it walking, flying, swiming, grande or small.... Intelligent or not so... It is a life, It is a great amazing and an awesome thing, however it is greater not than any other life.