Deut 13:18?

both are needed but when they are connected incorrectly the energy doesn't flow.

kthxlolz..... Connected incorrectly? It is an act of nature? You know... Something that is naturally meant to happen..... It is part of the I guess you'd call it "design" of the female human... Like many other female animals that go through the same process.... If that is wrong, and 'connected incorrectly.' Maybe your god should check his blueprints as there is a fault in his design... :D
I think the process is discusting, it makes women look cheap and like worthless pieces of meat that are there to be pumped and abused, and then to have that private and special moment (if you can bloody call it that!) of loosing their virginity put on public display for all and sundry. Question - Do you remember your first time? Answer - Oh yes I got pumped for 2 minutes hard by my husband whilst my family were listening outside the door. Then they rushed to my bed, stripped off the sheet and my blood etc was displayed for all to see. How thrilling and compassionate for the woman e'h!

What sort of special first time is that for a woman? It's easy for men to say "ahh yes, they love it, they had to do it it's their faith/beliefs etc" what a load of sh*t!! It's an invasion of privacy and is sick. Who gives a sh!t about tradition. It's about what a person wants and freedom of choice and it doesn't sound like the poor old women get much of that does it!
I think the process is discusting, it makes women look cheap and like worthless pieces of meat that are there to be pumped and abused, and then to have that private and special moment (if you can bloody call it that!) of loosing their virginity put on public display for all and sundry. Question - Do you remember your first time? Answer - Oh yes I got pumped for 2 minutes hard by my husband whilst my family were listening outside the door. Then they rushed to my bed, stripped off the sheet and my blood etc was displayed for all to see. How thrilling and compassionate for the woman e'h!

What sort of special first time is that for a woman? It's easy for men to say "ahh yes, they love it, they had to do it it's their faith/beliefs etc" what a load of sh*t!! It's an invasion of privacy and is sick. Who gives a sh!t about tradition. It's about what a person wants and freedom of choice and it doesn't sound like the poor old women get much of that does it!

What sort of special first time for that woman? Not that special obviously if it were only 2 minutes as you stated ;)

*hushed voice* don't speak of tradition like that! There's jews around! ;)
This comes from a society where its the norm to watch every aspect of intimacy between a man and woman by the pushing of a button or the flip of a channel.

I think dirtiness is in the eye of the beholder
Whatever the length of duration, (I picked 2 minutes at random!) it's still beastial and sick 17th!

"I think dirtiness is in the eye of the beholder"

Humans always behold what they think is "right" even when it's wrong, no matter how sick or perverse, just for themselves! Ignorance in the flesh!

Now I has der carrot!
Right Penguin thats why I think I personally make the choice to believe what the bible says about right and wrong. The flesh is weak.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
17th Angel said:
kthxlolz..... Connected incorrectly? It is an act of nature? You know... Something that is naturally meant to happen.....
yes, but the laws in the Torah mandate that there are only certain times when you are allowed to have it off. thus, if you "connect" at the wrong time [of the month], you are "incorrectly connected". time is one of the five dimensions of the spiritual. something that is right at one time can be wrong at another, you know? so turning on a light on the sabbath is wrong, but is fine the rest of the time.

It is part of the I guess you'd call it "design" of the female human... Like many other female animals that go through the same process....
i know, but the axiomatic position of judaism is that humans are not the same as animals, because we have free will and the choice to govern our instincts. there's nothing wrong with the design itself, it is morally neutral. it is the human action that isn't.

Penguin said:
I think the process is disgusting, it makes women look cheap and like worthless pieces of meat that are there to be pumped and abused, and then to have that private and special moment (if you can bloody call it that!) of loosing their virginity put on public display for all and sundry.
firstly, i think the sages agree with you, which is why they legislated this procedure out of feasibility, as i described in my previous post. secondly, judaism takes sex extremely seriously and, i cannot stress this too much, the CUSTODIAN AND GATEKEEPER FOR SEXUAL RELATIONS IS ALWAYS THE WOMAN, NOT THE MAN. hence the sort of sexual act you describe here would be absolutely forbidden - as 17th's comment indicates! so basically the whole thing would never arise anyway.

It's an invasion of privacy and is sick.
you see, this is what i don't quite get, penguin. you're all het up about this token business which i've shown you can't for all intents and purposes take place and wouldn't be valid even if it did, for the reasons i've described above, yet you don't seem to realise that the reason for separating men and women during the niddah period is to give the woman *privacy* and allow her to regain her personal space, to which only she may negotiate entry.

can *i* have teh carrot now?


It is gross lol.... Would you like your little daughters sweaty/bloody bed sheet shown to the whole freaking town? lol..... It is a primative act if you ask me... And most have had sex before marriage anyway now-a-days. Also there is this word... Trust... You ever heard of that word? Also something else you may find interesting virgin/hymen bleeding.... It don't always happen fact. So a REAL virgin that doesn't bleed gets freaking stoned to death? :rolleyes: Simpletons....

Not all christians ;)

Not all christians...not all informed christians 17th...kinda like being given orders to patrol a sector, but not what is to be expected once the platoon gets there...kinda pisses one off when one has to defend life in a fire fight...(why weren't we told goddamn it!!!!)
yes, but the laws in the Torah mandate that there are only certain times when you are allowed to have it off. thus, if you "connect" at the wrong time [of the month], you are "incorrectly connected". time is one of the five dimensions of the spiritual. something that is right at one time can be wrong at another, you know? so turning on a light on the sabbath is wrong, but is fine the rest of the time.

Seriously? If you as you say 'have it off' when you are not supposed to, is that a sin or something punishable by god? Never heard of that (kinda new to any knowledge on Judaism... So, yea not suprising I have never heard of it..)

i know, but the axiomatic position of judaism is that humans are not the same as animals, because we have free will and the choice to govern our instincts. there's nothing wrong with the design itself, it is morally neutral. it is the human action that isn't.

Animals have free will and choice :/ Just as much as instincts... And we too have instincts just as much as free will... But that is a talk for a WHOLE 'nother daaay...... So basically you believe it is actions, not design.

can *i* have teh carrot now?

*twitch twitch* Hold, up.... I am getting a growing concern that there is too much intrest by many others now for my carrot! I has teh carrot It's meh carrot! *does the hamster shuffle and patting of feet to intimdate the predators away*

Not all christians...not all informed christians 17th...kinda like being given orders to patrol a sector, but not what is to be expected once the platoon gets there...kinda pisses one off when one has to defend life in a fire fight...(why weren't we told goddamn it!!!!)
A gun skirmish not reported :/ The people that should have informed the incoming units should be held responsible for that... So in this funky metaphore(it is one of those right? lol.) Who are the people that should have reported this in?
17th Angel said:
Seriously? If you as you say 'have it off' when you are not supposed to, is that a sin or something punishable by god? Never heard of that (kinda new to any knowledge on Judaism... So, yea not suprising I have never heard of it..)
oh yes, time is just as regulated as other things are by halakhah - there's a basic guide here:

Judaism 101: Kosher Sex

but beware, this page takes an orthodox viewpoint and contains a number of opinions with which i do not agree (in particular the "oh it makes you more fertile scientifically" argument) as well as taking a rather unpleasant swipe at "the liberal movements".

Animals have free will and choice :/ Just as much as instincts... And we too have instincts just as much as free will... But that is a talk for a WHOLE 'nother daaay...... So basically you believe it is actions, not design.
well, this is probably not the place for the argument, but we'd say that animals don't make moral choices (with the possible exception of the higher primates and dolphins) so a rat (or a hamster for that matter) deciding which way it is going to turn in a maze may be making a choice, but not a rational one, it is one driven by the instinct to eat or run or whatever.

i will get yeh carrot eventualeh.

