my point being there are two many witnessess, prophets, disciples, etc. all pointing, proclaiming, and interacting with jesus for believers to toss that all aside for someone that claims to have received a message that differs. according to the quran, the holy books cannot be altered, so that means all the different books of the bible that all have the same message that jesus is lord and rose on the third day like he promised is true. the only thing i can deduce then is that someone perhaps heard one thing, didnt understand, and wrote it down wrong. because there are too many people that are saying the same thing at different and at the same times in addition to it being the word of god for it too be incorrect.
if religion was a car wreck, lol...some may think it is, but if it was a car wreck, and you were a policeman, who would you listen to to get an accurate police report? the 20 people that saw the accident before it happened, as it happened, and after it happened and all are saying the same thing, or the one guy across the street whose account differs from the rest?