Well-Known Member
Its not the destination its the journey....
just a thought...
if you've come full circle....have you?
or have you reached a time of respite and contemplation to prepare yourself for a another trip around?
contemplate two other circles we make...once spin around the core and we reach the same perspective with the we stop...or go around again?
once around the sun we reach the same relation as we stop, or do we simply acknowledge and head around again.
do either of these two trips change in course each time?? or are we likely to take very similar paths each time?? It seems we are, within a matter of degrees each day on the little circle each year on the big circle we are essentially in the same place physically... but we make the trip again...because it has value...
see ya on the flip side.
Interesting thought Wil,
However, there is a point applicable to what has been communicated on this thread that in effect has no more journey to go around again since all seeking has stopped and it is realized that there is nothing more to journey for. It was here all along and merely ignored or overlooked. There is no more trip of any kind to take again. That is the beauty of it.
Just another thought for your consideration...
Love and Peace,