Michael Vick found Jesus!


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a figment of your imagination
I don't know if this is getting any play internationally or it is just fodder for the American psyche...

Michael Vick, football quaterback star 130 million dollar contract, plead guilty to some charges relating to dog fighting. The crimes purported were viscious, much worse than a couple dogs fighting...

But he has now apologized, and in the process he found Jesus.

How does that make us feel?

Do you think has found the Lord, or his handlers have recommended that he uses the Jesus card to forestall questions?
I don't know if this is getting any play internationally or it is just fodder for the American psyche...

Michael Vick, football quaterback star 130 million dollar contract, plead guilty to some charges relating to dog fighting. The crimes purported were viscious, much worse than a couple dogs fighting...

But he has now apologized, and in the process he found Jesus.

How does that make us feel?

Apologizing is nice. Why should that make us feel a certain way. Did he do something to us that I should know about? Shall we allow hearsay to move us?

wil said:
Do you think has found the Lord, or his handlers have recommended that he uses the Jesus card to forestall questions?

Can't say. Insufficient data. :D

Couldn't resist wil :D
It's easy to skeptical about any conversion for someone like Michael Vick. But I prefer to give someone the benefit of the doubt before rushing to judgement. Christians will be known by their fruits. Well, let's wait and see if there's a crop or a crap, shall we?
Apologizing is nice. Why should that make us feel a certain way. Did he do something to us that I should know about? Shall we allow hearsay to move us?

Can't say. Insufficient data. :D

Couldn't resist wil :D
Innocent until proven guilty, I hear ya! But he plead out, we now know he is guilty and was able to get off the more heinous charges.
It's easy to skeptical about any conversion for someone like Michael Vick. But I prefer to give someone the benefit of the doubt before rushing to judgement. Christians will be known by their fruits. Well, let's wait and see if there's a crop or a crap, shall we?
I'll buy that too.
It's easy to skeptical about any conversion for someone like Michael Vick. But I prefer to give someone the benefit of the doubt before rushing to judgement. Christians will be known by their fruits. Well, let's wait and see if there's a crop or a crap, shall we?

I saw the press conference yesterday and the post comments. I agree with Dondi and I want to believe the best, we shall see.
I look at this from a different angle..I dont think he said this to stop the questioning... I think it was sincere... because we all know that the attitude of skeptics towards people that come to Jesus in times of persecution is scorn and disbelief............*cough*

As a matter of fact.. without the Spirit of God... noone can come to Jesus Christ. . So im cheering for the newly saved and redeemed. :)

I think it fitting that he said" I FOUND Jesus through this" because Jesus saves the LOST.
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God" (Mark 10:25).

Had I not just researched this for another study I may have skipped this thread.
I have no doubt in Gods power to save rich poor big or little.

I would like to say that there never was a gate in the holy city called the needle or the eye of the needle they just are not there.
I know alot of people have been taught this hand me down story and will
dive into all the possibilities of which gate it could have been or the design etc etc.The gates in Jerusalem were named and from nehemiahs time we have know their exact names. I read some where Roots of the camel story came from a bishop during the middle ages that supposed that to be a reason. Having never been to the holyland.

The same word for camel in another language of the time is "rope" this is possible what he meant but I would have a hard time even with guessing that.

I have a kind of out there translation of the verse. It means what it says word for word. A person so caught up in material wealth and earthly gain that the straight and narrow becomes as impossible to get through as it is to fit a big ole camel through the eye of a sewing needle. WOW That being said could really hit hard to all the wealth and prosperity preachers.

I serve a God that can make little bitty camels or GREAT BIG NEEDLES its not impossible for a rich man.
I cant judge Mr. Vics heart many many people have found God in a time of crisis (self inflicted no less)
I wonder if a teacher told him to give it all to the poor and follow if he or any of us would do any more than turn and walk away confused.
I serve a God that can make little bitty camels or GREAT BIG NEEDLES its not impossible for a rich man.

My teacher in this Philosophy and Religion class I took 2 years ago said that by "rich man" he means "one who hordes."
Dog fighting is so horrible.... I'd kick his *censored* ass...... and "I've found the lord halleujah!"!£"!£$" It Is really... And I mean REALLY hard to decide if this person is being totally cereal.... Are they wanting to manipulate something? Are they hiding something? Are they expecting a lesser sentence? Are they looking for compassion and softness? Are they doing this? Is this just bs and lies? Or have they found what they believe is some divine being? lol..... Not sure... One thing though... Anyone know the statistics for -criminals- on death sentence that "find" god lol? Have a guess who knows? I'll start it to give you a hint

X out of 10 criminals on death row find god......

Oh I found god too! He came from a sticky sweet smelling plant... AMEN!!!! He washes my pains and sorrows away.... You can believe dat! Pure and from the ground.
Dog fighting is so horrible.... I'd kick his *censored* ass...... and "I've found the lord halleujah!"!£"!£$" It Is really... And I mean REALLY hard to decide if this person is being totally cereal....

Totally. Sin is really horrible.

Jesus said:
God blesses those who are merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Matthew 5:7

God will show mercy to those that show it to others? Kicking, beating and stabbing dogs with sticks provoking them to fight one another... There is no mercy there, so if, if he has found god... god would show him mercy?
finding God doesnt let you escape the earthy consquences of sin. Prisoners who find God should not be released as new creatures though in every spiritual sence that exactly what they are. God though saddened by what was happening with the dogs would have in my belief been far more concerned with the hearts of those humans standing watching.
So at the same time Michael Vic could have been hearing two voices
One saying
Behold I stand at the door and knock (the other) Its The Police we are coming in!
Vick found him? I ponder where he was....

-artist impression-

nice view on it if only we would see that

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have ENTERTAINED ANGELS unawares

The picture saddens me perhaps its the spirit telling what pain was felt by all who were there
nice view on it if only we would see that

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have ENTERTAINED ANGELS unawares

The picture saddens me perhaps its the spirit telling what pain was felt by all who were there

Are you saying I am entertaining angles?

The picture saddens you, sorry, not only those who were there but those that live there... feel that pain also. I tend to not look at pain. I only look for humour :\ Pain is too easy to find.

Let's be fair to the man. Read what he has done so far:

Falcons QB reaches out to youth

Yeah great, whatever... What about the dogs? (Preaching to the wrong choir here, I care more for animals than humans.... :p)
The bible says what it says I dont hold there is any further meaning to that verse than is implied so yes at this very moment in your life you should be kind to strangers as was Abraham some guests may be more than they appear.

The saddening part to me about that picture was the the obvious glory in someone elses misery. Pray for those who despitfully use you. etc etc Saddam showed great poise at his death all the rights and wrongs in his life behind him he showed he at least had integrity at the end.
The bible says what it says I dont hold there is any further meaning to that verse than is implied so yes at this very moment in your life you should be kind to strangers as was Abraham some guests may be more than they appear.

Yeah they could be a real nuisance... :D So I'd rather avoid strangers... than be nice.

The saddening part to me about that picture was the the obvious glory in someone elses misery. Pray for those who despitfully use you. etc etc Saddam showed great poise at his death all the rights and wrongs in his life behind him he showed he at least had integrity at the end.

That was because he was a hard man.. :) No hard man backs down, cwys and wets his panties does he? I certainly wouldn't, keep that head high, and stare right into your killers eyes just like.... "......Bring it."