
This may be the wrong forum, I'm not sure.

Someone I care about is suffering with depression. I wonder if any of you has any experience or knowledge in this area, if you could tell me what the best things are that I can do to support that person, and myself.

If anyone can help or advise, please reply or PM. Thank you.

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Oi spoon bender! Noooo! :D

Where are ya? Haven't seen you in donkeys.... I hope your friend is doing ok? :)


She is better, but its still there, always will be I guess.
Don't know why I wanted to keep it a secret before but it's actually my wife.
In truth, I think one of the reasons she is better is that I that handle it much better now. I always used to try and make her happiness the thing around which my life would revolve. It couldn't work, and it also meant I was closing myself off from the world and becomming depressed myself. It used to destroy me when another bout of her depression would come along and that would just make her feel guilty.

As for me, I've been off bending spoons, hugging crystals, and being busy with my new job as newspaper editor.

She is better, but its still there, always will be I guess.
Don't know why I wanted to keep it a secret before but it's actually my wife.
In truth, I think one of the reasons she is better is that I that handle it much better now. I always used to try and make her happiness the thing around which my life would revolve. It couldn't work, and it also meant I was closing myself off from the world and becomming depressed myself. It used to destroy me when another bout of her depression would come along and that would just make her feel guilty.

As for me, I've been off bending spoons, hugging crystals, and being busy with my new job as newspaper editor.

Just incase you haven't figured it I is 17th. :D

I am very glad to hear that she is coping well, and yeah I know what you mean to a degree it can 'rub off' on those close. Stay strong and keep her smiling! :D

We sometimes keep things "secret" because they are personal! Nothing wrong with that.

You're a newspaper editor? Tap dancing buddha.... That's big!! Congratulations on that!
I had no idea it was you. Makes sense now though.
I was trying to remember who Alex P was... why the name change?

Good to meet you again

How are you?

my wife gets depressed as well. she gets that way because of the things she went through in her childhood growing up in poverty stricken mexico. she's had a rough life. on top of that, she doesn't really like to laugh. she's so serious all the time. so serious i can't help but laugh at how serious she gets. she then gets mad at me. then i laugh some more, and then she wants to kick my ass. its a vicious cycle of love and hate. and i love every moment of it.

look man, the reason for this post is because of this. i've tried making her laugh. doesn't work. we can't afford medicine because medicine is ridiculously expensive. i can make alot of people laugh with my stupidness, but with her, it just doesn't work! she's like those british soldiers in red with a friggin cat on their head. so serious all the time. so i figured, if i can't make her laugh, then by God i will piss her off. beats being depressed. i would rather her be in a passion of hate than to be sad and droopy. anger and hate to me, serve a good purpose. anyways, this works for her. it gets her mind off her past. i ain't sayin' it works for everyone. everyone is different of course. but at the end of the day, her anger makes her more passionate towards me and most important of all, towards life. it gives her purpose is what i am trying to say.

i am of the mind that people will remember you long after you die because of the way you made them feel. either you made them feel hate or love. point is, they'll remember you. if you do something to someone, wether it be good or bad, do it because you love them. because its for their own good. i don't know if this makes any sense, but it does to me. hope that helps because i know what you are going through. if you ever want to talk, i'm here. shoot me a pm if you'd like. these are thoughts from one married man to another married man, because it should be common sense to us men that a woman is the most complicated subject that we will ever have to face on our time on this earth. to me anyways.
This may be the wrong forum, I'm not sure.

Someone I care about is suffering with depression. I wonder if any of you has any experience or knowledge in this area, if you could tell me what the best things are that I can do to support that person, and myself.

If anyone can help or advise, please reply or PM. Thank you.

DEpression is actually an emotional state caused bu the lack of IMpressions. If the cause isn't a severe chemical imbalance, the best thing you can do is get this person outside and let them receive even intense natural impressions. Move, run, let the person get out of her inner prison The more you can feed the psych with new impressions, the less will be the depression.

It's like chicken soup in that it cannot hurt. Unless the cause is a severe chemical imbalance, new vivid impressions may very well help.