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a figment of your imagination
I was reading the thread on Rastafari and there was a statement regarding Africa being suppressed by the Babylon System.

Aren't we all.

Do you use a portable babylometer?

Don't you feel ruled by it?

Isn't it freeing when we have no need for portable or stationary babylometers?

*note, most often babylometer refers to a portable babylometer.
Who gets by without the need for babylometers? The very very rich, the very very poor, migrating refugees, nomads, gypsies....if you are a member of the low, middle or upper class of any society it is almost impossible to avoid being ruled by them. But some are able to make that decision. I've had glimpses, been in extended periods of time unruled. I don't wear one, I don't rely on their automatic abilities, but I do utilize them, and I have chose to be constrained by them for most of my day....arrrggghhh. The day will come....when the kids head off to college...and my days of responsibility are modified drastically.
I think more than the device, our concept of what the meaning of what is measured rules us, nicht wahr?
You betcha Wil. How can a device strapped to your body rule you? What can it do but be an icon, a tribute finally to everything we truly hold as important. Reminds me of what Thoreau said in Walden about this very thing.
You betcha Wil. How can a device strapped to your body rule you? What can it do but be an icon, a tribute finally to everything we truly hold as important. Reminds me of what Thoreau said in Walden about this very thing.
Can you provide a quote or paragraph or two that you feel is appropriate?

Ok so my rebellion is not wearing one, but I am still ruled by it. Anyone in this society who chooses not to be ruled by it, but also chooses to remain an active member of society is condemned and gossiped about for their inability to follow Babylon's etiquette in this regard.

Are you suggesting that there is a way to wear but not be ruled, conform but not be conformed?

The only way out I know is to drop out, but I first intend to set in motion entities which allow me to prosper by societal norms while living outside of them....are you suggesting there exists a happy medium?

Note, most mediums I encounter are never the best of both worlds they are more a cluge ie worst of both worlds.
Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. I drink at it; but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. I would drink deeper; fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars. I cannot count one. I know not the first letter of the alphabet. I have always been regretting that I was not as wise as the day I was born. The intellect is a cleaver; it discerns and rifts its way into the secret of things. I do not wish to be any more busy with my hands than is necessary. My head is hands and feet. I feel all my best faculties concentrated in it. My instinct tells me that my head is an organ for burrowing, as some creatures use their snout and fore paws, and with it I would mine and burrow my way through these hills. I think that the richest vein is somewhere hereabouts; so by the divining-rod and thin rising vapors I judge; and here I will begin to mine.

Henry David Thoreau- Walden
Oh and also read the first two pages of chapter four :)
Exactly, he dropped out. And that is the only time I feel completely free of the constraints of the babylometer. As he goes on as soon as he says's over, the bubble has popped....commerce...pop...pop...

So is there a way to live one foot in both worlds?

The only happy medium I can currently contemplate is a totally capitalistic retiring of the rat race via creating a passive income stream that allows me to be unconcerned.

Taking the vow of poverty doesn't truly seem a appealing option. Dropping out and sweating to plant beans and homestead has its rewards, but I'm not currently of that notion...
Hi Guys...Perhaps we're all in need of anti-babylometers ?


Document Type and Number:
United States Patent 20020089464
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A radiation shield, for use in association with a device, such as a cellular telephone, having a radiation emitter, comprising a barrier positioned between a source of radiation and an object to be shielded, the barrier including means for converting radiation into ionic motion, to, in turn, dissipate the radiation and preclude the radiation from reaching an object to be shielded. The invention further comprises methods associated with the shielding of a user from radiation.
Joshi, Ashok V. (Salt Lake City, UT, US)
Application Number:
Filing Date:
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1. A radiation shield for use in association with a device having a source of radiation emission, the radiation shield comprising: a barrier positioned between a source of radiation and an object to be shielded, the barrier including means for converting radiation into ionic motion, to, in turn, dissipate the radiation and preclude the radiation from reaching an object to be shielded.

2. The radiation shield according to claim 1 wherein the radiation converting means comprises an ionic conducting material positioned between the source of radiation and an object to be shielded.

3. The radiation shield according to claim 2 wherein the ionic conductor includes a conductivity of at least 10.sup.-8 siemens/cm at ambient temperature.

4. The radiation shield according to claim 2 wherein barrier includes a frame and the ionic conducting material comprises a membrane supported by the frame.

5. The radiation shield according to claim 4 wherein the membrane selected from the group consisting of one or more of: hydrated compounds, Nafion family materials, Nasicons, .beta. Alumina .beta." Alumina, chalcogenides, halides, oxides, solid polymer electrolytes, aqueous salt solutions and gels, as well as mixtures thereof.

6. The radiation shield according to claim 1 wherein the barrier further includes means for removing heat from the radiation converting means.

7. The radiation shield according to claim 6 wherein heat removing means comprises a heat sink associated with the radiation converting means.

8. The radiation shield according to claim 7 wherein the heat sink comprises one of a metal, a ceramic and a polymer substrate.

9. The radiation shield according to claim 8 wherein the heat sink comprises one of the group consisting of aluminum, graphite, magnesia and steel, as well as mixtures and alloys thereof.

10. An apparatus comprising: a device capable of communicating with other devices, the device having an antenna capable of emitting radiation; and a radiation shield including a barrier positioned between the antenna of the device and a user, when in an operating position, the barrier including means for converting radiation imparted by the antenna to toward a user, into ionic motion.

11. The apparatus according to claim 10 wherein the radiation converting means comprises an ionic conducting material positioned between the source of radiation and an object to be shielded.

12. The apparatus according to claim 11 wherein the ionic conducting material comprises a membrane.

13. The apparatus according to claim 10 wherein the barrier further includes means for removing heat from the radiation converting means.

14. The apparatus according to claim 13 wherein the heat removing means comprises a heat sink associated with the radiation converting means.

15. The apparatus according to claim 10 further comprising means for slidably positioning the barrier relative to an antenna.

16. The apparatus according to claim 10 further comprising means for pivoting the barrier relative to an antenna.

17. The apparatus according to claim 10 wherein the device comprises a cellular telephone.

18. A method of precluding damage to a user from radiation emitted by an antenna of a device, the method comprising the step of: providing a barrier having means for converting radiation into ionic motion; and positioning the barrier between a radiation emitting antenna of the device and a body surface of a human, to, in turn, facilitate receipt of radiation by the barrier.

19. The method of claim 18 further comprising the step of: adjusting the barrier relative to the antenna to maximize receipt of radiation by the barrier.

20. The method of claim 19 wherein the step of adjusting further comprises the step of: pivotally rotating the barrier relative to one of the antenna and the device.

21. The method of claim 20 wherein the step of adjusting further comprises the step of: slidably moving the barrier relative to one of the antenna and the device.

22. The method of claim 21 further comprising the step of: associating a heat sink with the barrier to, in turn, dissipate heat from the barrier.

23. A method of dissipating radiation emitted by a device comprising the steps of: emitting radiation from an antenna of the device; receiving radiation into a barrier; and converting the radiation into ionic motion within the barrier.

24. The method of claim 23 further including the step of: dissipating the heat generated within the barrier.

25. The method of claim 24 further comprising the step of: adjusting the barrier relative to the antenna to maximize the receipt of radiation by the barrier.
Hmmm but can it shield you in time?

Hi...I believe that I'm way past the shielding phase my friend, although I've never succumbed to the need or temptation of having any sort of babylometer. I could probably use a force field or two if you have any handy that could be financed on social security income. No I've got several forks sticking out of my persona in several places as we communicate, But "I'M" still radiating like a runaway reactor !

"Screw 'Em All !", as the old bull said to the young and frisky bull.

The young bull would have the fitness and peak to run down and "screw um all." The old bull wouldn't :\ I'd be suprised if the old bull could put all his weight on his hind legs... HAR! I'd give the old bull a hip replacement a nice comfy chair in an old bull home and a blanket.... That is his fate :|
My babylometer is broken, so I am just a lost soul with no purpose in life. :( When you add to the brokeness of my babylometer the fact that I live in Africa, it gives great cause for concern. :p

I am going to have a lie down, the stress is just too much for me. How shall I cope without my babylometer?
My babylometer is broken, so I am just a lost soul with no purpose in life. :( When you add to the brokeness of my babylometer the fact that I live in Africa, it gives great cause for concern. :p

I am going to have a lie down, the stress is just too much for me. How shall I cope without my babylometer?
In many parts of Africa one can thrive without the constraints of a babylometer. As a matter of fact a babylometer in some areas is rendered useless as others are not utilizing them. The control is completely on of concensus once the majority in an area conform the rest must follow or be handicapped without it.

I don't know exactly where in North Africa you live but it largely has to do I believe with industry and density...the more unnatural man made goings on, the more the man made babylometer is required. Those living with the land, in alignment with nature have no need...

My original question relates to how do we do both, is there a way to live with the benefits of the 21st century Babylon but without the overbearing constraints of time?
I don't know exactly where in North Africa you live but it largely has to do I believe with industry and density...the more unnatural man made goings on, the more the man made babylometer is required. Those living with the land, in alignment with nature have no need...

Don't try to talk me out of needing my babylometer, I need it, I want it, I cannot exist without it !!!!

My original question relates to how do we do both, is there a way to live with the benefits of the 21st century Babylon but without the overbearing constraints of time?

The simple answer is surely no, just look at modern communism, is that not supposed to be the Babylon system with 21st century benefits. Self is given over to whole, on paper a brilliant system but in reality unworkable (hence the rich and powerful communist elite - capitalism wearing a red hat).
Don't try to talk me out of needing my babylometer, I need it, I want it, I cannot exist without it !!!!

The simple answer is surely no, just look at modern communism, is that not supposed to be the Babylon system with 21st century benefits. Self is given over to whole, on paper a brilliant system but in reality unworkable (hence the rich and powerful communist elite - capitalism wearing a red hat).
Yes we can't live without it...I love metaphor and the metaphor of the inner mechanical workings each cog waiting for the next the swing of the pendulum relying on each and everything relying on the pendulum and us being all wound up...

I have issues in that I hate being late, and I dislike others who make us all wait when they are late. But this is what I wish to separate myself from, from the need of planning, committing to being someplace at a given time, from asking others to commit to being on time. The loss is efficiency, our need to be on time all at one place so something can be accomplished so we can move onto the next...

Or does it? Or is this also a man made construct that we can now circumvent. You do your thing, I'll do mine, we have mail, email, leave the product, call me on the phone...can we handle it all without the fuss?

Can we make our encounters meaningful personally rather than so businesslike? I'll see you when you get here...and enjoy it then.

Has there been a generation that didn't wish for the simplicity of the last and the speed of the future?