New here.....

Yep...Ahhh... so nice here in the Corral...but it sure is difficult keeping my "steal your face" baseball cap on my pointy head while I rock contentedly in my cane bottom rocking chair.
Now where in tarnation is them brownies !

* an OF who takes "keeping sharp" literally *

MW ...Salaam

I already asked and they haven't shown up yet. It's fall weather in Milwaukee and the time in the midwest that little mices seek indoor shelter, so I'll just bet that Phyllis' *kitty delegation* is otherwise engaged chasing mices and it'll take a little longer to get the brownies prepared, baked, and into our gullets. Patience my dear.

Garibaldi may be the name of your least favorite biscuit, but it is also the name of the 19th century dude that brought a democratic republic into being in Italy out of a monarchical morass of uncoordinated city states ruled by venal and rich family groups. Of course that's the way that things still are today in most democratic republics around the globe, but at least he had the "cohones" to make a try of it on behalf of the people of my father's homeland.

Ciao Belissima...flow....:rolleyes:
Ciao Flow

There are things in life one can be patient about and things one can't - guess which side brownies comes down on :p

Salaam my friend
Just saying "hello"- found this site on a google search. I am seeking some answers, looks like it might be more difficult than I thought considering I know nothing of history. Religion fascinates me as does humankind's need to create or experience religion. Exploring religion vs. spirituality, also.......

You may not need to know much history. Sort of depends on what the questions are. I am practically instantly new here myself, but there is a vast assortment of catagorized forums. Needle down to your area of interest and take a stab at posting your question. My observence indicates there are many knowledgeable people here, and two that are quite questionable.

My observence indicates there are many knowledgeable people here, and two that are quite questionable.


do you mean "open to questions" or dodgy ??!! either way, I think you should name and shame (unless one of them is me, in which case keep quiet). thanks!:D

*Walks in with a tray of snacks, pilfering two brownies before Muslimwoman gets to them.* Welcome Michelle, and don't worry about how much you know and don't. You'll just learn as you go, something everything does. Hope you'll feel comfortable here.
HI- Has there been trouble with the website.?... I tried to reply for a couple of days and was denied access......
Anyway. Thanks for the Welcome
I don't know how long I will last here.:confused:.... you seem to be a clever :rolleyes:and very sarcastic bunch, some snarkiness:p and too smart for me. I don't get half of what you are all talking about on most the threads......:eek:
Hope I can learn to hang with the big dogs:cool:

do you mean "open to questions" or dodgy ??!! either way, I think you should name and shame (unless one of them is me, in which case keep quiet). thanks!:D


I don't care if one is me, as long as Leafblade leaves the brownies alone. :p
I don't know how long I will last here.:confused:.... you seem to be a clever :rolleyes:and very sarcastic bunch, some snarkiness:p and too smart for me. I don't get half of what you are all talking about on most the threads......:eek:
Hope I can learn to hang with the big dogs:cool:


Hi Michelle

Don't worry about it, at least half the time we have no idea what we are talking about we just like the sound of our own typing. To be honest I open some threads and say :confused: and quickly close them again, the discussion is just way over my head, as it is a subject I know nothing about. I like simplicity, talk to me without silly big words to show how clever you are and we shall be great friends.

Salaam :)
I don't know how long I will last here.:confused:.... you seem to be a clever :rolleyes:and very sarcastic bunch, some snarkiness:p and too smart for me. I don't get half of what you are all talking about on most the threads......:eek:
Hope I can learn to hang with the big dogs:cool:


Nonsensicalness. Don't let anyone obfuscate the points for you. It's quite intelligible around here, actually, if you keep your Theosophical Dictionary handy, next to Roget's Thesaurus and a protractor. May I also recommend a TI-86 Scientific Calculator? We just like to use oversized and odd words to fuel-inject our smartness on others. Supersize my vocabulary.

I would reccommend that you, Kiddos, develop an easily recognizable tagline and be willing to exchange your avartar at least bi-weekly. If you are unable to obtain an avartar, 17th Angel will provide one for you. He only charges a small fee of

your soul

yet he is British and quite polite as well as well-mannered, so do not fret yourself excessively. If you refer to the numerology of his name, you will begin to understand the esoteric significance of the pretense of difficulty that I've ironically smeared

all over this stupid post.

Seriously, don't let the nerd-speak frighten you. Some people do talk plain around here. We're good country people, upstanding citizens, hipsters, and religious nuts.

Welcome. :D
Seriously, don't let the nerd-speak frighten you. Some people do talk plain around here. We're good country people, upstanding citizens, hipsters, and religious nuts.

LMAO Pathless, very good. Oh and some of us are all of the above (apart from hipsters - no idea what they are, I am an old fuddy duddy).
Woof, Woof, Michelle...

Pay no attention to the disappearing cat. IT'S just trying to confuse the newcomers. We let IT think IT'S the boss, then IT tends to quiet down.

Now me, I just hang around this yellow fire hydrant and observe the passing scene, relax myself when necessary, and then jump into the traffic with a seasoned comment or two when I'm so moved.

You seem a sensible, sweet, young thing, and you'll do well. Just try to jump in and not care about the rest of us. Ater all, we're all just animals beneath these human facades. Just be who you really are, that's really all we do.

Woof, Woof, GRRRRR !...old age is just sooooo confusing....

And Michelle, I believe that your appearance has inspired the birth of the lengthiest welcome thread in the ignominious history of CR. See what a great influence your presence is already ? GO with the FLOW. Congratulations !!!

I extend to you my formal welcome to this community of sage and onion people with nothing better to do but harp on about..... well about anything really. I do hope you are not daunted in any way by all the exspurts on here, most of what you read here is actually right of Wikipedia anyway :p
