Has the bible been altered? Not translated, interpreted, but altered?

Think about this: If the Bible had remained only in ancient Hebrew and Greek, it might have “died” long ago, for those languages were in time virtually forgotten by the masses and were never known in many parts of the earth. Yet, the Bible is very much alive because, unlike any other book, it can “speak” to people the world over in their own language. As a result, its message remains “at work in [its] believers.” (1 Thessalonians 2:13) The Jerusalem Bible renders these words: “It is still a living power among you who believe it.”
truth is never lost , but sometimes we have to dig a bit deeper to find it , and that includes a good accurate translation of the bible , and some times that good translation is right in front of us , but we could be misled to dismiss it .
Hello mee,
Every age translates the Bible to suit it needs.

Jesus Christ is God: A Response to Jehovah's Witnesses

Does Titus 2:13 teach that Jesus is God our Savior?
Titus 2:13 reads: "While we wait for the blessed hope -- the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ" (NIV). Paul is expressly stating that it is Jesus who is our great God and Savior. But the Jehovah's witnesses dispute this, rendering the passage in their NWT: "While we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestation of the great God and of [the] Savior of us, Christ Jesus." The NWT adds the word 'the', putting it in parenthesis in front of the word Savior. This obscures the fact that Paul clearly called Jesus "our God and Savior," making it read as if he were speaking of two separate persons here.

In Christ Jesus we have the manifestation of the Creative Word of God.
The Archangel Michael works for the Christ but is distinct from Him.

In Christ,
Of the great God and of our savior christ Jesus .
The Riverside New
Testament,Boston and New York.1934

Of the great God and of our saviour Christ Jesus A New Translation of the Bible by James Moffatt,New York and London 1935

Of the great God and of our savior Jesus Christ (translated from French) La Sainte Bible, by Louis Segond, Paris 1957

of the great God and of our savior Christ Jesus The New American Bible,
New York and London. 1970

of the great God and of Christ Jesus our saviour The New Testament in modern English by J,B,Phillips,New York 1972

yes ,the new world translation is not the only one to translate in the correct way .

of the great God and of our Savior Christ Jesus
New World Translation of the christian Greek scriptures Brooklyn

Therefore, in Tit 2:13, two distinct persons, Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, are mentioned. Throughout the Holy Scriptures it is not possible to identify Jehovah and Jesus as being the same individual.
Of the Great God and of [the] Savior of Us, Christ Jesus”

Tit 2:13—Gr., τοῦ μεγάλου θεοῦ καὶ σωτῆρος ἡμῶν Χριστοῦ ᾿Ιησοῦ

(tou me·ga′lou The·ou′ kai so·te′ros he·mon′ Khri·stou′ I·e·sou′)
The NWT invokes kitty puke.:p
many people are misled by religious leaders to dismiss good bibles , such as the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION , but as you can see other translators are in agreement with the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION .

getting back to the original word of God is the thing to do . without any manmade tradtions to cloud the thought .

i am glad to say that the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION is a very good translation ,

but many have been misled to reject it ,

but many have not been misled, they lap it up , then they become SPIRITUALLY STRONG :)the truth will set us free
many people are misled by religious leaders to dismiss good bibles , such as the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION , but as you can see other translators are in agreement with the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION .

Several sections of the New World Translation are doctrinally important to the Jehovah's Witnesses. These sections have been altered from the original text in order to support the JW theology. Not a single one of the other translations agrees with the JW version in these sections. To say that they do is quite dishonest.

I like The New Oxford Annotated Bible from Oxford University Press. I have not been misled by any religious leader. I like that edition because of the particularly informative annotations, ones which throw considerable light on the murkier sections and place the text in the context of the time in which each book was written.
Several sections of the New World Translation are doctrinally important to the Jehovah's Witnesses. These sections have been altered from the original text in order to support the JW theology. Not a single one of the other translations agrees with the JW version in these sections. To say that they do is quite dishonest.

I like The New Oxford Annotated Bible from Oxford University Press. I have not been misled by any religious leader. I like that edition because of the particularly informative annotations, ones which throw considerable light on the murkier sections and place the text in the context of the time in which each book was written.

I guess we make God and God's word, in our own image...
some translators are after the pure world of God , and THE NEW WORLD TRANSLATION is it

read it on line , on the official Jehovahs witness site .
Jehovah's Witnesses: Watchtower Society Official Web Site -

[SIZE=-1]Official web site of Watchtower Society, the legal organization in use by Jehovah's Witnesses. Authoritative source about beliefs, teachings, activities.

so,,,, what you all are saying is that yes the bible has been altered/translated over the centuries. yes?


its good to know that in the time of the end true knowledge would become abundant Daniel 12;4

and that includes getting the bible back to the original thoughts of God ,because over the centuries many thoughts of men have clouded the thoughts of God . but true knowledge is now abundant

And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant.”Daniel 12;4

in this time that we live in NOW , not only are many prophecies understood , but the translation has been brought back to the real thoughts of God .

satan has tried to blot out the truth of Gods word in many ways, but the pure word of God will remain forever .:)
its good to know that in the time of the end true knowledge would become abundant Daniel 12;4

and that includes getting the bible back to the original thoughts of God ,because over the centuries many thoughts of men have clouded the thoughts of God . but true knowledge is now abundant

And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant.”Daniel 12;4

in this time that we live in NOW , not only are many prophecies understood , but the translation has been brought back to the real thoughts of God .

satan has tried to blot out the truth of Gods word in many ways, but the pure word of God will remain forever .:)

First off the Book of Daniel was never intended to be part of a "bible". It was meant to stand on its own. So in that light, your true "bible" is a joke.

Bible, is short for Bibliography, which in short means "library".

The pure word of God is written in every man's heart Mee. No translation is needed. Just an open mind and a willing heart to do as God instructs, suggests, or mentions...
so,,,, what you all are saying is that yes the bible has been altered/translated over the centuries. yes?


1) Yes, it has been altered, usually to provide "authentication" for the beliefs of one's own cult.

2) I had to look up "Chinese Whispers." I had always just called it the "Telephone Game." It is a good explanation of how the earliest levels of the Jesus Sayings lost their original context. Later the gospel writers invented new contexts for the sayings, but of course quite often the context determines the meaning. Oops. A contemporary example is the good joke punch line. It is always quite short and quite memorable so that the punch line stays with you, while the original context fades away or gets altered to meet the expectations of the new audience. I think almost everyone has made up a new "introduction" to a memorable punch line because the original context was forgotten.
First off the Book of Daniel was never intended to be part of a "bible". It was meant to stand on its own.

That's quite true, especially since it was written pretty close to 164 BC by someone who was offering reassurance to Israel that YHWH would settle the hash of Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Abomination Desolation which Antiochus had placed in the Jerusalem Temple.

If mee had read the Daniel annotations in the New Oxford Annotated Bible, mee would know this.