I see if I really want to take a break from this board I am going to have to be more drama-queeny about it. I really am tired of talking to brick walls, yet people keep addressing me.
Your heart is sin? Really?
Not at all. My heart is a great blessing which God has chosen to give me. For me to call it "sin" would be a profound blasphemy against my Creator. For you to call it "sin" is just ignorance on your part.
I think God created one type of sexual orientation to exist.
That is certainly ignorant. Are you really unaware that there are females who find males attractive, and also males who find females attractive? Those two are quite different. There are also, I can tell you from experience, males who find males attractive, and also, I have heard, females who find females attractive.
There was no " oh, I don't think we're going to keep the sabbath anymore" or " yeah, you don't have to follow the commandments because of me ".
Jesus specifically instructed his disciples to GATHER FOOD ON THE SABBATH. The very first commandment given about the Sabbath, even before Mt. Sinai, was DON'T GATHER FOOD ON THAT DAY.
The Church doesn't error, even if some people might. And, the Patriarchs, though they are very holy, are not the heads of the Church, Jesus Christ is.
If your patriarchs and all your priests were wrong before, how do you know that they are not wrong now?
Homosexual unions were never blessed by the Church
You are mistaken. You may say, if you like, that the churchmen who blessed those marriages were wrong to do so (though again I would ask how you know that it is not the present-day churchmen who are wrong), but to deny that it happened at all is just perpetuating a lie.
Minority subtype human? This is getting outlandish.
Are you saying it is outlandish for me to call myself human, or outlandish to note that the majority of humans are different from me? Both of those would seem to be quite simple facts.
I'm not presuming to tell you what is inside your head, I'm presuming that what you say is your nature really is not.
If you are not talking about what is in my head and heart, then WHOSE nature are you talking about??? I am telling you about the nature of *myself*, this person sitting here, thinking, feeling, attempting to communicate; you appear to be talking about some entirely different person who does not resemble me in any way, and does not exist except in your imagination.
Somehow I think Paul has more authority on writing on the state of man than you do.
He would be an authority on the nature of PAUL, but I am the supreme authority on MY nature, just as you are the supreme authority on YOUR nature. If God is omniscient, He knows exactly as much about your consciousness as you do, but could not know more, because what you know IS, by definition, your consciousness. If someone claiming to speak for God told you that your consciousness was something different from what you are conscious of, then that person would be by definition wrong, and either lying or mistaken about speaking for God.
If one cannot wipe away the attraction, they can at least pray to God to help them with that, and cease to do the action
But WHY should I do so? That would be despising the Creator for how He made me.
It was a mission of the Early Church to dispell the heresy (but not to kill or force)
The early church killed, and forced. It turned from persecuted to persecutor quite readily, because it had turned away from the morality of Jesus and adopted the morality of his crucifiers, as do you.