
Here is a tip for others who wish to gain weight... Leave baby food ALONE... I know you can remember as a kid eating your nephews/neices/whatever... But it really isn't as nice as you remember...... Very, what is the word..... FOUL.
Right young man, I have calmed down a bit.

So what would you say to me if I said I was taking diet pills and eating 400 calories a day? You would think I had lost the plot right?

Don't give me that 'the body produces it' crap, do you really think I am that stupid? My body produces numerous chemicals but it does so in the right balance. If I knock that balance off you can bet your last pound my body will not like it and do something about it, maybe not straight away but over time.

I am always complaining about my huge bum, while I sit here typing and eating chocolate biccies!!! We both know if I got off my ass and went for a walk every day, swapping the biccies for fruit my ass would be of normal proportions. :p However, even in my thin size 12 days my bum was out of proportion, it is how G-d made me. There is no quick fix to my weight issues .....

Same with you. There is only so much your body can change naturally and stay healthy. You doing faddy diets is as stupid as me doing them, they only work for a short time and then our bodies revert back and have to cope with what we are doing to them.

You need a proper weight gaining diet and daily excercise, so find a gym with an ex PTI (they all go to work for gyms when they leave the service so there are plenty of them). He will come up with a good diet & bulking programme, it will cost the same as the stupid drugs but be long term and healthy. But don't expect to look like Arnie in a month, your body is built to be lean.

I have seen so many photos of you now and if you told me you had a job as a male model I would believe you without question or laughing. If you are unhappy being thin then it is a hard slog of daily weights, that is the only way to change it but once you stop youbody will revert back.

Take Note - if I even catch a hint you have started pumping that crap into your body I am gonna find you and then you will see what a bully looks like :p

Nagging over ....... for now. :D
Right young man, I have calmed down a bit.

So what would you say to me if I said I was taking diet pills and eating 400 calories a day? You would think I had lost the plot right?

I would say... Oh really MW? Wow, that is so your choice and I respect that. ;)

Don't give me that 'the body produces it' crap, do you really think I am that stupid? My body produces numerous chemicals but it does so in the right balance. If I knock that balance off you can bet your last pound my body will not like it and do something about it, maybe not straight away but over time.

I am always complaining about my huge bum, while I sit here typing and eating chocolate biccies!!! We both know if I got off my ass and went for a walk every day, swapping the biccies for fruit my ass would be of normal proportions. :p However, even in my thin size 12 days my bum was out of proportion, it is how G-d made me. There is no quick fix to my weight issues .....

But there is a fix! :D

You need a proper weight gaining diet and daily excercise, so find a gym with an ex PTI (they all go to work for gyms when they leave the service so there are plenty of them). He will come up with a good diet & bulking programme, it will cost the same as the stupid drugs but be long term and healthy. But don't expect to look like Arnie in a month, your body is built to be lean.

Please... Not PTI's!! Freaking demonic spirits in tight little shorts! Why me though? Why do -I- have to be the lean one...... Lean is bs :\ I know my body is mostly muscle... But it's as you say Lean lol I wan't bulk :\ I wanna be able to pin Arnie down, slap him in the face and say I disagree with his policies then sing "I'm turning japanese" while tap dancing on his face ;\ That is how big I wanna be! lol....

I have seen so many photos of you now and if you told me you had a job as a male model I would believe you without question or laughing. If you are unhappy being thin then it is a hard slog of daily weights, that is the only way to change it but once you stop youbody will revert back.

I am not being modest.... But I know I could get away with that.. I was even offered a job when I was 17... But, I had my mind on the military ;) And yes! I have to bust my ass more than any to get bulk! And if I relent... I will fade... QUICKLY back... That sucks...

Take Note - if I even catch a hint you have started pumping that crap into your body I am gonna find you and then you will see what a bully looks like :p

Nagging over ....... for now. :D

Consider me in my place.
I would say... Oh really MW? Wow, that is so your choice and I respect that. ;)

Well that would just show total lack of concern and consideration for your friend :p:p

But there is a fix! :D

Not a healthy one. :(

Please... Not PTI's!! Freaking demonic spirits in tight little shorts!

Yes they are demonic spirits but can you think of any better way of achieving your goals healthily? They are the scourge of the earth (well near the top of the list) but their methods are way beyond anything civvy street can offer. It is not about having fun but achieveing our goals, if that is what you really want to achieve.

Why me though? Why do -I- have to be the lean one...... Lean is bs :\ I know my body is mostly muscle... But it's as you say Lean lol I wan't bulk :\ I wanna be able to pin Arnie down, slap him in the face and say I disagree with his policies then sing "I'm turning japanese" while tap dancing on his face ;\ That is how big I wanna be! lol....

Who do I have to have 'child bearing hips' but not be able to have a child? Life sucks sometimes, accept it.

YUK, YUK and double YUK. You want to be a muscle bound brain dead moron? Have a lobotamy?! Oh and the girls won't fancy you any more if you look like that (sorry but a vast majority of us ladies don't like huge muscles they are not very cuddly). :p

I am not being modest.... But I know I could get away with that.. I was even offered a job when I was 17... But, I had my mind on the military ;) And yes! I have to bust my ass more than any to get bulk! And if I relent... I will fade... QUICKLY back... That sucks...

So what is the bleeding point? Sweetheart try to accept who you are. I have spent more than 20 years yoyo dieting, spending a fortune on pills & potions that promise to get me thin by next week and hating who is in my mirror. Even when I was thin I was fat in my head.

When I converted and started wearing baggy clothes I soon discovered how media led our self image is. It is not about what we look like, my hubby, like you, is gorgeous, young and lean but it has taken me soooooo long to understand he loves ME, Sally, MW, my heart, my mind and even my wobbly bits because they are part of me. That doesn't mean I now look in the mirror and love my body but I can now accept that is not what makes me ME. I am learning to love my curves and you must learn to love your shape, it is such a small part of who you are.

Consider me in my place.

I am sorry my friend I am just so worried about you, you have a special place in my heart and I don't want you to have a bad self image. You are artistic, funny and kind hearted ...... and that is without ever meeting you. These things have nothing to do with your looks or self image but who you really are.

If you want to bulk up commit to going to the gym DAILY because that is the only healthy way to do it and it will take a lot of time. Alternatively forget about it and learn to love you - sod the media I say!!!
Do me a favour 17th, if you google weight gain do it this way:

weight gain+medical advice

then see how many say this is not medical advice or you should seek medical advice before taking our suppliments. They say that for a reason!!!!

There is some good advice here

Adult Health Advisor 2005.4: Healthy Weight Gain
This loks like quite a good blog on the subject

How To Build Muscle: The Definitive Guide |

had to laugh when I read this in the comments:

Career, business, family, friends, hobbies All will interfere with your goal to build muscle.
These are the 5 demons u must slay to become a shredded monster beast.
I advice not to go to work, write fake application letters and live of the governments tit.

Do you really want to turn your whole life over to this?
Well that would just show total lack of concern and consideration for your friend :p:p

Not a healthy one. :(

But alas! Tiz a fix! :D

Yes they are demonic spirits but can you think of any better way of achieving your goals healthily? They are the scourge of the earth (well near the top of the list) but their methods are way beyond anything civvy street can offer. It is not about having fun but achieveing our goals, if that is what you really want to achieve.

Oh I am seriously not in this for the fun.... I am in this just for achieving something... A goal... I tend to lack goals and ambition.......

Who do I have to have 'child bearing hips' but not be able to have a child? Life sucks sometimes, accept it.

I don't wanna accept it! lol... Why do we have to accept it ;\ To make things easier? But, they are still there like a freaking scar....

YUK, YUK and double YUK. You want to be a muscle bound brain dead moron? Have a lobotamy?! Oh and the girls won't fancy you any more if you look like that (sorry but a vast majority of us ladies don't like huge muscles they are not very cuddly). :p

I would of thought I would be more cuddly that way... :\ I seriously don't dislike/selfdoubt anything.. But just the other day when I made that bodybuilder picture lol It kind of awoke demons that are sitting in the darkest corners in the back of my mind collecting dust.... They have now awoken... :\

So what is the bleeding point? Sweetheart try to accept who you are. I have spent more than 20 years yoyo dieting, spending a fortune on pills & potions that promise to get me thin by next week and hating who is in my mirror. Even when I was thin I was fat in my head.

Because I am not as big as my ego... lol

When I converted and started wearing baggy clothes I soon discovered how media led our self image is. It is not about what we look like, my hubby, like you, is gorgeous, young and lean but it has taken me soooooo long to understand he loves ME, Sally, MW, my heart, my mind and even my wobbly bits because they are part of me. That doesn't mean I now look in the mirror and love my body but I can now accept that is not what makes me ME. I am learning to love my curves and you must learn to love your shape, it is such a small part of who you are.

It's not media :\ It's mental security...

I am sorry my friend I am just so worried about you, you have a special place in my heart and I don't want you to have a bad self image. You are artistic, funny and kind hearted ...... and that is without ever meeting you. These things have nothing to do with your looks or self image but who you really are.

If you want to bulk up commit to going to the gym DAILY because that is the only healthy way to do it and it will take a lot of time. Alternatively forget about it and learn to love you - sod the media I say!!!

Yeah I guess the gym... Well my own gym daily will be the best... But creatine still would help... I think mainly I need someone to come in take control of what I eat and when I eat.... :\ No need to be sorry MW lol.... As you have a special place in mine.... The tip of the blade is getting a bit deep in it though lol..... (kidding)

I know they say seek advice... It's right there on the Creatine bottle lol... I, -dislike- doctors.... :|
But alas! Tiz a fix! :D

Oh you infuriating little toerag :p

They have now awoken

Give them a sleeping pill and tell them to sod off!

Because I am not as big as my ego... lol

So maybe you need to work on your ego not your body :p;)

It's not media :\ It's mental security...

Testicles, utter testicles. If you lived in a tree in the Congo would you give a rats ass if you were muscle bound? Would I care if my bum was skinny enough? NO. We are led by our noses into believeing what is good looking and what isn't and they feed into our ego mania as well.

I think mainly I need someone to come in take control of what I eat and when I eat....

Hee, hee you are as weak willed as I am. I always think when I win the lottery I will have a cook that will only feed me healthy food, plus the swimming pool in the back garden and then I will lose weight but there is nothing, other than sheer laziness, stopping me getting off my sofa now and going for a walk. :eek:

I know they say seek advice... It's right there on the Creatine bottle lol... I, -dislike- doctors.... :|

So go to a good gym, I mean a professional one. How to tell the difference? Go in and say you want to lose 6 lbs and if they say no problem run away quickly. If they say no way then sign up and tell them what you want. It is just not worth trying to take the easy route, if it really worked we would all be exactly as the media says we should be (ick I would be a size ZERO, no freaking way YUK).
I have this little feeling you actually like your butt how it is... I am not sure how to say some of these things as I am sure I shouldn't discuss the size shape and colour of a muslim womans behind.. I have this feeling it's wrong lol.....

But I can use my own gym :\ Saves me having to see people... lol Not the most social creature on this planet... Specially if they are all like 13413 times bigger than me.
Well I shouldn't be discussing my bum but if it helps you see who you really are and that we all have self image problems then so be it. I am getting to like it, now I have learnt to let go of what I am told I should look like (of course it is a big plus if your partner likes you the way you are and if they don't then sod them). :D

You can do it at home if you have the willpower. I know someone that could come up with an exercise regime for you to do at home. Pushups, situps and pullups are paramount for your stomach and arms, if you want that six pack look. These can all be done at home without equipment. Also just get a few loose weights for home. Check out the blog I posted, there is some good reading in it.
Diet is another matter, this should be designed to the individual. Rather than spend money on junk why not invest in a meeting with a private dietician. I think about £50 to £75 would do it but that would give you a real diet that works.

Alternatively do it online here:

How much does it cost to consult a Dietitian.

but check them out first- are they really qualified?
Wow awesome thanks Shall read the blog :D Your thoughts and time are appreciated... Six pack look? I've already got that look... I want bulk lol.... My shoulders and arms... Are what I want to change ;\ I have one of those 6 in one things at home in my attic... so I could use that simple.. Just the diet thing... Never, ever had a diet before. So struggling a little and taking in what people are saying then thinking of it later as if it were my idea :D
For arms and shoulders just grab the door frame and do pullups, you will look like a prize bullock in 3 months :p Pullups will also give you very pronounced back muscles.

Isn't it amazing that us couch potatoes know so much about diet and exercise :eek: I should be ashamed of myself.

See if the website for dieticians is any good and if not let me know and I will see what else I can dig out but please dont start taking supliments until you see what I can find.
aaaah... I been taking it for like 5days? *cringes*

Please stop, please, please, please. Just put it in the cupboard and if I dont find anything to help you then you still have it to fall back on. You never know the dietician may recommend it but until one does please dont take any more. Pretty please with cherries on.
Heh, interesting discussion - how's it going now, 17th?

I used to want to have a bigger muscle profile. Trouble is, I'm pretty athletic below my sternum - strong leg muscles, good six pack - but above the sternum, ie, pecs and arms, I just could never build anything up - it's all pure geek.

I eventually figured it was my natural body proportion and that it would take an extra energy to fight that I didn't have.

Nowadays, my main task is fighting a sedentary lifestyle, and I've found the biggest problem is eating too much food - it's amazing how much those snacks add up - so needs controlling.

I've also started on basic dumbells again, but I'm not doing it to build body mass, as much as to help tone otherwise unused muscles and provide an outlet for burning my calories.