Door-To-Door Missionaries


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Eugene, OR
They drive me crazy. Flat out.

" Do you know Christ? "
' Yes '

and they still don't go away! Why don't stop wasting time and go try to convert someone who doesn't?

I know some of you have had some bad experiences, and some good, and I want to hear them all.
They drive me crazy. Flat out.

" Do you know Christ? "
' Yes '

and they still don't go away! Why don't stop wasting time and go try to convert someone who doesn't?

I know some of you have had some bad experiences, and some good, and I want to hear them all.
:) I am so glad that the people who came to my door responded to the command from Jesus to GO and make disciples matthew 28;19-20 because the fact that they did that , gave me the chance to look into the bible and learn about the GOODNEWS of Gods kingdom Daniel 2;44 .And then i could join these faithful christians in spreading and making known about the wonderful hope for the earth matthew 24;14 yes it is a good thing that some are faithful to Jesus and his command to GO . and yes i am now joining that GREAT CROWD from all nations and i am waving my symbolic palm branch to welcome the king that the most high has given great aurthority too REVELATION 7;9-10 DANIEL 7;13-14

while I did not hold back from telling YOU any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching YOU publicly and from house to house .. Acts 20;20Yes its good to know that some are doing their best to do the will of God .
(Matthew 28:19) Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit,

(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.

(Romans 10:18) Nevertheless I ask, They did not fail to hear, did they? Why, in fact, “into all the earth their sound went out, and to the extremities of the inhabited earth their utterances.”

(Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people,................. and its good to know that the heavenly angels are working along with Gods purpose to get the GOODNEWS made known .OH i nearly forgot to mention who it was that came to my door , it was Jehovahs witnesses doing the will of God and working inline with the command from Jesus to GO .its good to know that nobody is left out from being put on notice about the GOODNEWS OF THE KINGDOM .

And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. MATTHEW 24;14 .........some respond to the GOODNEWS and many do not respond . But regardless of the response , it is being made known just as the most high Jehovah and Jesus christ his son want it to be ..... NICE :)
Years ago, when I had rejected the church as everyone I tried was just to full of hypocrites...they came for service and couldn't wait to get out the doors, brotherly love ended as they tried to get out of the parking lots. Baptist, Presb, Cath, Luth, JW, Meth, Epis, I visited them no avail.

Truth be known it wasn't them that wasn't ready for me, it was me that wasn't ready for them. I had my brand of spirituality and was perfectly content with reading the bible and absorbing the word myself...I didn't need any roof or congregation. I goofed with the door to door guys, "I worship door knobs. I rub them, and honor them everyday. They open doors for me."

They'd walk away muttering amongst themselves or pray for I rubbed my door knob and prayed for they walked down the sidewalk I asked, "Please think of benefits of the knob, everytime it opens a door for you!"

They avoided my house. I've since found a group of people who follow Jesus in the same manner as I came upon myself, found others who I can sit and discuss with...and learn from, and grow with...not other doorknob worshippers...

I still enjoy the knock on the door from the they JW, Baptist, or Mormon...they seem the most frequent, we sit down and discuss, and it is always they that need to leave. They often bring back bigger guns to combat my questions...but eventually avoid my house all together.

And now I can sit in almost any church, enjoy the service and sermon, allow the ceremony to wash over me....and still get to chuckle in the parking lot...but it is ok now.
They drive me crazy. Flat out.

" Do you know Christ? "
' Yes '

and they still don't go away! Why don't stop wasting time and go try to convert someone who doesn't?

I know some of you have had some bad experiences, and some good, and I want to hear them all.

The irritation is that your version of Christ isn't acceptable, so they try to convince you to side up with their version. When they do that the flaw in their foundation of thinking becomes quite evident.


The irritation is that your version of Christ isn't acceptable, so they try to convince you to side up with their version. When they do that the flaw in their foundation of thinking becomes quite evident.


many people become irritatated when the bible and what it teaches is shown to them . there is only one version of christ and it is what the bible teaches. because many have been taught the manmade trinity doctrine, it is in conflict with what the bible really teaches . and the difference is evident. but for those who are after what the bible really teaches , it is music to the ears and they cant wait to look into the bible to learn more about the true God and his son Jesus christ .......... which is how i responded when i saw what the bible really says .

This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. JOHN 17;3

That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth. psalm 83;18

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. JOHN 3;16;17
so they try to convince you to side up with their version


I would say as long as it is inline with the bible and what the bible teaches then that is ok , but it depends on if the bible is the way a person wants to go .
Just shut the door on them simple... Or look out a window (Make that point very obvious and clear to the people at the door.) Then just don't answer it... :D Or just use the 17 method.. Roll your eyes, sigh and just say "f off" *door shut heavily*
Just shut the door on them simple... Or look out a window (Make that point very obvious and clear to the people at the door.) Then just don't answer it... :D Or just use the 17 method.. Roll your eyes, sigh and just say "f off" *door shut heavily*
A fine characteristic that Jesus manifested was a pattern of thought and action that was always positive. He never allowed the negative attitude of others to influence his own fine attitude toward serving God; neither should we. When reproached and persecuted because of worshiping God faithfully, Jesus patiently endured without complaining. He knew that opposition from an unbelieving and uncomprehending world can be expected by those who try to please their neighbor “in what is good for his upbuilding.”:)
A fine characteristic that Jesus manifested was a pattern of thought and action that was always positive. He never allowed the negative attitude of others to influence his own fine attitude toward serving God; neither should we. When reproached and persecuted because of worshiping God faithfully, Jesus patiently endured without complaining. He knew that opposition from an unbelieving and uncomprehending world can be expected by those who try to please their neighbor “in what is good for his upbuilding.”:)

Neither was He aggressive in His ways with His message.
I knock on doors.

Why is it surprising to people that certain Christians feel they have an obligation to spread the Gospel to all the world, starting with our neighborhood? Is it not a command of our Lord? (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8)

Or is it the method that bothers you? Well, didn't Jesus send the seventy out two by two? (Luke 10)

In my experience, for every tenth 17th we knock doors to (and get slammed in our faces), there is someone whose heart is open to listen to the Gospel and respond to the invitation to Christ.

Now I realize that the little time spent is not going to make them disciples. We understand that we are really just cracking a window into a lifelong relationship with God. But we bring hope to those who are looking for hope. And you'll be surprised nowadays just how religiously illiterate people are. How they have never heard of the gospel that Jesus died for their sins, how heaven is opened for them, how they can get to know God.

I'm not one to stick my foot in the door like some saleman trying to sell overpriced vacuum cleaners. If someone doesn't wish to listen to the message, then it's time to walk away.

But even if I'm cussed at or have the doors slammed in my face or have a doorknob worshipper stating that his adoration of brass makes him happy, I'm fine with that because what makes up for all that are the tears of people who find that Someone does love them, when they never knew much about that love before. And the joy they find when they know their sins are forgiven.

So I knock on doors.
as salaam aleykum Dondi

I take my hat off to you, I couldn't do it. I like to know my audience are at least interested in what I am saying even if they don't agree with it.

I would have no problem putting leaflets through doors inviting people to talk about my faith and they could call me if they were interested in hearing more. Then again I could never be a sales person either because I could only sell to people interested in the product. :eek:

as salaam aleykum Dondi

I take my hat off to you, I couldn't do it. I like to know my audience are at least interested in what I am saying even if they don't agree with it.

I would have no problem putting leaflets through doors inviting people to talk about my faith and they could call me if they were interested in hearing more. Then again I could never be a sales person either because I could only sell to people interested in the product. :eek:


It's not easy to do, Muslimwoman. I'm not naturally extroverted, by no means. In fact, I'm somewhat socially inept. There is a sense of forboding and fear that comes when knocking on a stranger's door, at least at first. You never know who's gonna answer. And you hope you don't stand there stammering like Jackie Gleason (hamada, hamada). But after a few doors, you become a bit more confident. Most people are pretty polite about it. But phenomenally, every week when I start out again on visitation, that fear grips me again. I don't no why. Stage jitters, I guess.

Let me make one thing clear, at least in my case. I do not have to go out door knocking. My church does not keep tabs on how often I do it, nor do I do it to win "brownie" points with God. I go out because I want to. Despite my head telling me not too, my heart compels me to reach people for God. For you see, I have this hope in me that I want to share. I want people to know the goodness of God, the love of God.

And so if you find someone knocking at your door, try to understand that we really don't mean no harm and our intention isn't really to annoy you, though it might. If people are sensible, they will bid you adieu and not bother you again, at least for some time. (Yes, we sometimes go back to neighborhood we've already been to, but usually wait at least several months to a year. But depending on the time and day, I'd say 60% of the houses we knock on aren't even home.)
It's not easy to do, Muslimwoman. I'm not naturally extroverted, by no means.

Well you have my admiration Dondi, I am a total extrovert by nature but I couldn't do it. I could stand in front of 4 million people and waffle all day but ask me to knock on a door and I would get chicken and run away.

Despite my head telling me not too, my heart compels me to reach people for God. For you see, I have this hope in me that I want to share. I want people to know the goodness of God, the love of God.

May I play devils advocate for a moment. Would your time not be better spent talking with people that want to hear about your faith, that want to learn? I post on a forum for Muslims but people that join do so as Muslims, those considering converting and those just interested in learning. Is there nothing like that for you, where you can share the love of G-d with people that are receptive to hearing it?
I used to have to go door-to-door handing out religious pamphlets when I was a kid. It's harder for people to turn away a child. I hated it. I understand that people feel compelled in different ways to proselytize this way. I hope they understand that me running them off isn't personal. There's no reason why I have to entertain telemarketers, cold callers, or missionaries, and I don't. I don't owe them my time.

I don't have an issue with people spreading the good news, of course I don't, but this method bothers me. Not only are they NOT invited and disruptive, but then some of them have the nerve to try and question my beliefs after disrespecting me in the first place by coming uninvited.

Especially JWs and Mormons.

I try to have patience, but sometimes there is just nothing left to do but to bid them to leave and shut the door.

And I believe in the trinity, obviously, and I'm not going to be too thrilled about having someone come to my door and tell me heresy.

It takes a special person to be a missionary, I don't have that gift, and hey, kudos to you if you do, but door-to-door is just not the best way to do it.
That's all an well... But, if you came to my door... And I gave you the most aggressive look and told you to you know *beep*off... Would you ever knock on my door again? Also would you tell the friends to avoid the door?
we all have bad days , people are like that one day but the next they are in a better mood . there was a time when i didnt open the door i would just wait till they had gone , and look at me now i am on the other side of the door :) knowing that there are people who are sheeplike out there, keeps us going back regardless of the opposition. but even if there are no more sheeplike ones out there it is putting people on notice. that is what the GOODNEWS is all about . people cannot say that the preaching of the GOODNEWS is not being done because it is GLOBAL matthew 24;14
(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.

Remeber in Noahs day , it was only a few who escaped because those who escaped were willling to act on Gods instructions when he told them about building a place of escape and getting in there . it was to late to try and get in at the last minute because it was God who shut the door of the place of safety. but talking about NOW the door is still open at the momment but soon when it is Gods time the door will be closed . not by man but by God . responding before the GREAT TRIBULATION is the thing to do . then we can be in a good place of spiritual concealment. Yes there are many opposers out there but for now the preaching of the Goodnews goes on .
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14

(Matthew 28:19) Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit,

(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.

(Romans 10:18) Nevertheless I ask, They did not fail to hear, did they? Why, in fact, “into all the earth their sound went out, and to the extremities of the inhabited earth their utterances.”

(Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people,
Mee... You heard the infamous story of the JW door to door? My friend who is an elder said that this lady went to a rapists door (Alone) and she got away without any harm.... and he was caught a day or two after... She went to see him in prison to ask why he didn't invite her in and you know rape her.... He said because there was the other JW guy standing at the end of the garden path looking down to the doorway..... Spooky eh?