Anyone here from Glasgow,Scotland,UK?

Oh,pathless! That photo looks like incriminating evidence(LOL!)
It has shades of Maria making the kids new outfits from curtains in the Sound of Music....
And so God-like in the dancing(moving in mysterious ways).:rolleyes:
I'm interested in the Sufis,and not sure where(or even "if")they fit into the main tenets of Islam-do you know much about them yourself?

Hi Chaos

Loving the avatar. :)

I was born in Germany but have lived all over the world. One day we shall have to swap stories about moving for love, wow I have ended up in some wierd places in the name of love and lived to regret it of course ;)

Yes I am interested in Sufism too, it is a much gentler side of Islam which appeals to me very much but they do tend to go a little far at times (but then which religious group doesn't). As far as the tenants go Sufi's do follow them, as they believe in the Oneness of Allah, they perform the daily prayers, fast, they reject hoarding of wealth and embrace giving charity (which cannot be said for many Muslims these days) and they perform pilgrimage. These are the 5 tenants of Islam so nobody can claim Sufi's do not follow them, although some go overboard and live like monks which is rejected by Islam. Where they tend to also be rejected is that they follow the Quran and their inner knowledge of right and wrong. They reject the hadiths (the narrated stories about the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)) as inauthentic (I can see their point to a degree).

Hi,Muslimwoman,again "thanks" for the post and I have Pathless to thank for both recommending and giving me instructions how to implement the Avatar!
The info about the Sufis was interesting-I had always seen them as the more "mystical" side of Islam,in the same way that the Kabbalah is for Judaism and Saint Theresa/Meister Eckhart are for Christianity.
As I've said,I've been to Cairo & environs,also Jordan(Dead Sea & Petra)and now Istanbul....Istanbul surprised me-I had been led to believe that it(Turkey) was largely secular after the influence of Ataturk,but of course there were lots of ladies in traditional Muslim clothing(though not as far as the Burka)
The Hagia Sofia has now been declared secularised and is now a museum,but I did go into the Blue Mosque and it's impossible not to feel a sense of awe!
As for "love".....Now going through a rather unpleasant divorce and at a low ebb with confidence/self-esteem etc.
I've been to a few places in Germany-may I ask where your birthplace was?
P.S.I love your own Avatar! The eyes have it....Please excuse my profound ignorance,but is that the Arabic word for the name of Allah on the lady's forehead?